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Veteran’s Day November 11 th Veteran’s Day Memorial Day November 11 Thank and honor those who have served honorably in the military (in wartime or peacetime)

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2 Veteran’s Day November 11 th

3 Veteran’s Day Memorial Day November 11 Thank and honor those who have served honorably in the military (in wartime or peacetime) Last Monday in May Remembering and honoring military personnel who died in the service of their country (particularly those who died in battle)

4 1918 World War I (The Great War) ended with an armistice (temporary stopping of fighting) At the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918 Officially ended with the infamous Treaty of Versailles

5 1919 November 11 th – President Wilson proclaims the first Armistice Day Suspension of business for a 2 minute period beginning at 11 a.m. Day also marked by parades and public meetings

6 1920 France and UK hold ceremonies honoring their unknown dead from the war In the US, President Wilson names the Sunday nearest Armistice Day as Armistice Day Sunday Services should be held promoting international peace

7 1921 Congress passes legislation approving the establishment of a Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery – ”known but to God” November 11 th is chosen for the date of the ceremony On October 20 th, Congress declares November 11, 1921 a legal Federal holiday to honor those who participated in the war.

8 Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Fact 1… How many steps does the guard take during his walk across the tomb of the Unknowns and why? 21 steps Alludes to the 21 gun salute The highest honor given to any military or foreign dignitary

9 Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Fact 2… How long does he hesitate after his about face to begin his return walk and why? 21 seconds Same reason…

10 Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Fact 3… Why are his gloves wet? Moistened to prevent losing his grip on the rifle Does he carry his rifle on the same shoulder all the time? He carries the rifle on the shoulder away from the tomb.

11 Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Fact 4… How often are the guards changed? Every 30 minutes 24 hours a day 365 days a year What are the physical traits of the guard limited to? Between 5’10” and 6’2” Waist cannot exceed 30”

12 Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Fact 5…Requirements of Guards Commit 2 years to guarding the tomb Live in barracks under the tomb Cannot drink alcohol on or off duty for the rest of their lives Cannot disgrace the uniform or tomb in any way. Guards are given a wreath pin for service. This pin can be taken away if they do not obey these rules for the rest of their lives.

13 Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Fact 6… The Uniform Shoes are specially made with very thick soles to keep the heat and cold from their feet Metal heel plates help make the loud click as they come to a halt. No wrinkles, folds, or lint on the uniform Spend 5 hours a day getting his uniform ready for duty Dress in front of a full length mirror

14 Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Fact 7… First six months of duty a guard cannot talk to anyone nor watch TV All off duty time is spent studying the 175 notable people laid to rest in Arlington

15 Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Fact 8…A true story… 2003 – Hurricane Isabella approached Washington, DC US Senate and House took 2 days off Those guarding the tomb were given permission to suspend their assignment They respectfully declined the offer, “No way, Sir” Continued to march through the tropical storm…pelted by rain and soaked to the bone

16 To the Guards of the Tomb… It was not just an assignment…it was the highest honor that can be given to a serviceperson

17 The tomb has been patrolled continuously… 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, since 1930!!!

18 1926 Congress adopts a resolution directing the President to issue an annual proclamation calling on the observance of Armistice Day 1920s – 1930s…most states establish November 11 as a legal holiday and there was an annual proclamation at the federal level

19 1938 Congress make November 11 a legal Federal holiday… …Armistice Day

20 1941-1945 / 1950-1953 WWII / Korean War… …create millions of additional war veterans honored by Armistice Day

21 1954 President Eisenhower signs legislation changing the name of the legal holiday from Armistice Day to Veteran’s Day

22 1968 Congress passes the Monday Holiday Law… This established the fourth Monday in October as the new date for the observance of Veteran’s Day This law was to take effect in 1971…

23 1971-1975 Federal observance of Veteran’s Day is held on the fourth Monday in October …in all states except 2 (Miss. and SD) Other states begin to change their observances back in 1972 (2), 1974 (7), and 1975 (16)

24 1975 Legislation passed to return the Federal observance to Veteran’s Day to November 11… …law to take effect in 1978

25 1978 Veteran’s Day observance reverts to November 11

26 Thoughts on Veteran’s Day by General Douglas MacArthur It is the SOLDIER, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of the press. It is the SOLDIER, not the poet who has given us freedom of speech. It is the SOLDIER, not the campus organizers, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate It is the SOLDIER, who salutes the flag, who serves the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag


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