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Chapter 8 Selecting a Biometric Presentation by Phani Dogiparthi.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 Selecting a Biometric Presentation by Phani Dogiparthi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8 Selecting a Biometric Presentation by Phani Dogiparthi

2 Contents: Biometric Attributes Properties of Applications Evaluating Biometric Options Cost and Affordability of Biometric Pros and Cons of Various Biometrics Myths and Misrepresentations

3 Factors Associated with choosing a Biometric

4 Comparison of the Various Attributes

5 Application Requisites What is the protected asset; Who are the authorized users and operators; Who are the adversaries of the application; What can be the costs of security violations; What is the actual cost of the security; and What is the added cost of inconvenience?

6 Categories of Applications Cooperative and Non-cooperative Overt and Covert Habituated and Non-habituated Attended and Non-attended Standard Environment Public and Private Open and Closed

7 Importance Weightings

8 Drawbacks of various Biometrics

9 Mismatch Calculation

10 Zephyr Charts

11 Characteristics Weighting Effortless Iris > Face > Finger > voice Non-intrusive Iris > Voice > Face > Finger Accurate Iris > Finger > Face ~ Voice Inexpensive Voice > Finger > Face > Iris

12 Affordability and Cost Total Cost of ownership Verification versus Identification Single and Multiple Authentication protocols Training -> System Training -> System Training -> Enrollment -> Enrollment Continued Enrollment Failure to Enroll User Education Supervisory Labor Maintenance Labor

13 Positives and Negatives of the Biometrics

14 Fingerprint - Pros Long Tradition of usage of fingerprint as immutable identification in law enforcement Existing of large databases of fingerprints comprising largely of criminals Forensic investigation uses fingerprint Sampling of the fingerprint is easy Conversion of fingerprints into digital images is getting easier, better and cheaper Various state departments of motor vehicles are working to establish a fingerprint biometric system for driver’s license and record data

15 Fingerprint-Cons Finger print suffer from poor public reputation Social stigma such that it is related to illiterate Variation occurs due to age, cut or due to working conditions Sampling variations due to improper usage of the apparatus Rare situations like people without fingers.

16 Face - Pros Photos are widely used and usage is public accepted Face recognition systems are least intrusive. In theory this biometric works with image sources In theory can be applied to identify criminals in crowd It is good biometric for small scale verification purpose

17 Face - Cons Face authentication requires images taken in a good controlled lighted environment Presently it is a poor biometric for usage in pure identification protocol Disguise - a major obstacle Usage may hamper due to social stigma

18 Voice - Pros Like face voice is natural biometric Voice sampling can also be obtained unobtrusively Great public acceptance of this biometric Voice uses inexpensive hardware and can be established on current communications systems Voice allows incremental protocols Voice may achieve high accuracy and flexibility when combined with knowledge verification Voice allows continuous identity checking

19 Voice - Cons Imitation by possible in voice Possibility of creating nonexistent identities with text-to- speech technology Depends on high quality capturing of audio signal Possibility in rare cases where voice is lost

20 Iris - pros Widely believed to be the most accurate biometric Sample acquisition is unobtrusive – no physical contact Received only little negative press Present claim is that iris does not involve high training costs

21 Iris - Cons There are no or few legacy iris databases Sampling the iris patterns requires much user cooperation or complex, expensive input devices Iris authentication is hampered by vision aid This biometric is not left as an evidence in the scene of crime, so not used for forensic applications Cases like missing eye Cases like missing eye

22 Hand - Pros Certain amount of public acceptance Termed as “do-it-yourself” operation Existing of at least one scenario evaluation of hand geometry Can be used in place in stronger biometric where stronger might induce public fear

23 Hand - Cons Physical contact induces public hygiene Not very distinctive Existence of only one scenario application rises doubts about Hand as Biometric Mutation

24 Signature - Pros Man-made biometric- extensive study in forgery Used to identify impersonation even at enrollment stage Training is fast Has fast response and low storage requirements Independent of the native language of speaker Combination of information and biometric Unaffected by high compression rates

25 Signature - Cons Excessive usage of signature rises perception that it is not secure enough for protection Scaling properties and identifier standards are hard to set A five-dimensional pen is needed to get desired accuracy which makes hardware costly Medical conditions prevent people from writing consistently

26 Myths and Misrepresentations Biometric “X” is best for all applications Biometric “X” is unique for each individual A single number quantifies system accuracy System is “ plug and play “ Real accuracy performance can be predicted The vendors reporting best FAR and FRR has the “most accurate system” Multiple biometrics outperform single biometrics “Our biometric system does not use a decision threshold”

27 “Our feature extractor can be used with any match engine” Large templates mean better accuracy Face recognition prevents terrorism Biometrics means 100 percent security Biometric systems invade our privacy Biometric sensors are unhygienic or otherwise harmful

28 Thank you

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