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Http://studyjams. scholastic

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1 http://studyjams. scholastic

2 A stem and leaf plot is a quick way to organize large amounts of data.
What is a stem-and-leaf plot? A stem and leaf plot is a quick way to organize 
large amounts of data.

3 Creating a stem-and leaf plot...
Step 1: The stem will be the digits in the tens place, in this 
case the numbers 6 to 10. Place them in order vertically 
from smallest to largest. Stem Leaf

4 Creating a stem-and leaf plot...
Step 2: Working from left to right in the data set, 
place the "leaves" (the digits in the ones 
place) in the corresponding rows. Stem Leaf

5 Creating a stem-and leaf plot...
Step 3: Next, put the "leaves" in order from smallest to greatest. Stem Leaf

6 Creating a stem-and leaf plot...
Step 4: Finally, create a key or legend and a title. Stem Leaf Test Scores

7 Stem-and-Leaf Plot Raffle tickets sold per student Stem Leaf 4 5 6 7 8 1 5 5 1 = 51 Key Always include a key or legend. The 'leaf' holds the ones digit of the number The 'stem' holds the digits to the left of the 'leaf', usually the 
tens and hundreds digits.

8 Stem-and-leaf plot Raffle tickets sold per student What was the least number of tickets sold? Stem Leaf 1 5 4 5 6 7 8 40 5 1 = 51 Key What was the greatest number of tickets sold? 84 In which interval were most tickets sold?

9 Stem-and-leaf plot How many students sold 66 tickets? Stem Leaf 1 5 4 5 6 7 8 Raffle tickets sold per student 5 1 = 51 Key Raffle tickets sold per student 3 students Stem Leaf How many students sold over 70 
tickets? 4 5 6 7 8 Key 7 students 5 1 = 51 1 5 Altogether, how many students sold tickets? 15 How many tickets did they sell? 1,022 ( )

10 Make a stem-and-leaf plot
12 10 15 21 33 22 34 34 35 Hours spent on homework per week Stem Leaf Stem Leaf 1 2 1 2 3 __ __ = __ Key 1 1 2 1 5 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 5

11 Analyze the stem-and-leaf plot
Hours spent on homework per week Stem Leaf 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 = 21 Key What was the least amount of time spent on homework? 10 hours How many students spent over 30 hours on homework? 4 35 What was the most time spent on homework? On average what fraction of the day (24 hours) did 
this student spend doing their homework? 5/24

12 Find the mean, median and mode
Hours spent on homework per week 10 12 15 21 22 33 34 35 216 216 ÷ 9 = 24 + Mean = 24 Stem Leaf 1 2 3 2 1 = 21 Key 1 2 Stem Leaf 1 2 1 2 3 Mode = 34 Mode Median Stem Leaf 1 2 1 2 3 Median = 22 Mean

13 Stem and Leaf Grade: «grade» Subject: «subject» Date: «date»

14 What was the greatest number of points earned?
1 What was the greatest 
number of points earned? Numeric Points Earned by Volleyball Team

15 What was the least number of points earned?
2 What was the least number 
of points earned? Numeric Points Earned by Volleyball Team

16 How many teams earned more than 50 points?
3 How many teams earned 
more than 50 points? Numeric Points Earned by Volleyball Team

17 What was the difference 
between the greatest and least 
number of points earned ?
4 Numeric Points Earned by Volleyball Teams

18 How many volleyball teams played in the tournament ?
5 Numeric Remember, each game has 2 scores! Points Earned by Volleyball Teams

19 http://studyjams. scholastic

20 Line Plots Definition:
A graph that shows how often something 

occurs by stacking X's above each data 

value on a number line. Features: 1) Counts how often something occurs. 2) Counts with vertical tallies or X's. 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5

21 Create your own line plot
Color: Tally: Frequency: Red Blue Green Pink Yellow Orange Purple

22 Money Earned Mowing Lawns

23 1) TITLE 2) KEY

24 X's need to be the same height/width
Data: 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 8, 8, 10, 10, 12, 12, 15


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