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Essential Question What makes you totally complete?

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question What makes you totally complete?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question What makes you totally complete?

2 Unit Questions What is the skeletal system? Why is oxygen important? Where does digestion begins? What are the three types of muscles?

3 The Body ED 498 Instructional Technology By Alma Wells

4 Overview Skeleton Digestive Muscles Respiratory Reproduction

5 The Human Skeleton 206 bones/flexible Bony framework Gives the body – Shape –Protect vital organs –System of levers –Enable the body to move

6 Continues Houses –Bone marrow –Blood-forming tissue Divided into two main parts Axial skeleton Head Neck Trunk Appendicular Arms Legs And their supports

7 Digestion Begins in the mouth Breaks down food /simple substances Intestinal wall (pass) Bloodstream Nourish the body

8 Muscle Over 600 elastic tissue Holds bones together Gives the body shape Three types –Skeletal muscle legs, arms, abdomen, chest, neck, and face –Smooth muscle Stomach, intestines, blood vessels, and bladder –Cardiac Walls of the heart

9 Respiratory Use of oxygen Divided 3 phrases –External Takes in oxygen & releases carbon dioxide –Cellular Chemical reactions that releases substance for cell function –Internal Oxygen transported to body tissue & carbon dioxide is carried away from them.

10 Reproduction create more of one’s own kind

11 Science is wonderfully equipped to answer the question "How?" but it gets terribly confused when you ask the question "Why?" Erwin Chargaff

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