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Intro to CS – Honors I Merge Sort GEORGIOS PORTOKALIDIS

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2 MergeSort MergeSort can be very easily expressed using recursion ◦Also called Top-Down MergeSort A fine example of divide-and-conquer algorithm ◦Break down a problem to smaller pieces and attack those In simple words ◦The array to be sorted is divided in half ◦The two halves are sorted using recursion ◦The two sorted arrays are merged to form a single sorted array

3 MergeSort Algorithm 1. If the array a has only one element, do nothing (base case). Otherwise, do the following (recursive case): 2. Copy the first half of the elements in a to a smaller array named firstHalf. 3. Copy the rest of the elements in the array a to another smaller array named lastHalf. 4. Sort the array firstHalf using a recursive call. 5. Sort the array lastHalf using a recursive call. 6. Merge the elements in the arrays firstHalf and lastHalf into the array a

4 Visualizing MergeSort

5 Merge Process MergeSort divides an array into two parts ◦firstHalf and lastHalf ◦Both of these arrays are sorted  Their smallest element is in firstHalf[0] and lastHalf[0] The smallest element in both arrays is the smallest between firstHalf[0] and lastHalf[0] ◦We can copy/move that into the result array a Assuming the smallest element was in firstHalf[0], the next smallest element is the smallest between firstHalf[1] and lastHalf[0]

6 Merge Process int firstHalfIndex = 0, lastHalfIndex = 0, aIndex = 0; while (Some_Condition) { if (firstHalf[firstHalfIndex] < lastHalf[lastHalfIndex]) { a[aIndex] = firstHalf[firstHalfIndex]; aIndex++; firstHalfIndex++; } else { a[aIndex] = lastHalf[lastHalfIndex]; aIndex++; lastHalfIndex++; } What is the condition to terminate the loop? while ((firstHalfIndex < firstHalf.length) && (lastHalfIndex < lastHalf.length)) Loop until one of the arrays are exhausted The loop has moved all the elements of one array. So we just need to move the remaining elements into a

7 //Precondition: Arrays firstHalf and lastHalf are sorted from //smallest to largest; a. length = firstHalf.length + lastHalf.length. //Postcondition: Array a contains all the values from firstHalf //and lastHalf and is sorted from smallest to largest. private static void merge(int[] a, int[] firstHalf, int[] lastHalf) { int firstHalfIndex = 0, lastHalfIndex = 0, aIndex = 0; while ((firstHalfIndex < firstHalf.length) && (lastHalfIndex < lastHalf.length)) { if (firstHalf[firstHalfIndex] < lastHalf[lastHalfIndex]) { a[aIndex] = firstHalf[firstHalfIndex]; firstHalfIndex++; } else { a[aIndex] = lastHalf[firstHalfIndex]; lastHalfIndex++; } aIndex++; } //At least one of firstHalf and lastHalf has been completely //copied to a. Copy rest of firstHalf, if any. while (firstHalfIndex < firstHalf.length) { a[aIndex] = firstHalf[firstHalfIndex]; aIndex++; firstHalfIndex++; } //Copy rest of lastHalf, if any. while (lastHalfIndex < lastHalf.length) { a[aIndex] = lastHalf[lastHalfIndex]; aIndex++; lastHalfIndex++; }

8 Dividing an Array //Precondition: a.length = firstHalf.length + lastHalf.length. //Postcondition: All the elements of a are divided //between the arrays firstHalf and lastHalf. private static void divide(int[] a, int[] firstHalf, int[] lastHalf) { for (int i = 0); i < firstHalf.length; i++) firstHalf[i] = a[i]; for (int i = 0; i < lastHalf.length; i++) lastHalf[i] = a[firstHalf.length + i]; }

9 Back to MergeSort /** Precondition: Every indexed variable of the array a has a value. Postcondition: a[0] <= a[1] <=... <= a[a. length - 1]. */ public static void sort(int[] a) { if (a.length >= 2) { int halfLength = a.length / 2; int[] firstHalf = new int[halfLength]; int[] lastHalf = new int[a.length - halfLength]; divide(a, firstHalf, lastHalf); sort(firstHalf); sort(lastHalf); merge(a, firstHalf, lastHalf); } //else do nothing. a.length == 1, so a is sorted. } Why not create the arrays within divide?

10 MergeSort Characteristics For an array with n elements, we need to divide the array in half, similarly to a binary search If the length of the array is ◦odd, the array is split to segments of (n-1)/2 length ◦even, the array is split into a (n/2)-1 and a (n/2) segment So dividing the array requires x iterations, similarly to binary search, its worst case is x <= log 2 (n) However, for each divide we need to also merge the two halves, and in the worst case this requires n copies So in total we require k operations where k <= nlog2(n) The complexity in terms of performance is O(nlog(n)) MergeSort also has space overhead, it requires 2n locations

11 Other Versions of Merge Sort There are variants of MergeSort that do in-place sorting but it is slower ◦No additional space is required ◦Complexity rises to O(n log 2 n) ◦Additional reading ◦ ◦

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