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Enhanced VET attractiveness through
Enhanced VET attractiveness through improved public policies performance Madlen Serban, PhD ETF – EU agency INTERNATIONALIZATION OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING IVETA 22 August 2014, St Petersburg
WHAT IS THE ETF? Agency of the European Union
Vision To make vocational education and training in the partner countries a driver for lifelong learning and sustainable development, with a special focus on competitiveness and social cohesion Mission To help transition and developing countries to harness the potential of their human capital through the reform of education, training and labour market systems in the context of the EU’s external relations policy
SOME FACTS AND FIGURES Established Operational from Based in Director
Staff Budget Partner countries 1990 (Council Reg. 1360) 1994 Turin, Italy Madlen Serban 133 (MAY 2014) €20.14m (2014) 30
Southern and Eastern Mediterranean
South Eastern Europe and Turkey: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey Eastern Europe: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Russia Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine**, Syria, Tunisia and Israel Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan *This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSC 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence ** This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual positions of the Member States on this issue.
VET Attractiveness – conceptual framework
VET attractive to whom? (potential) learners employers investors (trade-off between VET and other education subsystems, such as early childhood, academic secondary, higher education, PhD study programmes) Attractiveness of VET Which VET provision is questioned? mainly IVET as alternative to academic/general education (by learners) Which is the provider that should invest more for being attractive? School VET provider, since employers prefer their own VET centres
Drivers of VET Attractiveness:
specific characteristics of the IVET system : permeability of pathways, the provision of guidance and counselling, opportunities for transition to higher education, standardisation of qualifications systems, or quality assurance. demand drivers, such as composition and strength of the labour market expenditure on vocational education wider societal factors views of family members, perceptions about the quality of VET, norms within countries.
Drivers of VET Attractiveness:
wider educational context effectiveness of policy initiatives policy analysis : through TRP , the ETF leads wider partnerships for innovation in VET that creates attractiveness; policy analysis/TRP: a systematic approach to supporting policymaking by assisting the choice of a course of action from among complex alternatives under uncertain conditions in view of fostering “progress”; tracking “progress” beyond policy initiatives effectives, aiming at targeting the societal benefit of the public policy impact in view of taking corrective action, if the case.
a participatory process leading to the most in-depth evidence-based analysis of VET policies in a given country.
FOUR PRINCIPLES 01 Ownership of both process and results by partner country stakeholders. 02 Broad participation in the process as a basis for reflections and consensus building/policy learning. 03 Holistic approach, using a broad concept of VET for both young people and adults and adhering to a system approach, including links to economic and social demands. 04 Evidence or knowledge-based assessment.
A holistic analytical framework of key questions and indicators across 5 interconnected blocks
VISION AND STRATEGY Vision for the VET system Capacity for innovation and change Drivers for innovation and change ADDRESSING ECONOMIC AND LABOUR MARKET DEMAND Factors shaping demand for skills Mechanisms for identifying demand and matching skills VET system influence on demand ADDRESSING SOCIAL AND INCLUSION DEMAND Factors shaping demand for VET Delivering to individual learners Delivering to societal needs INTERNAL EFFICIENCY OF THE VET SYSTEM Quality assurance Policies for VET trainers and directors Teaching and learning Efficiency gains and losses GOVERNANCE AND POLICY PRACTICES Basic map of entities involved in VET at national, regional, and provider level Governance and practices in the areas covered in Sections A–D ?
Improve the quality and relevance of the VET public policy Reinforcing focus on monitoring progress since Including analysis of institutional capacity for policy making Opening possibilities for benchmarking with the EU Enhancing the sourcing and use of available evidence available. Improve the process Increasing country ownership and broadening participation. Providing support for capacity development in policy analysis Better documenting the implementation of the Process Moving analysis on from policy priorities to identifying policy options
COMPLEMENTARITY WITH ONGOING INITIATIVES, e.g.: National VET strategy design processes Baseline documents or progress reports using sector approach (e.g. SABER reports) EU initiatives – Special approach for countries involved in Bruges reporting ETF implemented projects: FRAME, GEMM
Phases for country reports Evidence gathering: statistical data (STATS team in ETF to provide only selected indicators), qualitative evidence. Broad consultation (workshops, policy learning forums, focus groups, etc.) involving policy leaders, experts, social partners, school managers, teachers, employers, researchers, civil society, youth. Drafting the report (consultation on first consolidated draft). Quality assurance/peer review by the ETF. Final country report endorsement and dissemination. Agreement on three key priorities / policy options – see PRIME (an ETF initiative on ex-ante impact assessment of policy choices)
How the Torino Process contributes to the attractiveness of VET
1. By aiming at increasing trust in the VET systems and provision by answering questions like: Is there a shared vision for VET reform in the country? (See FRAME – an ETF initiative on using foresight as a policy management tool) Which are the levers for innovation and change in the system? Is the VET system in a given country answering the needs of the economy and of the employers? How? How is the VET system addressing the demands from the learners and the society as a whole? How does the VET system function and does it deliver quality? Which is the role that the employers, VET providers and learners play in the governance of the VET system?
How the Torino Process contributes to the attractiveness of VET
2. By encouraging open policy making processes based on participation and trust Participatory, inclusive consultation and consensus building exercise with active involvement across government, but also employers, learners, professionals and civil society (including youth) Covering national, sectoral and local levels High value given to objective, structured evidence as a shared basis for analysis and discussion Capacity building and peer learning on policy analysis for participants Structured discussion and cooperation among stakeholders at national, regional and cross-country level engenders trust
How the Torino Process contributes to attractiveness of VET in partner countries
3. By providing relevant information and analysis on attractiveness issues, throughout the analytical framework. For example: Making initial VET an attractive option: How the national vision for VET attractiveness is developed How flexible pathways/permeability are developed between education levels(D) How key competences are integrated into VET curricula and qualifications (D) How transition from school to work is monitored (B) How VET provides opportunities for specific or vulnerable groups (C) Fostering excellence, quality and relevance How VET is quality assured (D) How VET teachers and trainers are trained (D) How authorities incentivise partnerships and cooperation between school, enterprise and civil society at national and local levels (B/D) How work based learning approaches are developed (B)
How the Torino Process contributes to the attractiveness of VET
4. Through the identification of relevant policy solutions/options/initiatives - some examples from South Eastern Europe in 2012 Albania – Multi-functional VET centres Bosnia and Herzegovina – NQF design and quality assurance Kosovo – NQF implementation including sector committees Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – Entrepreneurial learning strategy development Montenegro – Continuing professional development of teachers and trainers Serbia – NQF and the functioning of sector committees
How the Torino Process contributes to the attractiveness of VET
4. Through the identification of relevant policy initiatives - some examples from South and Eastern Mediterranean countries in 2012 Jordan – Increasing national capacities in different phases of the policy cycle, (including assessment and choice of policy options); design of a monitoring and evaluation system for the E-TVET sector reform Lebanon – Developing entrepreneurship as a core transversal skill in TVET schools, NQF governance Morocco – NQF implementation, reinforcing governance at territorial level (Tanger- Tetouan) Palestine – Support local development in Area C through an integrated approach of CVET and validation of prior learning Tunisia – Enhance territorial governance in the region of Medenine, entrepreneurship learning linked to alternative paths for job creation
How the Torino Process contributes to the attractiveness of VET
4. Through the identification of relevant policy initiatives - some examples from Eastern Europe and Central Asia in 2012 Armenia – Career guidance and effective participation in VET by social partners Azerbaijan – NQF implementation with sector committees and more business rep’s Belarus – NQF design including occupational standards and sector committees Georgia – Strengthening social partner involvement in VET Kazakhstan - Business-education cooperation Kyrgyzstan – Evidence-based policy making for transition from school to work R. Moldova – NQF and Lifelong learning Russian Federation – Skills matching and VET guidance Tajikistan - Quality Assurance Ukraine – Skills anticipation and matching and NQF Uzbekistan - National Qualifications Framework
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