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 There are 50 states in the United States. Each one has its own STATE GOVERNMENT. What state do you live in? Who leads your state government?

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2  There are 50 states in the United States. Each one has its own STATE GOVERNMENT. What state do you live in? Who leads your state government?

3  Citizens elect a representative to lead our state government. These people meet at the ____________________ to make the laws.  State Government State Government  All state governments have 3 branches that work together to run the state.

4  Capitol: the building where leaders meet to make laws  Governor: the leader of the state’s second branch

5 LEGISLATIVE (LAWMAKERS)  Make laws, write new laws to help improve the state  Men and women are elected by citizens to be our representatives  We give them the right and responsibility to act on our behalf (They say what we want them to say!)  We expect them to KNOW of the issues facing our citizens, and do their best to lead us into the future

6  Think of each branch as a separate team; like 3 different teams that work together to work towards a common goal.

7 EXECUTIVE - Headed by the GOVERNOR (leader) - Sets the agenda for the state government (Tells the state government what to do) - Solves problems - Sets plans for the future

8 JUDICIAL (Judges) -Makes sure laws follow the state and national Constitution -Decides punishments when laws are broken

9  Just like the local government, the state government gives us services, too!  The governor decides how to spend the tax money… Hmm… do we need new roads, schools, or hospitals?

10  Each department is in charge of a special service. SAFETY DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENT EDUCATION DEPARTMENT

11  They create highways that go across many states.  Are the highways safe?  Are the highways fixed?

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