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North America Yucatan Peninsula South America Andes Mts.

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Presentation on theme: "North America Yucatan Peninsula South America Andes Mts."— Presentation transcript:

1 North America Yucatan Peninsula South America Andes Mts.

2 Toltec Empire Geographic commonalities? Incan Empire Aztec Empire Mayan Empire

3 Map Label from pg. 23 in Atlas
Pacific Ocean Cities Atlantic Ocean Tenochtitlan North America Chichen Itza South America Cuzco Mesoamerica Gulf of Mexico Amazon River Andes Mountains Yucatan Peninsula Caribbean Sea Mayas Aztec Empire Incan Empire Incan Road System

4 Characteristics of Mayan, Aztec, and Incan Civilizations
Major Civilizations of the Western Civilization Characteristics of Mayan, Aztec, and Incan Civilizations Characteristic Mayans Aztecs Incas Dates 250 B.C. – A.D. 900 A.D – 1521 A.D Location Central American rain forest – Yucatan Peninsula Valley in Central Mexico – modern Mexico City Andes Mountains – west coast of South America Represented by Chichen Itza Tenochtitlan Machu Picchu Political Style/Rule Independent city-states; ruled by god-kings Emperor Economy (Based on?) Agriculture & trade Mainly Maize! Agriculture + Tribute from conquered peoples High-altitude, terrace agriculture; Maize, potatoes & variety of other crops Religion Polytheistic/animistic – ancestor + sun worship pyramids/temples + human sacrifice Polytheistic/animistic; pyramids/temples Ancestor + Sun God Extensive human sacrifice!! Polytheistic/animistic ancestor + sun worship Achievements/Characteristics Advances = math, calendars, astronomy Most advanced writing! Mysterious decline Society based on warfare, expansion and tribute! Conquered by Spanish - Calendars Extensive road system Linked empire + helped rule

5 Chart Analysis Politically, how did the Mayas differ from the Aztecs and Incas? What main crop was the foundation of agriculture for the Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas? Write a sentence describing the religious commonality between the Mayas, Aztecs and Incas. Write a sentence describing a religious difference between the groups. How may the Mayas have benefitted from their achievements? Who do you think was the most war-like and aggressive of the 3 groups? Why do you think the Incas needed an extensive road system more than the Mayas & Aztecs? Which 2 groups were more influenced by the Europeans? Why?

6 Maize = Foundation of Mesoamerican agriculture

7 Aztec religious temple
in Mexico

8 Mayan religious temple
Chichen Itza Mayan religious temple

9 Machu Picchu Incan city in Andes Mts.

10 Part of massive Incan road system through the Andes Mountains

11 Incan road system

12 Warm Up: Commonalities?
Toltec Empire 968 C.E ? Warm Up: Commonalities? Incan Empire 1438 C.E Aztec Empire Mayan Empire 250 B.C.E.-900 C.E.


14 Chinampas = Aztec farming technique

15 Aztec farming technique
Chinampas Aztec farming technique

16 Aztec farming technique
Chinampas Aztec farming technique

17 Chinampas = Aztec farming technique

18 Aztec Chinampas farming technique

19 Chinampas

20 Aztec Chinampa System Main Purpose
Reason for Technique/Obstacle being overcome Beneficial Characteristics Aztec Chinampa System How Constructed Addition Benefits to Society

21 Treaty of Tordesillas Created 7 June 1494 in Tordesillas, Spain
Ratified 2 July 1494 in Spain 5 September 1494 in Portugal Authors Pope Alexander VI Signatories Ferdinand II of Aragon John II of Portugal Purpose To divide trading and colonizing rights for all newly discovered lands between Spain and Portugal to the exclusion of other European nations Most of S. Amer & all of N.Amer. To Spain Brazil to Portugal

22 1494 Spain Portugal Most of S. Amer & all of N.Amer. to Spain
Brazil to Portugal 1494





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