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Law for Business Mr. Bernstein Employee Injuries, pp 469-475 January 5, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Law for Business Mr. Bernstein Employee Injuries, pp 469-475 January 5, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Law for Business Mr. Bernstein Employee Injuries, pp 469-475 January 5, 2015

2 Law for Business Mr. Bernstein Three avenues for dealing with employee injuries Negligence suit Employers must provide reasonably safe working conditions Required employee not take assumption of risk, nor was their contributory negligence by the employee or co-workers Workers Compensation Laws requiring employers to purchase no-fault insurance Is a substitute for negligence lawsuits, not in addition to OSHA Enacts industry-by-industry safety regulations and Inspects Can impose fines or shutdown noncompliant businesses 2

3 Law for Business Mr. Bernstein OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration Established in 1970 Establishes direct and specific regulations aimed at preventing employee injuries OSHA has authority to inspect workplaces Employees can anonymously tip OSHA regarding safety violations Generally employers work out issues directly with OSHA; no attorneys needed 3

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