Can The Leaky Bucket Be Adapted To Non Economic Areas Of Analysis Bucket Team: Sri Mastuti Tanya Wasacase Melanie McTurk.

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Presentation on theme: "Can The Leaky Bucket Be Adapted To Non Economic Areas Of Analysis Bucket Team: Sri Mastuti Tanya Wasacase Melanie McTurk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Can The Leaky Bucket Be Adapted To Non Economic Areas Of Analysis Bucket Team: Sri Mastuti Tanya Wasacase Melanie McTurk

2 What is the fundamental ideology of ABCD ? ABCD is a methodology for the promotion of community driven development through the acknowledgement and utilization of the internal assets of a community: ABCD values the assets of the Human Sprit and fosters actions to nourish that spirit

3 Factors That Impact The Human Spirit Food, shelter, clothing, water, air Access and Control of basic needs Education, traditional knowledge, learning opportunities Learning And Creativity Physical environment, health of ecological system Ecological And Environment Transparency, accountability, participation, equal opportunity, inclusion, responsiveness Good Governance Wages, livelihoods activities, donor funds Economic Activities Family structure, sports groups, clubs, societies Social Interactions And Relationships Job security, housing, safety from threats Safety, Security And Peace

4 Applying leaky bucket to Good Governance Inflows: actions/ circumstance that enhance or support good governance Outflows: actions/circumstance that reduce or detract from good governance Within: skill/ modalities that exist in the community

5 Good Governance Bucket

6 Basic Requirements Bucket

7 Challenge It is challenging to quantify the inflow and outflow when bucket strategy is applied to a non empirical system. Suggestion: Instead of attributing quantitative value we could assign a qualitative value based on the level of significance to the community

8 Balancing Act inflow= left end outflow= right side Size of blocks represents the level of significance to the community

9 Conclusions: Leaky Bucket can be applied to other none economic analysis with varying success The ‘Balancing Act’ can be used to further support/ refine bucket dialogues where a qualitative rather than quantitative value may be more readily applied The Leaky Bucket should be used in collaboration with other ABCD tools Collectively the ABCD tools addressed the different factors that impacted the Human Spirit

10 Existing Issues: Is a pure asset based approach viable in the long term ? How do we directly address deficiencies in a community without the process becoming bogged down in negativity?

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