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The North and South Take Different Paths The Cotton Boom The cotton gin changed southern life: Caused cotton farmers to move westward – to Alabama, Mississippi.

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2 The North and South Take Different Paths

3 The Cotton Boom The cotton gin changed southern life: Caused cotton farmers to move westward – to Alabama, Mississippi & Louisiana More Native Americans driven off land – as southern farming moved More slaves needed – to pick more cotton as it was cleaned faster

4 Slavery Cotton Kingdom – became the nickname of the South because of all the cotton plantations 8% of African Americans in South were free – 92% were slaves

5 Slavery Most famous slave rebellion was led by Nat Turner Turner and 70 followers killed 55 white men, women & children Turner was caught and he was tried and hanged Caused whites fear in the South – harsh laws were passed for slaves

6 Slave Codes A series of laws/codes designed to limit the abilities of slaves to communicate, learn, and to resist the state of slavery. Slave Codes differed from State to State, but had some similarities. Example: Escape in South Carolina was punishable by the following actions: 1 st Offense: Public Flogging 2 nd Offense: Branded with “R” on cheek 3 rd Offense: Ear cut off 4 th Offense: Castration……

7 Nationalism 1800’s NORTH – factories and industry SOUTH – plantations with cotton Nationalism – a feeling of pride & joy in your country This feeling of nationalism began to spread after the War of 1812

8 Roads & Canals U.S. needed better transportation systems Erie Canal – created a water route between New York City and the Great Lakes Unified 2 sections of the country Trade & goods flow throughout the U.S.

9 Erie Canal

10 Transportation Erie Canal helped New York city to become nation’s largest city 1830’s – nation began to use steam-powered trains to move goods & people

11 Immigration What causes large-scale immigration? Push Factors: (makes people want to leave a place) War, Famine, Political/religious persecution, unemployment, poverty, crime Pull Factors: (the reason why people move to a place) Employment, fertile land, political security, climate, religious tolerance

12 Irish Immigration Ireland was the first source of mass immigration from Europe. Push Factor: Great potato famine of 1845 depleted food source. “Great Hunger” or “Irish Potato Famine”. A little over 1 million Irish died between 1845- 1855. Pull Factor: Religious tolerance, employment opportunities. Most settled in Boston, New York, and Philly.

13 German Immigration Germans came around the same time as the Irish. Very poor economy in Germany for over 40 years. Is this a Push or a Pull Factor? Book published in Germany about Missouri and how land was plentiful, and the relative prosperity of the people (I know, weird right?) Is this a Push or a Pull Factor?

14 Result of the New Immigration? Cities grew rapidly; led to massive “Urbanization” New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and San Francisco began to benefit from the influx of new immigrants.

15 Roads Private companies built turnpikes to improve America’s roads in early 1800s Tolls collected from travelers on the turnpikes Improved roads were set on a bed of gravel

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