District 7090 ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE.  Introduction Aad / Youth District level  History & Why we do it  How it works / Qualifications / Costs.

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Presentation on theme: "District 7090 ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE.  Introduction Aad / Youth District level  History & Why we do it  How it works / Qualifications / Costs."— Presentation transcript:


2  Introduction Aad / Youth Exchange @ District level  History & Why we do it  How it works / Qualifications / Costs & Obligations  Meet Nate Wigren  Student Selection & Preparation  Youth Exchange @ Club Level  Hosting A Student  Meet Melanie Redeye  Get Involved!! AGENDA

3 AAD VERMEYDEN  President Blueprint Agencies  Member of Rotary Club of Brantford (4 years)  Chair District Youth Exchange Committee  Committee Members:  Lisa Yaggie  Laurie Albertsson  Sarah Reardon  Bob Stevenson  John Bradley  Joanna Turchin  Ray Tisi  New Generations

4  > 8,000 Students to over 60 Countries  86% of all Rotary Districts participate  Open to all  Affordable!! ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE

5  1927 first European exchanges  1939 California exchanges with Latin America  1958 Eastern US gets involved  1972 YOUTH EXCHANGE becomes official within RI YOUTH EXCHANGE HISTORY

6  Cultural understanding  Broader view of the world  Deeper understanding of themselves  Leadership & communication skills  International understanding > world peace WHY DO WE DO IT?

7  27 Inbounds and 27 Outbounds per Year  Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, New Zealand & Australia  Argentina, Brazil & Mexico  Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, France, Spain, Germany, Austria, Switzerland & Hungary DISTRICT 7090 YOUTH EXCHANGE

8  Short Term Exchange  New Generation Exchange  Long Term Exchange  Ages 15 – 18  One Year  Educational Exchange (High School)  Living with (3) Host Families HOW IT WORKS

9  Above-average student  Demonstrated leadership skills  Open to new experiences and cultural differences  Sponsored by a local Rotary Club  Completed written application and in-person interview STUDENTS THAT QUALIFY

10  Round-trip airfare  Health & Accident insurance  Travel documents (visa, etc)  Emergency fund  Spending money WHAT ARE THE COSTS TO THE STUDENT?

11  Act as an Ambassador for your home country  Abide by all program rules of your host club & district  Accept the supervision of host family, club & district  Ask questions of your host family and local Rotarians  Be an active participant in your exchange WHAT DO WE ASK OF OUR STUDENTS?


13  SepAdvertise program through high schools, newspapers, etc.  Sep/OctShort form applications  Oct/NovClub interviews  JanDistrict interviews STUDENT SELECTION

14  SepInbound Orientation  OctDistrict Conference  DecBuffalo Weekend  JanDistrict Interviews  FebAlgonquin Rotary Outdoor Leadership Exp.  MarOutbound Orientation (w/Parents)  MayJamestown Weekend  JunNiagara Historic Hike  AugOutbound Evaluation DISTRICT 7090 YE PREPARATION


16  Counselor Sponsor Rotary Club  YEO Sponsor Rotary Club  Vice-Chair Region – District YE Committee 7090  Inbound Coordinator Host Country  YEO Host Rotary Club  Counselor Host Rotary Club ROTARY INVOLVEMENT

17  2 – 4 months  Treat as your own child  Enrolled in high school HOSTING A STUDENT


19  Youth Exchange Officer & Committee  Promotion  Selection of Student(s)  Host Families  Look after Inbound Exchange Student(s)  Club meetings, Invite to homes/outings, stipend, District weekends, presentation(s)  Pay for Outbound (YE Preparation) Weekends and Inbound YE Weekends YOUTH EXCHANGE AT CLUB LEVEL


21  Host a student  Host Family  Game, Concert, Weekend Away  Encourage students to apply for the program  www.rotaryye7090.org  aad@blueprintagencies.com GET INVOLVED!

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