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Life of prayer 58 MELCHIOR DOZE, Jean-Marie Jesus Healing the Leper 1864 Musee des Beaux-Arts Nimes, France.

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1 Life of prayer 58 MELCHIOR DOZE, Jean-Marie Jesus Healing the Leper 1864 Musee des Beaux-Arts Nimes, France

2 Compendium of the Catechism 567. What times are more suitable for prayer? 2697-2698 2720 Any time is suitable for prayer but the Church proposes to the faithful certain rhythms of praying intended to nourish continual prayer: morning and evening prayer, prayer before and after meals, the Liturgy of the Hours, Sunday Eucharist, the Rosary, and feasts of the liturgical year.

3 Introduction St John Vianney recounts a peculiar case of prayer : A farmer used to visit the Church of Ars, in France, on his way to and from work. Leaving his hoe and bundle at the door, he used to come in and kneel for some time before the Tabernacle. The Saint had been watching him and realized that, although his eyes were fixed on the Tabernacle he did not move his lips. One day the Saint asked the farmer:  - Jean, what do you tell the Lord? And Jean replied:  - I don’t tell him anything; I look at him and he looks at me. What a marvellous story to show us how easy it is to pray! GREUZE, Jean Baptiste Morning Prayer Musee Cognacq-Jay, Paris France

4 Main ideas

5 1. Jesus invites us to pray always Man is a privileged yet needy creature. We depend on God, who fulfils our needs, and we pray to him, telling him our needs. Jesus continuously turned to his Father. St Luke recalls when “he told them a parable about the need to pray constantly and never lose heart" (Luke 18:1). Jesus, with his example and exhortations, wants us to understand the need for prayer. BRUEGHEL, Jan the elder (1568-1625) Christ Preaching At The Seaport Oil on panel 10 3/8 x 14 inches (26.4 x 35.7 cm) Private collection

6 2. When to pray God does not make us wait; he is the one who waits for us. We can always pray to God, but it is a good habit to set aside special times for prayer:  when getting up and going to bed  when visiting the Blessed Sacrament  after receiving Holy Communion  before beginning one’s daily work... The Mass is the moment of highest praise and thanksgiving to God, of petition for forgiveness of our sins, and of placing in God’s hands our needs. ELMORE, Alfred W. Supplication c.1850 Harris Museum and Art Gallery Preston, Lancashire, UK

7 3. Ways to pray There are endless ways to pray because God guides each one of us personally. Nevertheless, Christian tradition distinguishes the following principal kinds of prayer :  Vocal prayer. Prayer during which we pronounce the words, such as when saying the Our Father or the Hail Mary.  Mental prayer. We call it mental prayer because talking with God requires active engagement of the mind. Thought, imagination, feelings and desires all intervene. VON UHDE, Fritz Christ with the Peasants c.1887-88 Musee d'Orsay, Paris, France

8 4. Attributes of prayer Prayer well done is :  Pious: We have to pray like children, because before God that is what we are.  Humble: We are in constant need of God, and all the more so since we are sinners.  Confident: God loves us as a Father; trusting him, we know he will give us what is best.  Persevering: Pray time and time again, tirelessly and without ever becoming discouraged. At times we may feel that God does not grant us what we pray. Maybe we do not pray well, or we do not behave well, or we ask for inappropriate things. DEAN, Graham Prayer 1981 Private Collection

9 5. The value of prayer As we get used to praying we unite ourselves more and more to God, we understand better his plans for us and for others. Through prayer we are strengthened in our struggle to conquer evil and do good, and to face the difficulties of life with serenity and joy. GRANET, Francois-Marius Choir of Capuchin Friars, Rome Leeds Museums and Galleries (City Art Gallery) U.K.

10 Resolutions for Christian life

11 Resolutions to move forward Turn to God in every circumstance: in joy and sorrow, in abundance and in need. Set aside a few minutes every day for mental prayer. Strive to say our vocal prayers with piety and trust.

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