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Google Web Toolkit 2/15/10 Davis Ford Software Consultant Zeno Consulting, Inc.

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1 Google Web Toolkit 2/15/10 Davis Ford Software Consultant Zeno Consulting, Inc.

2 What Is Google Web Toolkit? 2/15/10 Development toolkit created, maintained, open- sourced by Google for developing complex JavaScript front-end applications Develop application in Java using your tool of choice Java-to-JavaScript cross-compiler compiles Java code down to highly optimized and (optionally) obfuscated JavaScript + CSS and HTML

3 What Makes Up GWT? 2/15/10 Java → JavaScript cross-compiler JRE emulation library: JavaScript implementations of commonly used J2SE class library (subset of: java.lang, java.util,, java.sql) UI Widget library (see GWT Showcase) Development Server (Jetty) Web browser GWT plugin → translates bytecode on- the-fly into DOM updates

4 Why? 2/15/10 Cross-browser compatibility issues Stick to web standards (no client side runtime required) History management & i18n support Re-useable UI components Support for client/server debugging Compile-time checks with Java + better code organization / re- use / maintainability Rapid development cycle (edit → refresh → view) Easy to test (if designed right)

5 Anatomy of a GWT Project Java  JavaScript must be under com.domain.client.* Server code goes anywhere not under com.domain.client.* war/WEB-INF  Standard J2EE stuff here Server code optional – does not have to be Java, but code sharing is nice 2/15/10

6 Anatomy of a GWT Project 2/15/10 public class Hello implements EntryPoint { public void onModuleLoad() { Button b = new Button("Click me", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Window.alert("Hello, AJAX"); } }); RootPanel.get().add(b); } GWT Module XML (e.g. Application.gwt.xml)  defines the application entry point and resource (e.g. CSS, 3 rd party widgets) needed by the application GWT EntryPoint  similar to Java static void main(String[] args)

7 WebApp Architecture (antiquated) 2/15/10 Presentation logic is all server-side (e.g. Struts/JSP) Life Above The Service Tier: Ganesh Prasad & Vikrant Todankar

8 WebApp Architecture (updated) 2/15/10 Service Oriented Front-End Architecture (SOFEA) or Service Oriented UI (SOUI) Presentation Logic moved into Rich Client Rich Client talks with service interface primarily for CRUD operations Better performance on client and server side  better scalability Simpler to develop, maintain and test

9 GWT Best Practices Based on Google I/O Talk (Ray Ryan, May 2009)Google I/O Talk (Ray Ryan, May 2009) Based on personal experience building real GWT apps. De-couple your design Application Event Bus (pub/sub pattern) Model-View-Presenter pattern Get history right early on Get security right – avoid Cross-Site Request Forgery (XSRF) 2/15/10

10 MVP Pattern Many different variants – most popular in GWT is Passive View ( View Presenter handles responses to UI events; also responsible for updating the View View is very, very thin – dumb logic, if any at all – contains layout and styles, etc. Presenter & View communicate through well-defined interface View has no knowledge of Presenter 2/15/10

11 High-Level Design 2/15/10

12 MVP Contrived Example 2/15/10 public class Presenter { public interface Display { User getUser(); HasClickHandlers loginClick(); } public Presenter(Display display, EventBus bus, AsyncService service) { display.loginClick().addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { User user = display.getUser(); service.login(user); }); } public class View extends Composite implements Presenter.Display { private TextBox nameBox; private TextBox passBox; private Button loginButton; public User getUser() { return new User(nameBox.getText(), passBox.getText()); } public HasClickHandlers loginClick() { return loginButton; } } public class Presenter { public interface Display { User getUser(); HasClickHandlers loginClick(); } public Presenter(Display display, EventBus bus, AsyncService service) { display.loginClick().addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { User user = display.getUser(); service.login(user); }); } public class View extends Composite implements Presenter.Display { private TextBox nameBox; private TextBox passBox; private Button loginButton; public User getUser() { return new User(nameBox.getText(), passBox.getText()); } public HasClickHandlers loginClick() { return loginButton; } }

13 Why MVP? Decoupling is nice Testing matters MVP makes it easy to test with pure JUnit + mock framework like EasyMock Can test almost all UI code with unit tests Some GWT classes cannot be instantiated without JavaScript cross-compiler (e.g. GWT.* Cookies.*, Widget, etc.) – push these dependencies under interfaces or leave them encapsulated in the View where you don’t care GwtTestCase: bootstrap takes ~20 seconds = yuck 2/15/10

14 Strategies for View Option 1: Programmatically lay it all out == BAD Maintainability nightmare Some things you are forced to do in CSS anyway (lack API) 2/15/10 VerticalPanel vPanel = new VerticalPanel(); vPanel.setHeight(200px); vPanel.setWidth(300px); vPanel.setCellSpacing(4); Button button = new Button(“Click Me”); button.setSize(“25px”, “10px”); vPanel.add(button);

15 Strategies for View Option 2: Structure in code, style in CSS == BETTER 2/15/10 VerticalPanel vPanel = new VerticalPanel(); vPanel.setStyleName(“vPanelStyle”); Button b = new Button(“Click Me”); b.setStyleName(“myButton”); vPanel.add(b);.vPanel { height: 200px; width: 3000px; etc… }

16 Strategies for View UiBinder: New feature in GWT 2.0 allows declarative UI with XML == BETTER STILL Structure and Style in XML  Binds to simple Java view class Easier transition for designers more comfortable with HTML/CSS Compile time checks of UI declaration vs. bound Java class Reduces boilerplate layout code; caveat: learn CSS very well 2/15/10 Keep your ducks in a row public class View { private static ViewUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(ViewUiBinder.class); interface ViewUIBinder extends UiBinder {} @UiField HorizontalPanel hPanel; @UiField Label label1; @UiField Label label2; }

17 Security Concerns XSRF: Attacker lures you to a page on their site with a link back to your site that calls a remote service – rides in on the Cookie, b/c you’ve already authenticated. Fix: Dupe cookie value and submit it as form data along with all remote service requests. Server compares copy of cookie in form with actual cookie in session. If they don’t match, you know XSRF occurred. Same origin-policy ensures that third-party site cannot access the cookie in your site. 2/15/10

18 Demo Application On GitHub: No license Demonstrates: MVP UiBinder Navigation History Security GWT-RPC CRUD with persistence layer (fake – no DB) Spring WebMVC and Dependency Injection on Server Side 2/15/10

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