Managing Electronic Mail; Understand, Organize, and Communicate Beth Jane Toren Web Services and Reference Librarian WVU Libraries.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Electronic Mail; Understand, Organize, and Communicate Beth Jane Toren Web Services and Reference Librarian WVU Libraries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Electronic Mail; Understand, Organize, and Communicate Beth Jane Toren Web Services and Reference Librarian WVU Libraries

2 Average Per Day 10 or less42%51% 11 - 2028%25% 21 - 5019%17% Over 5011%7%

3 Effective Email Management Best uses Privacy Netiquette Organizing Efficiency

4 Goals Increase productivity Not be bothered Not bother others

5 What is email good for? Short and sweet messages Reaching a large audience

6 What about privacy? Don’t put anything on email that you would not post on your door / send on a postcard Don’t think that because you delete it that it no longer exists

7 Netiquette: What to Avoid Reacting emotionally Responding inappropriately Individual vs. list Always check “to” line

8 What to Avoid Yes, I agree Light discussion Sarcasm

9 What to Do TIA Remind people to respond to you rather than the list If you do not send any objections… Answer promptly

10 What to Do Shorten long threads Use the subject line: Q A Urgent Emoticons ;-)

11 Tips: Timing Not too hasty unless urgent Not marked urgent or priority Receipt function if needed

12 Timing Hasty is dangerous Passionate Forceful Hostile

13 Timing Draft response Cool off an hour or a day Get coffee, run spell checker

14 Organizing email Filing system Subject Person Category Action Read later List name Filters

15 Filing Systems To do list, action, today Send yourself email Friends Projects

16 Filing System

17 Efficiency Address books Groups Individuals

18 Address Book

19 Efficiency Filters Automatic delete Send to a folder

20 Efficiency Check only twice a day Clean out weekly Save off-line

21 Efficiency Signatures Contact information On/Off

22 Efficiency Groups and lists Each member of the group monitors one list and sends relevant items to the attention of the group Digests

23 Tips: Subject Useful subject line Meaningful to sender and recipient Example: Meeting Better: Team meeting 4/11/01

24 Tips: Length Brief message Especially important ones People higher up receive a lot Message and header on one screen

25 Tips: Size Ask before sending large attachments > 100KB Place it on a server for downloading Varies with environment

26 Hoaxes, Rumors, Urban Legends Chain letters Computer viruses Charity Laws WVU Policy

27 WVU OIT Electronic Mail Policy Mail Violations Chain letters - It is a violation of this policy to send or forward chain letters.

28 Hoaxes, Rumors, Urban Legends Hoax False, deliberately deceptive information Rumor Anecdotal claims – true, false, or in between Urban Legend Popularly believed narrative, typically false

29 Hoax, Rumor, or Urban Legend? Bananas spread flesh-eating disease Hoax

30 Hoax, Rumor, or Urban Legend? Snakes kill child in Burger King ball pit Urban Legend

31 Hoax, Rumor, or Urban Legend? Cell phones cause gas station explosions Rumor

32 Tips: Environment & Content Single font Multiple fonts, colors, clip art Mixed case Emoticons ;-)

33 Tips: Responding/Replying Multiple fonts, colors, CASE Long – paste pertinent part Edit long threads Evolving convention >>>You wrote <<:<I write

34 Responding/Replying Quoting What you are replying to One sentence or a few words Enough to recognize the topic Individual vs. List Who you are replying to

35 Responding/Replying Quote & response What you are replying to Delete Off-topic Content you are not replying to Reformatting

36 Responding/Replying Thank you You’re welcome NRN – No reply needed TIA – Thanks in advance

37 Tips: Forwarding Sending on to other recipients One or many Add your comments Use discretion

38 Forwarding Fwd: Subject Introduction ---begin forwarded message --- ---end forwarded message ---

39 Forwarding Forwards Delete useless header info Keep sender, subject, date Forward only what is interesting Avoid changing context Copy to clipboard Delete what has piled up Paste into message

40 Content buried in junk & context is lost

41 Tips: Signatures Brief Interesting but unobtrusive Not > 5 lines high Nor > 80 characters wide

42 Note to self: Improve sig file

43 Better sig file

44 Eliminate Clutter Clean out weekly Handle once Fight SPAM

45 We speak across time and space.... May the new power promote peace between all nations @->->--

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