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Roll Away the Stone Death and Resurrection DVD, Lesson 8.

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1 Roll Away the Stone Death and Resurrection DVD, Lesson 8

2 Defining Moment  In Israel’s history the defining moment was “The Exodus” until  The DBR of Jesus  The Death  The Burial  The Resurrection

3 Luke 24:6  “…said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead ? He is not here, He has risen !”

4 Abraham  God’s covenant with Abraham  Fulfilled in Jesus’ death  God promised Abraham He would shed His own blood, if/when he/we did not live blamelessly  Gen 15 and 17

5 Calvary  God, in Jesus, died on Calvary for all of us  The sinless Son of God  The perfect sacrifice

6 Cup  Cup of salvation  Marriage cup  Jesus offers  We choose to accept or not

7 Significance  Joseph of Arimathea’s tomb  A gift, not a loan  Year’s wages  9 th hour, 3 pm  Temple sacrifice of lamb  Stone  So we could see in, not so Jesus could walk out

8 Important?  Jesus’ incarnation was important, but not enough  Jesus’ death was important and necessary, but not enough  Everything hinges on His RESURRECTION!

9 Empty Tomb  The empty tomb was important, but not enough  Seeing a living risen Savior, that was IMPORTANT  That was the final proof  HE LIVES!

10 Prophecy  Isaiah 53:7  Psalm 22:16-18  Psalm 34:20 & Zechariah 12:10  Psalm 69:21  Isaiah 53:3 Fulfillment  Mark 14:60-61 & 15:3-5  Mark 15:25-32 & John 19:23-24  John 19:31-37 & 20:10-11  Matthew 27:48  Matthew 26:65-67 & 27:38- 40 & John 19:14-15

11 God had a Plan  Fulfilled prophecies from 100s of years before  Time of Jesus’ death, 3 pm  Also the year Jesus died  Saturday, the Sabbath, was the Feast of Unleavened Bread  Sunday was the Feast of Firstfruits

12 Joseph’s Tomb  It was new/unused (Lk 23:53)  Worth a year’s wages  Pharisaic law would have prohibited Joseph from using it for his own family now  It was intended for Joseph’s family  A HUGE sacrifice

13 Temple Curtain  Day of Atonement  High Priest went behind the curtain (Lev 16:29-34 & Heb 9:7)  Jesus’ blood made the curtain, the High Priest, and the Holy of Holies moot  Now every believer has direct access to God

14 The Cup  Jewish marriage custom  Bridegroom symbolically offers his life in a cup of wine to the bride  By accepting the cup, the bride indicates her lifelong commitment to the bridegroom  Jesus calls Himself the bridegroom (Mk 2: 18-19)  Who is the bride? Rev 19:6-9

15 The Cup  Jewish Passover custom  They used 4 cups of wine  3 rd was the cup of salvation  That was what Jesus used in the accounts of the Last Supper  The new covenant in My blood

16 The Cup  Marriage proposal  Accept or refuse  Cup of Salvation  Accept or refuse

17 God Had a Plan  Thousands of years  Everything lined up  Jesus was the Plan  Jesus is the Plan

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