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Chapter 7 Aquatic Biodiversity
Euphotic zone- layer of water where sunlight can penetrate
What is the concentration of dissolved O2 at the surface ? at 1000 m ? What is the concentration of dissolved CO2 at the surface? at 1000 m ? Explain why dissolved O2 levels are so high near the surface. Explain why dissolved CO2 levels are so low near the surface. Explain why the O2 becomes less concentrated and the CO2 becomes more concentrated in deeper waters. How would you expect this graph to change at night ? Why ? How should the pH change with depth during the day ? Explain. Graph page 146
Aquatic Life Zones Saltwater or Marine · Estuaries Freshwater
· Coastlines · Coral reefs · Coastal marshes · Mangrove swamps · Ocean Freshwater · Lakes and ponds · Streams and rivers · Inland wetlands
Core Case Study: Why Should We Care About Coral Reefs?
Coral reefs form in clear, warm coastal waters of the tropics and subtropics. Formed by massive colonies of polyps. Figure 6-1
Natural capital: a healthy coral reef in the Red Sea covered by colorful algae These diverse and productive ecosystems are being damaged and destroyed at an alarming rate. Figure 6.1 Natural capital: a healthy coral reef in the Red Sea covered by colorful algae (left) and a bleached coral reef that has lost most of its algae (right) because of changes in the environment (such as cloudy water or too warm temperatures). With the algae gone, the white limestone of the coral skeleton becomes visible. If the environmental stress is not removed and no other alga species fill the abandoned niche, the corals die. These diverse and productive ecosystems are being damaged and destroyed at an alarming rate. Fig. 6-1a, p. 126
Bleached Coral Reef That has lost most of its algae because of changes in the environment (such as cloudy water or too warm temperatures). With the algae gone, the white limestone of the coral skeleton becomes visible. If the environmental stress is not removed and no other alga species fill the abandoned niche, the corals die. Figure 6.1 Natural capital: a healthy coral reef in the Red Sea covered by colorful algae (left) and a bleached coral reef that has lost most of its algae (right) because of changes in the environment (such as cloudy water or too warm temperatures). With the algae gone, the white limestone of the coral skeleton becomes visible. If the environmental stress is not removed and no other alga species fill the abandoned niche, the corals die. These diverse and productive ecosystems are being damaged and destroyed at an alarming rate. Fig. 6-1b, p. 126
Coral Reefs-built from accumulated layers of calcium carbonate, CaCO3 laid down by relatives of sea anemones. 1. Most of these organism require warm shallow water 2. Many live in a symbiotic relationship with green algae known as zooxanthellae 3. A very diverse marine environment 4. The Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia is one of the largest
Value of coral reefs Provide valuable habitat
Provide humans with seafood Pharmaceuticals Recreation/tourism dollars
Human Impacts Covered with silt from inland logging
In 1980’s coral bleaching occurred stressed corals expelled zooxanthellae algae Thought to be related to warming of the seas. Corals can recover because 1. Hold a secret reserve of algae 2. Can take on other algae species when one species leaves 3. Seasonally lose up to 75% of algae Diving and snorkeling Overfishing Agricultural and industrial pollutants in runoff.
Core Case Study: Why Should We Care About Coral Reefs?
Help moderate atmospheric temperature by removing CO2 from the atmosphere. Act as natural barriers that help protect 14% of the world’s coastlines from erosion by battering waves and storms. Provide habitats for a variety of marine organisms.
Natural capital: the ocean planet
Natural capital: the ocean planet. The salty oceans cover 71% of the earth’s surface. About 97% of the earth’s water is in the interconnected oceans, which cover 90% of the planet’s mostly ocean hemisphere (left) Figure 6.2 Natural capital: the ocean planet. The salty oceans cover 71% of the earth’s surface. About 97% of the earth’s water is in the interconnected oceans, which cover 90% of the planet’s mostly ocean hemisphere (left) and 50% of its land–ocean hemisphere (right). Freshwater systems cover less than 1% of the earth’s surface. Ocean hemisphere Land–ocean hemisphere and 50% of its land–ocean hemisphere (right). Freshwater systems cover less than 1% of the earth’s surface. Fig. 6-2, p. 127
Life in Layers Life in most aquatic systems is found in surface, middle, and bottom layers. Temperature, access to sunlight for photosynthesis, dissolved oxygen content, nutrient availability changes with depth. Euphotic zone (upper layer in deep water habitats): sunlight can penetrate.
The Coastal Zone The Open Ocean Life Zones Euphotic Zone 1.Light
2. Dissolved Oxygen 3. Nutrients upwellings 4.Organisms Bathyal Zone 2. Organisms Abyssal Zone 2.Oxygen 3. Nutrient levels Figure 6-5
Marine Ecosystems Scientists estimate that marine systems provide $21 trillion in goods and services per year – 70% more than terrestrial ecosystems. Figure 6-4
Major Human Impacts Salt Marshes, Mangrove Forests, Sea-grass Meadows-
Filled in for coastal development Aquaculture of shrimp Beaches- Erosion Benthic Habitat- Bottom trawlers Coral Reefs- Ocean warming, pH changes associated with global warming.
Estuaries and Coastal Wetlands: Centers of Productivity
Estuaries include river mouths, inlets, bays, sounds, salt marshes in temperate zones and mangrove forests in tropical zones. Figure 6-7
Estuaries &Associated Coastal Wetlands
Located at the mouth of rivers and streams Fresh and salt water mix Highest NPP of any ecosystem because · 1. Nutrient runoff from land · 2. Tides circulate nutrients and remove wastes · 3. Light penetrates the shallow water · 4.Plant carry out photosynthesis and trap detritus Organisms must deal with daily changes in temperature and salinity.
Saltwater marshes Found associated with temperate estuaries
Dominated by salt tolerant grasses Important services · 1. Habitat · 2. Sediment and pollution trapping · 3. Storm buffering Most are being covered over for coastal development
Mangrove Forests Are found along about 70% of gently sloping sandy and silty coastlines in tropical and subtropical regions. Figure 6-8
Mangrove Forests-tropical equivalent of saltwater marsh
Network of roots of the mangrove trees are important nurseries of many commercially important fish and shellfish (shrimp) Branches of mangrove trees provide important habitat for nesting birds: pelicans, herons, egrets. Roots stabilize submerged soil preventing coastal erosion Storm buffer Being harmed by: Logging Coastal development · Aquaculture
Intertidal Zone- between high and low tide
· Organisms must contend with changing levels of water In rocky shoreline habitat, most organisms are anchored in some way and have a way to seal off their bodies to prevent moisture loss when the tide goes out. Most sandy beach organisms either burrow in the sand or travel in and out with the tide.
The importance of sea grass
High NPP make them important producers in shallow water Roots stabilize sediments reducing erosion Provide food and habitat for many marine species, sea turtles, manatees, ducks and geese Chinook salmon and eelgrass
Kelps Beds Formed from species of marine algae
Many are anchored to the bottom and have air filled bags to allow the upper part of the plant to float to the top equivalent to the forest biome on the land Kelp beds or forests provide habitat and food for many species
Rocky and Sandy Shores: Living with the Tides
Organisms experiencing daily low and high tides have evolved a number of ways to survive under harsh and changing conditions. Gravitational pull by moon and sun causes tides. Intertidal Zone: area of shoreline between low and high tides.
Barrier Islands Low, narrow, sandy islands that form offshore from a coastline. Primary and secondary dunes on gently sloping sandy barrier beaches protect land from erosion by the sea. Figure 6-10
Biological Zones in the Open Sea: Light Rules
Euphotic zone: brightly lit surface layer. Nutrient levels low, dissolved O2 high, photosynthetic activity. Bathyal zone: dimly lit middle layer. No photosynthetic activity, zooplankton and fish live there and migrate to euphotic zone to feed at night. Abyssal zone: dark bottom layer. Very cold, little dissolved O2.
FRESHWATER LIFE ZONES Freshwater life zones include:
Standing (lentic) water such as lakes, ponds, and inland wetlands. Flowing (lotic) systems such as streams and rivers. Ponds are generally shallow and have only one zone-light reaches to the bottom Figure 6-14
Lakes: Water-Filled Depressions
Lakes are large natural bodies of standing freshwater formed from precipitation, runoff, and groundwater seepage consisting of: Littoral zone (near shore, shallow, with rooted plants). Limnetic zone (open, offshore area, sunlit). Profundal zone (deep, open water, too dark for photosynthesis). Benthic zone (bottom of lake, nourished by dead matter).
Lakes: Water-Filled Depressions
During summer and winter in deep temperate zone lakes the become stratified into temperature layers and will overturn. This equalizes the temperature at all depths. Oxygen is brought from the surface to the lake bottom and nutrients from the bottom are brought to the top. What causes this overturning?
Sunlight Painted turtle Green frog Blue-winged teal Muskrat Pond snail
Littoral zone Limnetic zone Figure 6.15 Natural capital: distinct zones of life in a fairly deep temperate zone lake. Diving beetle Plankton Profundal zone Benthic zone Northern pike Yellow perch Bloodworms Fig. 6-15, p. 137
Effects of Plant Nutrients on Lakes: Too Much of a Good Thing
Plant nutrients from a lake’s environment affect the types and numbers of organisms it can support. Figure 6-16
Effects of Plant Nutrients on Lakes: Too Much of a Good Thing
Plant nutrients from a lake’s environment affect the types and numbers of organisms it can support. Oligotrophic (poorly nourished) lake: Usually newly formed lake with small supply of plant nutrient input. Eutrophic (well nourished) lake: Over time, sediment, organic material, and inorganic nutrients wash into lakes causing excessive plant growth.
Effects of Plant Nutrients on Lakes: Too Much of a Good Thing
Cultural eutrophication: Human inputs of nutrients from the atmosphere and urban and agricultural areas can accelerate the eutrophication process.
Physical Properties of water
Approaches maximum density at 4oC At temperatures cooler than 4oC water becomes less dense and it floats and freezes as temperatures drop to 0oC At temperatures greater than 4oC water becomes less dense and it floats
Seasonal Overturn in Lakes
Spring Overturn- Surface waters warm to 4oC and descend through the colder less dense waters beneath. Fall Overturn- Surface waters cool to 4oC (39oF) and descend to the bottom Nutrients Oxygen levels
Freshwater Streams and Rivers: From the Mountains to the Oceans
Water flowing from mountains to the sea creates different aquatic conditions and habitats. Figure 6-17
Oxbow lake Deposited sediment
Rain and snow Glacier Lake Rapids Waterfall Tributary Flood plain Oxbow lake Salt marsh Deposited sediment Delta Ocean Source Zone Transition Zone Figure 6.17 Natural capital: three zones in the downhill flow of water: source zone containing mountain (headwater) streams; transition zone containing wider, lower-elevation streams; and floodplain zone containing rivers, which empty into the ocean. Water Sediment Floodplain Zone Fig. 6-17, p. 139
Case Study: Dams, Wetlands, Hurricanes, and New Orleans
Dams and levees have been built to control water flows in New Orleans. Reduction in natural flow has destroyed natural wetlands. Causes city to lie below sea-level (up to 3 meters). Global sea levels have risen almost 0.3 meters since 1900.
Freshwater Inland Wetlands: Vital Sponges
Inland wetlands act like natural sponges that absorb and store excess water from storms and provide a variety of wildlife habitats. Figure 6-18
Freshwater Inland Wetlands: Vital Sponges
Filter and degrade pollutants. Reduce flooding and erosion by absorbing slowly releasing overflows. Help replenish stream flows during dry periods. Help recharge ground aquifers. Provide economic resources and recreation.
Impacts of Human Activities on Freshwater Systems
Dams, cities, farmlands, and filled-in wetlands alter and degrade freshwater habitats. Dams, diversions and canals have fragmented about 40% of the world’s 237 large rivers. Flood control levees and dikes alter and destroy aquatic habitats. Cities and farmlands add pollutants and excess plant nutrients to streams and rivers. Many inland wetlands have been drained or filled for agriculture or (sub)urban development.
Impacts of Human Activities on Freshwater Systems
These wetlands have been ditched and drained for cropland conversion. Figure 6-19
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