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Forum on International Social Policy: Helsinki,17 th March 2010 Social Policy in a Globalizing World: Voices From Tanzania.

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Presentation on theme: "Forum on International Social Policy: Helsinki,17 th March 2010 Social Policy in a Globalizing World: Voices From Tanzania."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forum on International Social Policy: Helsinki,17 th March 2010 Social Policy in a Globalizing World: Voices From Tanzania

2 TANZANIA IN 2010 AND BEYOND: Current situation and challenges for Social Policy, Presented by Theresia Ngalula Institute of Social Work/TACOSODE Vice Chairperson

3 Introduction Tanzania like any other countries in the developing world has adopted both national and international policies in order to overcome the challenges facing the country. Some considerable economic growth has been recorded in the country following the implementation of the differen tpolicies and strategies.

4 Introduction cont..... However the conditions of majority of the people especially from Rural areas have not improve To date Tanzania still belong to the group of poor countries in the world

5 Challenges for Social policy Poverty Health issues – HIV/AIDS, Malaria and malnutrition Orphans and Vulnerable children- eg truancy, street children, child labour People with disability- the deaf, physical handicapped, blind, mental health, Albino, deaf-blind Ederly people

6 Family problems – single mothers, divorce, Disaster situations Beggars Displaced people

7 Situations of Social Workers The country has few trained professional Social worker Poor working conditions Lack of Trade Union to cater for Social workers Social work not valued like other professions Lack of capacity building interventions for Social workers in the field Frequent shifting of the Department responsible for social work from one Ministry to another hence lack continuity of focus

8 The Institute Of Social Work Established in 1974 by an Act No.2 of 1973 charged with three major functions including Training of Social workers, Research on Social work and Consultancies on matters regarding social issues It provided Three year Advanced Diploma in Social work

9 Institute of Social Work cont.... 2006 started running a three year Degree in Social work enrolling about 110 students One year Post Graduate diploma in Social work

10 Challenges facing the Institute Inadequate number of Lecturers with professional background in social work Inadequate teaching and learning materials Inadequate infrastructure – lecture rooms, students accommodation, staff houses, library Lack of capacity to cope with information technology

11 Way forward for Social Policy Need to strengthen training programs of the Institute of Social work Improve field work for students – by establishing a data base for Fieldwork Social Agencies and data base for Field work supervisors Improve ICT for the institute Allocate more resources for training more lecturers and retain them

12 Strengthen and increase the students exchange program Increase collaboration and networking with other colleges Ensure that the three functions of the Institute of Social Work are given equal weight

13 Improve the working condition of Social workers Encourage establishment of Trade Union for Social workers Introduce Masters degree on Social Work


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