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1. act(ag) drive(force),do. 1. act(ag) agitate-ag(force) ate(make,do) agent-ag(do) ent(one who) react-re(back,again) act(do)

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Presentation on theme: "1. act(ag) drive(force),do. 1. act(ag) agitate-ag(force) ate(make,do) agent-ag(do) ent(one who) react-re(back,again) act(do)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. act(ag) drive(force),do

2 1. act(ag) agitate-ag(force) ate(make,do) agent-ag(do) ent(one who) react-re(back,again) act(do)

3 2. andr male

4 2. andr android-andr(male) oid(resembling, having char.)

5 3. arthr joint

6 3. arthr arthritis-arthr(joint) itis (inflammation) arthropathy-arthr(joint) path(disease) y(result of)

7 4. biblio book

8 4. biblio bible-biblio(book) bibliography-biblio(book) graph(write,record) y(result of) bibliophile-biblio(book) phil(love)

9 5. calli(kali) beautiful

10 5. calli(kali) calligraphy-calli(beautiful) graph(write) y(result of) kaleidoscope-kali(beautiful) eidos(form) scop(look)

11 6. capit head

12 6. capit capital-capit(head) al(related to) decapitate-de(down,from) capit(head) ate(make,do)

13 7. chron time

14 7. chron chronic-chron(time) ic(having characteristics of) chronological-chron(time) log(study) al(related to) synchronize-syn(together) chron(time) ize(make,do)

15 8. emia blood condition

16 8. emia anemia-an(lacking,without) emia(blood)** lacking iron in your blood** toxemia-tox(poison) emia(blood) leukemia-leak(white) emia(blood )**uncontrolled multiplication of white blood cells**

17 9. flu flow

18 9. flu fluent-flue(flow) ent(full of) superfluous-super(over,above) flu(flow) ous(full of)

19 10. fus pour

20 10. fus confuse-con(together) fus(pour)

21 11. gno know

22 11. gno ignorance-i(not) gno(know) ance(state, condition) prognosis-pro(forward,before) gno(know) sis(process)

23 12. greg flock, gather

24 12. greg segregate-se(apart,away) greg(gather) ate(make,do) congregation-con(together) greg(flock) tion(act of)

25 13. hem(hemo) blood

26 13. hem(hemo) hemorrhage-hemo(blood) rrhage(flow) **excessive bleeding** hemophilia- hemo(blood) phil(love,fondness) ia(condition)** when the blood does not clot** hematology-hemat(blood) logy(study of)

27 14. ism belief,doctrine

28 14. ism communism- communis(common) ism(doctrine) egoism-ego(self) ism(belief)

29 15. jur swear

30 15. jur juror-jur(swear) or(one who) perjury-per(thoroughly) jur(swear) y(result of)** to falsely testify under oath**

31 16. lat side

32 16. lat lateral-later(side) al(related to) unilateral-uni(one) later(side) al(related to) quadrilateral-quadr(four) later(side) al(related to)

33 17. mania craze,obsession

34 17. mania maniac-mania(obsession) kleptomania-klept(steal) mania(obsession) pyromania-pyro(fire) mania(obsession)

35 18. neuro nerve,brain

36 18. neuro neurology-neuro(nerve,brain) logy(study of) neuralgia-neuro(nerve,brain) alg(pain) ia(condition) neurectomy-neuro(nerve) ec(out) tom(cut ) y(result of)

37 19. ped(pod) foot

38 19. ped(pod) pedal-ped(foot) al(related to) pedestrian-ped(foot) ian(one who) podiatrist-pod(food) iatr(cure,heal) ist(one who)

39 20. rupt break, burst

40 20. rupt rupture-rupt(burst) ure(state of) erupt-e(out) rupt(burst) interrupt-inter(between,among) rupt(break)

41 21. scrib(script) write

42 21. scrib(script) scribble-scrib(write) post script-post(after) script(write)

43 22. terr land,earth

44 22. terr terrain-terr(land) ain(related to) inter-in(in,into) ter(earth) bury

45 23. tors(tort) twist

46 23. tors(tort) torso-tors(twist) distort-dis(apart,away) tort(twist)

47 24. vers(vert) turn

48 24. vers(vert) reverse-re(back) vers(turn) convert-con(together) vert(turn)

49 25. vor eat

50 25. vor devour-de(down) vor(eat) carnivorous-carn(flesh,meat) vor(eat) ous(full of) voracious-vor(eat) cious(having qualities of) **VERY hungry**

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