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The CMS and TOTEM diffractive and forward physics program

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1 The CMS and TOTEM diffractive and forward physics program
K. Österberg, High Energy Physics Division, Department of Physical Sciences, University of Helsinki & Helsinki Institute of Physics Low x meeting, Helsinki  CERN/LHCC 2006039/G124 CMS Note2007/002 TOTEM Note 065

2 Diffraction: a window to QCD and proton structure
Double Pomeron Exchange or Central Diffraction: Single Diffraction: Proton det. X Central & forward det. Gap Central & forward det. Gap X Gap Proton det. p p  p X Proton det. p p  p X p characterized by 2 gluon exchange with vacuum quantum numbers (“Pomeron”) X = anything : dominated by soft physics Measurement of inclusive cross sections + their t & MX dependence  fundamental measurements of nonperturbative QCD at LHC! X = jets, W, Z, Higgs: hard processes calculable in perturbative QCD Proton structure (dPDFs & GPDs), high parton density QCD, rapidity gap survival probability, new physics in exclusive central diffraction

3 Experimental apparatus at IP5@LHC
Tracking Calorimetry T1: 3.1 <  < 4.7 T2: 5.3 <  < 6.5 (same as Castor) 10.5 m IP5 HF CASTOR 14 m ZDC FP420 147 m IP5 220 m Roman Pots Roman Pots

4 Forward proton measurement: principle
Diffractive protons : hit RP220m high L (low *) low L (high *) y(mm) y(mm) y ~ yscatt ~ | ty | 10 x ~   p/p 10 x(mm) x(mm) Detect the proton via: its momentum loss (low *) its transverse momentum (high *)

5 CMS/TOTEM combined acceptance
Unique coverage makes a wide range of physics studies possible  from diffraction & proton low-x dynamics to production of SM/MSSM Higgs Acceptance for RP 220 m TOTEM CMS TOTEM Log(),  = p/p Charged particle flow low * Charged particle flow 420 m proton low * Energy flow * = 1540 * = 90 Log(t [GeV2]) Wide coverage in pseudorapidity & proton detection At high L proton m enlarge acceptance to  ~ 2  10 For details see B. Cox talk on FP420

6 Running scenario pp->pX pp->pjjX pp->pjj (bosons, heavy pp->pXp pp->pjjXp pp->pjjp quarks,Higgs...) soft diffraction (semi)-hard diffraction hard diffraction cross section luminosity  mb b nb * (m) L (cm2 s1) TOTEM runs Standard runs Accessible physics depends on: luminosity * (i.e. proton acceptance)

7 Triggering on soft & semi-hard diffraction
 Estimated Rates (Hz) [acceptance corrected] L =1030 cm2s1 L =1032 cm2s * = 90 m * = 2 m 14 mb 105 1 mb 103 1b (pTjet>20 GeV) 0.2 30nb (pTjet>50 GeV) 60nb (pTjet>20 GeV) 7103 1.5 nb (pTjet>50 GeV) 1p T1/T2 2p jet(s)

8 Diffraction at low luminosity: soft central diffraction
Study of mass distribution via the 2 protons  measured directly (() ~ 1.6  103 @  = 90 m) or  with rapidity gap  with calorimeters MX =12s  = ln ()/ ~ 80 %   i ETi ei / s ()/ ~ 100 % Mass resolution,  = 90 m, m Differential mass distribution, acceptance corrected asymmetric events Acceptance  1/N  dN/dMX [1/10 GeV] symmetric events low  MX [GeV]

9 Diffraction at high luminosity: central exclusive production
New physics searches e.g.  (pp  p H(120 GeV)[bb] p) ~ 3 fb (KMR) JPC selection (0++...)  qq background heavily suppressed Selection: 2 protons + 2 b-jets with consistent mass values Experimental issues: trigger efficiency & pileup background  in some MSSM scenarios much larger, H  WW if H heavier (MX)/MX Acceptance NB! Assumes proton 420 m MX [GeV] MX [GeV]

10 Diffraction at high luminosity: triggering on diffraction
dedicated diffractive trigger stream foreseen at L1 & HLT (1 kHz & 1 Hz) standard trigger thresholds too high for diffraction at nominal optics  use information from fwd detectors to lower particular trigger thresholds L1: jet ET > 40 GeV ( standard 2jet threshold: ~100 L = 2  1033 cm2s1) 1 (or 2) arm m diffractive topology (fwd rap gaps, jetproton hemisphere correlation …) HLT (more process dependent): e.g. 420 m proton detectors, mass constraint, b-tagging.. bench mark process: central exclusive H(120 GeV)  bb L1: ~ 12 % HLT: ~ 7 % additional ~ 10 % L1 with a 1 jet + 1  (40 GeV, 3 GeV) trigger Efficiency 420m 220m m m L1 trigger threshold [GeV]

11 Diffraction at high luminosity: reducing pileup background
At high luminosity, non-diffractive events overlaid by soft diffractive events mimic hard diffractive events (“pileup background”) Pileup event probability with single proton in (420m) ~ 6 % (2 %)  probability for fake central diffractive signal caused by pileup protons Pileup background reduction: correlation  & mass measured with central detector & proton detectors fast timing detectors to distinguish proton origin & hard scattering vertex from each other (R&D project) pileup background depends on LHC diffractive proton spectrum  rapidity gap survival probability

12 Lowx physics high LHC allows access to quark & gluon densities for small Bjorkenx values: fwd Drell-Yan (jets) sensitive to quarks (gluons)  > 5 & M < 10 GeV  x ~ 106107 T2 + CASTOR !! M2 of Drell Yan pairs in CASTOR x of Drell Yan pairs in CASTOR

13 Forward physics air shower models, possible new phenomena…
 Forward particle & energy flow: validation of hadronic air shower models, possible new phenomena…  Study of underlying event   & p mediated processes: e.g. exclusive dilepton production ()  (true) known rms ~ 10-4 Calibration process for luminosity and energy scale of proton detectors Allows proton  value reconstruction with a 104 resolution < beam energy spread Striking signature: acoplanarity angle between leptons

14 CMS 2008 diffractive & forward program
First analysis in 2008 most likely based on large rapidity gap selection Even if m available need time to understand the data … Concentrate first analysis on data samples where pileup negligible Developing rapidity gap trigger with forward calorimeters (HF, CASTOR…) Program: “Rediscover” hard diffraction a la Tevatron, for example: measure fraction of W, Z, dijet and heavy flavour production with large rapidity gap observe jet-gap-jet and multi-gap topologies Forward physics with CASTOR measure forward energy flow, multiplicity, jets & Drell-Yan electrons  & p interactions, for example observe exclusive di-lepton production

15 TOTEM Detectors: Roman Pots
2 RP220 m stations installed into LHC in May-June, remaining by end of summer Si edgeless detector VFAT hybrid with detector First edgeless Si detectors mounted with final VFAT hybrid successfully working with source & in test beam  all detector assemblies ready for mounting by April 2008.

16 TOTEM detectors: T1 & T2 T1 Telescope T2 Telescope testbeam setup
Mechanical frames and CSC detectors in production; tests in progress. During 2007 complete CSC production. Plan to have two half-telescopes ready for mounting in April 2008. All necessary GEM’s produced (> half tested upto gains of 80000). Energy resolution %. The 4 half-telescopes should be ready for mounting in April 2008.

17 Optics & beam parameters
(standard step in LHC start-up) = 90 m (early TOTEM optics) = 1540 m (final TOTEM optics) Crossing angle 0.0 N of bunches 156 43 N of part./bunch (4 – 9)  1010 3  1010 Emittance [m ∙ rad] 3.75 1 10  vertical beam width at RP220 [mm] ~ 3 6.25 1.3 Luminosity [cm-2 s-1] (2 – 11)  1031 (5 – 25)  1029 1.6  1028 * = 90 m ideal for early running: fits well into the LHC start-up running scenario; uses standard injection  easier to commission than 1540 m optics wide beam  ideal for RP operation training (less sensitive to alignment) * = 90 m optics proposal submitted to LHCC & well received.

18  = 90 m optics Optics optimized for elastic & diffractive scattering
Proton coordinates w.r.t. beam in the RP at 220 m: (x*,y*):vertex position (x*,y*):emission angle  = p/p Ly = 265 m (large) vy = 0 Lx = 0 vx = – 2 D = 23 mm vertical parallel-to-point focusing  optimum sensitivity to y* i.e. to t (azimuthal symmetry) elimination of x* dependence enhanced sensitivity to x in diffractive events, horizontal vertex measurement in elastic events x RP220 m x RP220 m for elastic events  measurement of horizontal vertex IP Luminosity estimate together with beam parameters if horizontal-vertical beam symmetry assumed Beam position measurement to ~1 m every minute

19 TOTEM 2008 physics program For early runs: optics with * = 90 m requested from LHCC Optics commissioning fits well into LHC startup planning Typical running time: several periods of a few days Total pp cross section within ± 5% Luminosity within ± 7% Soft diffraction with independent proton acceptance (~ 65%) proton resolution limited by LHC energy spread via rapidity gap (T1, T2) via rapidity gap (CMS) s(x)/x = 100% via proton (b*=90m)

20 CMS and TOTEM diffractive and forward physics program
Summary CMS and TOTEM diffractive and forward physics program CMS+TOTEM provides unique pseudo-rapidity coverage Integral part of normal data taking both at nominal & special optics Low Luminosity (< 1032 cm-2s-1): nominal & special optics Single & central diffractive cross sections (inclusive & with jets, rapidity gap studies) Lowx physics Forward Drell-Yan & forward inclusive jets Validation of Hadronic Air Shower Models Increasing Luminosity (> 1032 cm-2s-1): nominal optics Single & central diffraction with hard scale (dijets, W, Z, heavy quarks)  dPDF’s, GPD’s, rapidity gap survival probability  & p physics High Luminosity (> 1033 cm-2s-1) : nominal optics Characterise Higgs/new physics in central diffraction? Running with TOTEM optics: large proton acceptance No pileup Pileup not negligible: important background source Need additional proton detectors


22 An important milestone for collaboration between the 2 experiments
Content of common physics document Includes important experimental issues in measuring forward and diffractive physics but not an exhaustive physics study Detailed studies of acceptance & resolution of forward proton detectors Trigger Background Reconstruction of kinematical variables Several processes studied in detail Ch 1: Introduction Ch 2: Experimental Set-up Ch 3: Measurement of Forward Protons Ch 4: Machine induced background Ch 5: Diffraction at low and medium luminosity Ch 6: Triggering on Diffractive Processes at High Luminosity Ch 7: Hard diffraction at High Luminosity Ch 8: Photon-photon and photon-proton physics Ch 9: Low-x QCD physics Ch 10: Validation of Hadronic Shower Models used in cosmic ray physics An important milestone for collaboration between the 2 experiments

23 Running scenarios 1.15 (0.6 - 1.15) 0.3 N of part. per bunch 2 x 1030
2.3 200 3.75 156 90 Soft & semi-hard diffraction 2.4 x 1029 1540 Soft diffraction 3.6 x 1032 1.6 (7.3) x 1028 Peak luminosity [cm-2 s-1] 5.28 0.29 (2.3) RMS beam diverg. [rad] 95 454 (200) RMS beam size at IP [m] 1 (3.75) Transv. norm. emitt. [m rad] 160 Half crossing angle 2808 43 N of bunches 18, 2, 0.5 1540 (90) large |t| elastic low |t| elastic, tot , min bias Physics: *[m]

24 Diffraction at low luminosity:
rapidity gaps diffractive system X p2 p1 Measure  via rapidity gap:  = ln Achieved resolution: ()/  80 %   Gap vs ln () T1+T2+Calorimeters min max Gap  * = 90 * = 2 same acceptance / limit Gap measurement limit due to acceptance of T2 ln  = 2103 2102

25 Diffraction at medium luminosity: semi-hard diffraction
d/dpT (b) Measure cross sections & their t, MX, pTjet dependence Event topology: exclusive vs inclusive jet production  access to dPDF’s and rapidity gap survival probability N event collected [acceptance included] * = 90 m ∫L dt = 0.3 pb1 SD: pT>20 GeV x104 CD: “ * = 2 m ∫L dt = 100 pb1 SD: pT>50 GeV x105 CD: “ x104 SD:pp->pjjX assumed cross sections CD:pp->pjjXp pTjet(GeV) In case of jet activity  also determined from calorimeter info:   i ETi ei / s ()/  40 %

26 Forward proton measurement: acceptance (@220 m & 420 m)
RP 220m *= 0.5  2 m Log(),  = p/p * = 2/0.5 FP420 420 m 220 m * = 1540 * = 90 Log(t) Proton detectors at 420 m would enlarge acceptance range down to  = at high luminosity (= low *).

27 Forward proton measurement: momentum resolution (* = 90 m)
Individual contribution to the resolution: Transverse vertex resolution (30 m) Beam position resolution (50 m) Detector resolution (10 m) total () 220 m Final state dependent; m for light quark & gluon jets p/p

28 Forward proton measurement: momentum resolution (* = 2/0.5 m)
Individual contribution to the resolution: Detector resolution (10 m) Beam position resolution (50 m) Transverse vertex Relative beam energy spread (1.1104) ()/ total p/p * = 90 m vs. * = 2/0.5 m Better ()/ for * = 2/0.5 m & larger luminosity but limited  acceptance ( > 0.02) Very little final state dependence since transverse IP size is small.

29 Cosmic ray connection Interpreting cosmic ray data depends on cosmic shower simulation programs Forward hadronic scattering poorly known/constrained Models differ up to a factor 2 or more Need forward particle/energy measurements at high center-of-mass energy (LHC  Elab=1017 eV) Achievable at low luminosity using T1/T2/HF/Castor

30 Low-x physics: forward jets
Inclusive forward “low-ET” jet (ET ~ GeV) production: PYTHIA ~ NLO 1 pb-1 p + p → jet1 + jet2 + X Sensitive to gluons with: x2 ~ 10-4, x1 ~ 10-1 Large expected yields (~107 at ~20 GeV) !

31 Diffractive PDF’s and GPD’s
jet b hard scattering IP dPDF Diffractive PDFs: probability to find a parton of given x under condition that proton stays intact – sensitive to low-x partons in proton, complementary to standard PDFs GPD jet Generalised Parton Distributions (GPD) quantify correlations between parton momenta in the proton t-dependence sensitive to parton distribution in transverse plane When x’=x, GPDs are proportional to the square of the usual PDFs

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