Observations and next works from the recent tests of the insertion tools of Mini-Drawers at CERN Roméo Bonnefoy and François Vazeille Tilecal Operation.

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Presentation on theme: "Observations and next works from the recent tests of the insertion tools of Mini-Drawers at CERN Roméo Bonnefoy and François Vazeille Tilecal Operation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Observations and next works from the recent tests of the insertion tools of Mini-Drawers at CERN Roméo Bonnefoy and François Vazeille Tilecal Operation and Maintenance weekly meeting CERN (4 July 2013)  Main goals of these tests and first conclusions  Observations and possible improvements  Planning of next works and tests 1

2 Main goals of these tests and first conclusions  Main goals  Tests of the whole system ″Tilecal Module  Finger  Slider  Basket  Mini-Drawers”.  Practical approach of the design of the new Basket - Starting from a pre-prototype (Basket Version 1) having the simplest design (close to the Slider design) and being as light as possible and as short as possible. - ″User tests″ in true conditions  practical observations  True prototype (Basket Version 2) for the Demonstrator. 2

3  Full validation of the concept, with loaded Mini-Drawers.  Next tests (cabling, insertions, etc.) could be made without any load and even without Finger if they concern the Slider insertions. (Tests of Mini-Drawers in several Tilecal Modules positions previously reported). Slider Mini-Drawer Basket 3  First conclusions

4 Observations and possible improvements  Deduced from complete tests, with Mini-Drawers - not loaded (1 Mini-Drawer weights 9 kg), - loaded (1 Mini-Drawer has a weight of 21 kg); by reproducing all the handling operations (Next slide). 4  List of proposed improvements and/or comments following 24 observations  Table of technical specifications and works (Attached file … in French).

5  Handling operations  Insertion - Insertion of the Slider inside an empty LB Module having a Finger. - Fixation of the Slider on the Finger. - Fixation of the Basket on the Slider. - Insertion of 4 Mini-Drawers (Empty, then loaded), after the High Volt cabling. - Dismounting of the Basket. - Dismounting of the Slider.  Extraction: the important test was the Slider insertion, in presence of Mini-Drawers  Contacts with both Girder-Rings and Drawers. - Insertion of the Slider inside the instrumented LB Module. - Fixation of the Slider on the Finger. - Fixation of the Basket on the Slider. - Extraction of the 4 Mini-Drawers (Empty then loaded), removing the HV cables. - Dismounting of the Basket. - Dismounting of the Slider. 5

6  Mini-Drawers 1. The Patch Panel cannot go across the Basket  Fixation screws of the lateral Basket parts. Solutions: - Here: 4 new cutting 4 x 10 mm 2. - Move the screws ? Countersunk screws (Pt 17) ? 6

7 2. The Patch Panel scrapes on the Basket spacers. 3. The Patch Panel scrapes at the Finger entrance. The square pieces that fix the Patch Panel on the Drawer body are complicated and not perfect. 7 Solutions: Rather to reduce by 1 mm the top and bottom of the P Panel. - To improve the square pieces. - To increase by 1 mm the space in the up and bottom parts of the Basket by increasing the lateral height of the Basket. SpacerFinger

8 4. The holes for the routing of HV and Readout cables are: - Centered for the HV. - Not centered for the Read-out. WHY ? Moreover, their sides are sharp and could damage the cables. Comment: The centering is the same for the standard ATLAS Drawers.  Softening the sides could be easy for casted drawers, more difficult for machined drawers. 5. The access holes to the screwing of PMT Blocks are deep and make difficult the blocking of PMT Blocks. Solution: Why not having a long groove all along the Drawer by keeping the mechanical guiding of the locking screws. 8

9 6. The HV cables are slightly too short  Difficult connections to the Patch Panel. Solution: To make longer cables. 7. The first cable tray is too much filled (3 multiconductor cables). Solution: To increase its width but not its height. 8. Measures of the available envelops - Read-out: 42,5 mm. - HV: 36,2 mm with cable tray: 3,75 mm. Comment: To check on the drawings. 9. The spring fixation screws are rather long on the HV side. Comment: Shorter ? Having different screws on 2 sides would be a bad choice.  Making a long groove (See point N°5) enables to keep the same screws. 9 A look from below

10 11. Internal connections to the Patch Panel are difficult. Solution: To think about a removable Patch Panel ? Why not ″clipsable” ? 10. Are the mechanical links giving the requested precision on the PMT step? Solution: at least, use of the present ATLAS method. (Use of standard screws and small tubes instead of shoulder screws) 10

11  Slider 12.Its entrance inside the Module is difficult. Solution: To make smoother the end of the brass plates both in the transverse and in the longitudinal directions 13. The Slider insertion is difficult. Solution: To increase slightly the opening, also in the 2 directions. 11

12 14. The number of Girder Rings in contact with the Slider has been increased for the EB Modules but is only 1 and 2 for the LB Modules. Comment: The first Girder Ring of an LB Module is shifted/EB Module. Solution: To insure 2 and 3 for the LB Modules (3 and 4 for the EB Modules). It will be good also if a long Basket is designed in the future. 12

13 15. The rest screws are coming inside the reference holes of Fingers: (double holes): the screwing can shift the rest screws. Solution: To position the rest screws on a free space of the Finger.  Request of 4 new tappings on the vertical part of Slider. 16. The Slider will be used a lot of times: the iron screws will damage the aluminum threads. Solution: Iron ″inserts″ ? 13

14  Basket 17. The 4 fixation screws do not insure enough contact to the lateral faces  The Basket has a tendency to bore (to tilt). Solution: To increase its stiffness.  Countersunk screws ?  Mechanical pointers ? Additional external pieces (There is room) ? 14

15 18. Difficult handling access for connecting 2 Mini-Drawers, and difficulty for screwing a PMT Block because of the external part. Solutions: - To modify the Spacer (To reduce it or to enlarge it ?). - To keep the external part of the Spacer well at the gravity center but to shift the first hole position. 15

16 19.No space for putting the adjustment piece of the PMT Block /Girder Ring. Solution: To open the access to the plexi piece. 20. A single access hole (Position 1 or 2) to PMT Block, plus external (3). Solution: To insure a simultaneous access to 1 and 2, while keeping the position 3. (See also Point 18). 123 16

17 21. The white guides are not enough long when connecting 2 Mini-Drawers and also when a Mini-Drawer is inserted. Solution: To make them longer. 22. The internal connections to the Patch Panel are not easy. Solution: Movable and clipsable Patch Panel (Point N°11) ? 17 White guide

18 23. The Patch-Panel and its handle are going outside the Basket. Solution: To center better the Mini-Drawer by shifting the locking pieces. 18

19  Tests within a restricted space. 95 cm Comment: A space of 95 cm is enough for any operation  Very good in the cavern ! 24. Handling operations inside a restricted space. 19

20 Planning of next works and tests  Next users: Chicago and Stockholm by September  Realistic tests using the Demonstrator Option 1.  Preliminary tests made by Clermont-Ferrand, even though there is no Finger.  New tools must be available on September.  New works to do  List of specifications (Attached file … in French). - Modifications of the Patch-Panel. - Version 3 of Slider. - Version 2 of Basket. - Study of a long Basket (once other works will be completed). 20

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