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Living with Wild Animals 5.5.3. com - bined When I combined the colors blue and red I got violet.

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Presentation on theme: "Living with Wild Animals 5.5.3. com - bined When I combined the colors blue and red I got violet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Living with Wild Animals 5.5.3

2 com - bined When I combined the colors blue and red I got violet.

3 combined = mix together or bring together Spanish: combinado

4 di - ver- se At school we have a diverse group of students that come from many parts of the world.

5 diverse = not alike or different Spanish: diverso

6 na - tu - ral - ist If you want to grow up to be a naturalist you must love the outdoors.

7 naturalist = a person who knows a lot about natural history, zoology or botany. Spanish: naturalista

8 va - cant During our vacation, we drove around but could not find a vacant hotel room.

9 vacant = empty Spanish: vacío

10 in-still Learning about our environment helps to instill respect for animals and nature around us.

11 instill = establish over time Spanish: inculque

12 ca - mou - flage Many animals camouflage to hide from predators.

13 camouflage = to change one's appearance to blend in with the environment Spanish: camuflaje

14 con - ser - va - tion Conservation includes planting trees to prevent soil erosion and create new animal habitats.

15 conservation = to save or preserve Spanish = conservación

16 prey The leopard has captured his prey and is taking it back to his lair.

17 prey = a hunted animal Spanish: presa

18 poa - cher Poachers illegally kill elephants to sell their ivory tusks which are worth a lot of money.

19 poacher = a person who hunts or fishes illegally Spanish: escalfador

20 sa - fa - ri In the past people used to go on a safari to hunt wild animals. Today, people go on a safari to enjoy watching wild animals in their natural environment.

21 safari = journey or expedition for the purpose of hunting

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