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Vocabulary List #4 SAT Prep words English 11 Academic.

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2 Vocabulary List #4 SAT Prep words English 11 Academic

3 fortuitous (adjective) lucky; by chance Synonym: accidental, unexpected (in a good way) Double click on audio file to hear pronunciation.

4 recapitulate (verb) to summarize; to repeat in a shorter way Synonym: to review Double click on audio file to hear pronunciation.

5 perfunctory ( adjective) done without care; in a routine way Synonym: indifferent; offhand Double click on audio file to hear pronunciation.

6 hedonism (noun) the pursuit of pleasure especially of the senses Synonym: debauchery Double click on audio file to hear pronunciation.

7 debacle (noun) a complete failure; a total disaster Synonym: calamity; catastrophe Double click on audio file to hear pronunciation.

8 besmirch (verb) to make dirty; to stain Synonym: to soil, to smear Double click on audio file to hear pronunciation.

9 imperative (adjective) extremely necessary; vitally important Synonym: required; mandatory Double click on audio file to hear pronunciation.

10 sadistic (adjective) deriving pleasure from inflicting pain on others Synonym: perverse Double click on audio file to hear pronunciation.

11 demeanor (noun) the manner of conducting oneself Synonym: behavior Double click on audio file to hear pronunciation.

12 facetious (adjective) comical; in a joking way; flippant Synonym: witty Double click on audio file to hear pronunciation.

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