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Tigers Bryce Baliko Are you ready to learn about us?

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Presentation on theme: "Tigers Bryce Baliko Are you ready to learn about us?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tigers Bryce Baliko Are you ready to learn about us?

2 A big hungry tiger can eat about 100 pounds at 1 sitting. The tiger drags its prey into the brush. What it cannot eat, it buries to save for another meal.

3 When it hunts, a tiger usually sneaks close to its prey by hiding behind trees, bushes, and rocks. Tigers cannot run fast for long distances, so they must get close to their prey before attacking.

4 Every tiger has its own hunting spot. It has different ways of marking it. It either scratches a tree or leaves a scent. If one tiger smells another tigers scent it makes a funny face. Every tiger has its own hunting spot. It has different ways of marking it. It either scratches a tree or leaves a scent. If one tiger smells another tigers scent it makes a funny face. If another tiger smells one tigers scent it makes a funny face.

5 The life of a baby tiger is filled with danger, even if a mother leaves her cubs for a short period of time predators may attack. Some are hyenas, leopards, and, pythons. I’m to young to die!

6 Some times tails do the talking when tigers meet. An upright tail that slowly wags means I’m friendly, a tail that lashes rapidly means I’m exited, and a lowered tail that twitches means watch your step. We tigers use our tails often.

7 I got my information from:


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