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What do you notice? If there were an Olympic contest for talking, Shelly Stalls would sweep the event. - from Flipped.

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Presentation on theme: "What do you notice? If there were an Olympic contest for talking, Shelly Stalls would sweep the event. - from Flipped."— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you notice? If there were an Olympic contest for talking, Shelly Stalls would sweep the event. - from Flipped

2 Mood - shows the manner in which a thought is expressed - indicates a state or reality Subjunctive - Expresses doubt or something contrary to fact or reality - A wish, desire, or imaginary situation Verb Mood

3 If there were an Olympic contest for talking, Shelly Stalls would sweep the event. If there were an Olympic contest for creeping people out, Edgar Allan Poe would scare everyone away from the event. If there were an Olympic contest for fetching, Spot wouldn’t even make the first cut.

4 If there were an Olympic contest for talking, Shelly Stalls would sweep the event. If there were an Olympic contest for creeping people out, Edgar Allan Poe would scare everyone away from the event. If there were an Olympic contest for fetching, Spot wouldn’t even make the first cut. If he were the king of the world, he would throw a massive party for all of his friends that would last for days.

5 See the patterns the author used. Write a sentence: - that reflects your own ideas. - uses the same pattern. If there were an Olympic contest for talking, Shelly Stalls would sweep the event. If there were an Olympic contest for creeping people out, Edgar Allan Poe would scare everyone away from the event. If there were an Olympic contest for fetching, Spot wouldn’t even make the first cut. If he were the king of the world, he would throw a massive party for all of his friends that would last for days. If ___ were a/an ______________, ____ would _______________________.

6 Quiz Which is the correct version of subjunctive mood? What do the incorrect versions do to the reader? A.If I were the President, I would declare every day a holiday. B.If I were the President I would declare every day a holiday. C.If I was the President, I would declare every day a holiday.

7 Other Forms of Subjunctive Mood: I wish that people were less dependent on their cell phones. If she were to wear the outfit to dinner with her parents, it might make them upset. May you have many more birthdays. I suggest that John arrive on Monday. I recommended that each student take a form. I doubt that Mom would forget your birthday.

8 The solution might explode if I add this acid.

9 If I feel well, I sing. If I feel well, I will sing. If I felt well, I would have sung.

10 Subjunctive - Expresses doubt or something contrary to fact or reality - A wish, desire, or imaginary situation Conditional - A state where an outcome is dependent on another event Verb Mood - shows the manner in which a thought is expressed - indicates a state or reality

11 Give me back my money. (You) give me back my money.

12 Verb Mood Subjunctive - Expresses doubt or something contrary to fact or reality - A wish, desire, or imaginary situation Conditional - A state where an outcome is dependent on another event Imperative - Indicates a command - shows the manner in which a thought is expressed - indicates a state or reality

13 Will you study for the test? Do you think you will pass? Has the class finished taking the exam?

14 Verb Mood Subjunctive - Expresses doubt or something contrary to fact or reality - A wish, desire, or imaginary situation Conditional - A state where an outcome is dependent on another event Imperative - Indicates a command Interrogative - A state of questioning - shows the manner in which a thought is expressed - indicates a state or reality

15 We plan to go to New York City next fall. I’ll follow you to the store. It looks like it will rain soon. Joe will drive to the mall but walk to the school.

16 Verb Mood Subjunctive - Expresses doubt or something contrary to fact or reality - A wish, desire, or imaginary situation Conditional - A state where an outcome is dependent on another event Imperative - Indicates a command Interrogative - A state of questioning Indicative - Statement of fact or opinion - shows the manner in which a thought is expressed - indicates a state or reality

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