Home Modifications and Assistive Technology in the Home Presenters: Naomi Hubert, Housing Programs Director Community and Housing Services Easter Seals.

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Presentation on theme: "Home Modifications and Assistive Technology in the Home Presenters: Naomi Hubert, Housing Programs Director Community and Housing Services Easter Seals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Home Modifications and Assistive Technology in the Home Presenters: Naomi Hubert, Housing Programs Director Community and Housing Services Easter Seals Central Texas John C. Morris Assistive Technology Coordinator Texas Technology Access Program

2 Home Modifications The term ‘home modifications’ encompasses a broad range of alterations made to one’s home in order to create a more usable and comfortable environment in which to carry out daily activities.

3 HOME MODICIFCATIONS: Simple to Complex

4 Single Lever Door Handle

5 Door width 32” Actual opening is approx. 30” Standard Door Hinge Off Set Hinge Door width is 32” Actual opening is approx. 31 ½”

6 Shower Hose

7 Fold Down Grab Bars“Designer” Grab Bars

8 Walk-In Tub


10 Single Lever Faucets

11 Pull Out Shelves

12 Pull Down Shelves ‘Reacher’





17 BATHROOM MODIFICATIONS BEFORE AFTER shower closet storage shower storage





22 Funding for Home Modifications Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs Amy Young Barrier Removal Program www.tdhca.state.tx.us Easter Seals Community and Housing Services CHAMP http://centraltx.easterseals.com

23 Other Resources City and/or County Home Repair Programs Department of Veterans Affairs www.va.gov US Department of Agriculture www.usda.gov Urban League, Community Action Agencies, Services for the Elderly Texas Technology Access Program (device loan program)

24 Can I get a grab bar installed in my bathroom? ADVOCATING FOR HOME MODIFICATIONS

25 The Fair Housing Act Establishes design and construction requirements for multifamily housing of four or more units built for first occupancy after March 13, 1991 (privately funded) Landlords/Owners cannot refuse to make reasonable accommodations when such accommodations may be necessary to afford a person with a disability equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling Landlords/Owners are not required to pay for the modifications but can request that the tenant restore the unit to it’s original condition Does not cover single family homes

26 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Access requirements apply to new construction of federally subsidized multi-family housing having 5 or more units constructed after July 11, 1988 A percentage of units must be made readily accessible and not merely adaptable for people with disabilities Request for reasonable accommodations cannot be refused and are completed at the owner’s/landlord’s expense Does not cover single family homes

27 City of Austin – Basic Access Ordinance in 1998 Texas Statewide Basic Access Law Basic Access Legislation Applies to single family homes constructed with public funds Basic Access requirements are very similar to the Fair Housing Design Guidelines

28 A term used to describe all of the tools, products, and devices, from the simplest to the most complex, that can make a particular function easier or possible to perform. Assistive Technology

29 Intercom Systems Hard-wired Battery operated Linked with other systems

30 Keyless Entry

31 Automatic Door Openers

32 Hearing Aids for people who are deaf or hard of hearing

33 Vision Aids for people with visual impairments Magnifiers Scanner/Reader Personal Digital Assistant/PDA

34 Communication Boards Augmentative & Alternative Communication

35 On Screen Key Board Assistance Using Computers

36 Eye Tracker Systems Mouse replacement device that allows the user to place the mouse pointer anywhere on the screen by simply looking at the desired location.

37 Environmental Control Units: enable people with disabilities to control their personal environment including telephones, televisions and other infrared devices, lights, appliances, electric beds and personal computers. E C U

38 Environmental Control Units/ECU

39 Activities of Daily Living Universal Holders Toothbrush-Razor Holder Easy Key Turner EZ- Spray Handle Utensil Holder

40 Activities of Daily Living Writing and Typing Aids Writing Aid Slip on Writing Aids Reading Writer Clip Baseball Cap Head Pointer

41 Activities of Daily Living Reachers and Grabbers Bed Pull UpLightweight aluminum reachers Rainbow Reacher

42 Activities of Daily Living Reachers and Grabbers Reachers Quad Reacher Reacher with Power Grip and Hooks

43 Activities of Daily Living Dressing Aids Leg LifterFlexible Hair Dryer Stand Button and Zipper Aid

44 Activities of Daily Living Cooking and Eating Safety I-Can Opener Adjust a Scoop And Spoon (Measuring System) Food Guard

45 Resources Assistive Technology Loan Programs Vocational Rehabilitation And Independent Living Services

46 Specialized Telecommunications Assistance Program (STAP) A voucher program that provides financial assistance for the purchase of specialized assistive equipment or services for individuals whose disability interferes with their ability to access the telephone network. 1-800-628-5115 or TTY 1-866-581-9328 http://www.dars.state.tx.us/dhhs/stap.shtml

47 Medicare? Medicaid?

48 Easter Seals Central Texas Community and Housing Services 1611 Headway Circle, Bldg 2 Austin, Texas 78754 512-615-3377 nhubert@eastersealstx.com The University of Texas at Austin Texas Center for Disability Studies Texas Technology Access Program 10100 Burnet Road, Bldg 137 (CMS) Rm 1.160 Austin, Texas 78758-4445 Office: 512-232-0753 http://techaccess.edb.utexas.edu

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