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Looking at the Interstellar Medium

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1 Looking at the Interstellar Medium
A Star Is Born Looking at the Interstellar Medium

2 The Stuff in Space Material exists between the stars and planets
“Building Blocks” for more stars and planets Interstellar Medium Composed of Gas and Dust

3 Interstellar Medium Seen in telescopes
Large clouds of gas and dust are stellar “nurseries” ISM is clumpy! Obscures objects beyond it

4 Interstellar Gas Gas is mostly individual atoms
Individual neutral atoms and ions Molecules Electrons Hydrogen is main component Very tenuous, doesn’t block light Some parts cool, some parts hot

5 Interstellar Dust More complex composition 1% of ISM
Clumps of atoms and molecules Much larger than gas particles so… Can block light Composition is not well known

6 Interstellar Dust Light passes through dust cloud
Extinction-dimming of light Longer Wavelengths pass through Short Wavelengths get absorbed Reddening- scattering of blue light Red light makes it through Changes star’s apparent color

7 Dust and Gas Dust is believed to come from mass loss winds in stars (like solar wind) Gas of wind can cool and solidify Dust grains provide coagulation seeds for molecules

8 Evidence of Gas and Dust
Observed Nebulae (clouds) Dust and Gas form different types of nebulae 4 basic types Emission (Bright) nebula Dark nebula Reflection nebula Molecular Clouds

9 Emission Nebula Example: Orion Nebula
Spectra has emission lines (hot gas) Does not shine under it’s own light Powered by hot stars H II region (ionized hydrogen)

10 Emission Nebula OB associations
Form H II region hot spot on molecular cloud Drives new star formation Reddish hue is from Hydrogen H II regions are star “nurseries” Very bright!

11 Emission Nebula Heart and Soul Nebulae Astronomy Picture of the Day

12 Emission Nebula The Eagle Nebula and a close up of a star forming region Astronomy Picture of the Day

13 Molecular Clouds Composed mostly of H2 (hard to detect)
Use other molecules as tracers 80 known ISM molecules Many are organic molecules Associated with H II regions Majority of ISM is here

14 Molecular Clouds 10’s of ly across (6 trillion miles= 1ly)
Cool clouds (Dark) Occur in huge complexes Contain enough gas to make millions of stars complexes in our Galaxy

15 Molecular Cloud Barnard 68 APOD

16 Molecular Cloud Horsehead Nebula
Note: there are several types of nebulae in this panorama APOD

17 Dark Nebula Example: Snake Nebula Contain gas and dust
Dust blocks light Cool (10’s K) Larger than our Solar System Also, dust lanes w/ H II regions

18 Dark Nebula Snake Nebula APOD

19 Reflection Nebula Gas and Dust Absorption line spectra (stars)
Doesn’t generate own light Scatters blue light from starlight passing through Nebula appears blue (like sky) Example: Pleiades Nebula

20 Reflection Nebula Witch Head Nebula APOD

21 A Panorama in Orion Can you ID the different types of nebula here?

22 Neutral Hydrogen Presence was suspected H II regions come from it
Not observed until 1951 Need to observed from its own radiation Low-energy Radio emissions from the gas itself

23 21-cm Radiation From single electron orbiting nucleus
Not from excitation, from spin of electron 2 possible configurations Parallel Anti-parallel Lower energy one preferred Spin flipping emits 21-cm photon

24 Coronal Interstellar Gas
Very hot gas Highly Ionized Very low density Exists between clouds Why?

25 Star Birth Star’s life is a dance between gravity and radiation pressure All stars have a similar origin Cold, dark molecular clouds Collapse to form stars

26 Cloud Collapse Giant molecular cloud
Something to trigger collapse (shockwave) Cloud begins to collapse under it’s own weight Jean’s Instability Cloud will begin to heat up as it collapses

27 Cloud Collapse Heating causes outward pressure
Balances out gravity pushing inward Collapse is “lumpy”, fragmentation Pockets collapse faster (denser) Centrally dense region is where star will eventually form

28 Cloud Collapse Fragmentation occurs in several ways
Dozens of Massive Stars Hundred or Thousands of Sun-like Stars No evidence for single star formation Single stars must escape after formation Collapse can occur with or without rotation

29 Cloud Fragmentation Sun sized star comes from
2 solar mass fragment 100 times radius of Solar System Less than 100K Fragmentation ceases as density of each fragment increases Interior becomes opaque Radiation is trapped

30 Fragmentation to Protostar
10,000 + years passed Central part 10,000K Outer part cool Dense, opaque central region=Protostar Still contracting, material raining down on it

31 Protostar (Sun predecessor)
1,000,000 years have passed Not hot enough for P-P chain Still about size of Mercury’s orbit More luminous than Sun (bigger) Surrounded by a dusty shroud Vaporizes nearby dust

32 Protostar Protostar Dust Free Zone IR photon
Outer Envelope of Gas and Dust

33 Protostar to Star Protostar first appears on HR diagram
Protostar loses shroud Vaporizes Falls onto Star Blown away by wind Contracts, Luminosity , Temp  Hayashi track on HR Diagram Violent Surface Wind (T Tauri Star)

34 T-Tauri Stars Exhibit strong winds Bipolar flows
Clear gas and dust away from young star so it is at last visible Where the outrushing gas impacts stationary gas in the ISM a bright hot spot appears Herbig-Haro object

35 T-Tauri Stars Also appear to vary in brightness
Likely associated with star’s magnetic field, much like the active Sun Have “star spots” like sun spots Are still collapsing to final size Larger in size and therefore brighter than they will be as main sequence stars

36 T-Tauri Star A false color image of the T-Tauri system Note jet APOD

37 T Tauri Tantrum

38 HH object APOD Hubble Heritage

39 Pre-Main Sequence Star
10,000,000 Years Now a “True Star” P-P Chain has begun Larger and Cooler than Main Sequence Star Still slowly contracting

40 At last, the Sun! Contraction continues Central Temp=15,000,000K
Outward pressure balances inward gravity Hydrostatic Equilibrium (HSE) Contraction Stops, Balance Reached Main Sequence Star! All main sequence stars are in HSE

41 Massive Stars Steps occur faster
Collapse of Cloud occurs in similar way Central part still collapses faster Fragments are larger No T Tauri phase Chain Reaction from OB association >100 M Gravity can’t hold together

42 Failed Stars Some cloud fragments are too small Don’t get hot enough
H-fusion never occurs Warm due to collapsing Brown dwarfs Cooling objects <0.08M (Jupiter)

43 Collapse with Rotation
Rotation during collapse leads to orbiting clumps around protostar These clumps can attract more material via gravity and form planetismals These could be a future solar system

44 Summary All stars have a “cloudy” beginning Different types of nebula
Stars collapse from clouds

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