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Presentation on theme: "TCCC CASUALTY CARD DA FORM 7656."— Presentation transcript:


2 Documentation of Care Most casualties injured on the battlefield do not have their initial care documented prior to evacuation. DD form 1380 is an outdated cumbersome form to fill out. Much of the information is unnecessary Electronic forms are not compatible with the battlefield environment

3 TCCC Casualty Card A new casualty card is available to help document the care for injured Soldiers at the point of wounding. This card is based on the principles of TCCC. This new card addresses the initial lifesaving care provided at the point of wounding. Filled out by whomever is caring for the casualty. Its format is simple, with a circle or “X” in the appropriate block.

4 TCCC Casualty Card Front Back

5 Instructions Follow the instruction on the following slides for how to use this form. This casualty card will be found in each Soldiers IFAK Use an indelible marker to fill it out Attach it to the casualty’s beltloop, or place it in their upper left sleeve, or the left trouser cargo pocket Include as much information as you can

6 New Casualty Card Front
Individuals name and allergies should already be filled in. This should be done when placed in IFAK.

7 New Casualty Card Front
Add date-time, group Cause of injury, and whether friendly, unknown, or NBC.

8 New Casualty Card Front
Mark an “X” at the site of the injury/ies on body picture. Note burn Percentages on figure

9 New Casualty Card Front
Record casualty’s level of consciousness and vital signs with time. A Alert V Responds to verbal P responds to pain U Unresponsive

10 New Casualty Card Back Record airway interventions.

11 New Casualty Card Back Record breathing interventions.

12 New Casualty Card Back Record bleeding control measures, don’t forget
tourniquet time on front of card.

13 New Casualty Card Back Record route of fluid, type, and amount given.

14 New Casualty Card Back Record any drugs given: pain meds, antibiotics,
or other.

15 New Casualty Card Back Record any pertinent notes.

16 New Casualty Card Back Sign card. Does not have to be a medic to sign

17 New Casualty Card Record each specific intervention in each category.
If you are not sure what to do, the card will prompt you where to go next. Simply circle the intervention you performed. Explain any action you want clarified in the remarks area.

18 Documentation You may not be able to perform all the interventions on the card or that the casualty needs. However, when the medic is available he can add additional treatments to the card. This card can be filled out in less than two minutes It is important that we document the care given to the casualty.


20 TCCC Card Abbreviations
DTG = Date-Time, Group (e.g. – Oct2009) NBC = Nuclear, Biological, Chemical TQ = Tourniquet GSW = Gunshot Wound MVA = Motor Vehicle Accident AVPU = Alert, Verbal stimulus, Painful stimulus, Unresponsive Cric = Cricothyroidotomy NeedleD = Needle decompression IV = Intravenous IO = Intraosseous NS = Normal Saline LR = Lactated Ringers ABX = Antibiotics

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