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In the Christian tradition is a celebration commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a permanent liturgical celebration on December 25. Christmas.

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Presentation on theme: "In the Christian tradition is a celebration commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a permanent liturgical celebration on December 25. Christmas."— Presentation transcript:

1 In the Christian tradition is a celebration commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a permanent liturgical celebration on December 25. Christmas is preceded by a three-week waiting period called Advent.

2 The most important and the most moving moment was and is to share the blessed wafer. Staropolskie wafers were colorful and very decorative. Today wafers are white and ornately embossed. The name "wafer" is derived from the Latin word "oblatum," or offering.

3 Inseparable part of Christmas is the Christmas carol. Carol name appeared long ago. It is derived from the word "Calendae," so called because the Romans beginning of each month. These calends, especially for January, the New Year, celebrating the very happy, played, sang, offered the wishes and present giving.

4 On the eve of Christmas almost every Polish family puts in his apartment and decorated Christmas tree. It is one of the youngest Christmas Eve tradition.

5 Santa Claus visited us on December 6 or on Christmas Eve. The rumor has it that he was born at the turn of the third and fourth in Turkey. Circulates many legends about him. Once he was the patron saint of sailors and itinerant merchants.

6 Christmas custom of giving each other presents its origin back to the Roman Saturnalia. In later centuries, the Church has been called asterisk, because the gift giving, the sky was observed when the first star. This star of identification with Star of Bethlehem. As part of the Christmas Eve children were the most affected.

7 Known and widespread in Poland is now a habit of leaving free space at the table Christmas Eve. This place is sometimes designed especially for the casual visitor. Leaving a space at the table express the memory of our loved ones who can not spend Christmas with us. The site may also draw all the memories we a family member of the deceased.

8 At midnight, all Polish churches celebrated a solemn Mass is called the Midnight Mass to commemorate the homage paid to God's Child by shepherds.

9 In Poland, the Franciscan appeared very early, perhaps as early as the Middle Ages. Originally staged in churches cribs were very simple, it remained faithful to the Gospel transfers.

10 Depending on the region and family tradition is a set of Christmas Eve dishes vary, but usually on the Christmas table should include all of the soil, and food should be twelve. Each try, which is to ensure good luck throughout the year. The most common are: borscht with dumplings and fried carp fish, jelly, bean sprouts, cabbage and mushrooms, dumplings with cabbage, porridge with dried mushrooms and beans with dried plums, pies with mushrooms, rice cutlets with mushroom sauce, noodles with poppy seeds, sugar and honey

11 After the publication of the first stars, all members of the household gather at Christmas, a table covered with a white cloth. Christmas dinner starts with reading the Scriptures. No other description of the Bible is not so close to us since childhood and it is this.


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