T HE M ILLER ’ S T ALE Jenisha Chand. M AIN C HARACTERS Handy Nicholas: A poor scholar who lives with John and who studied arts but has interest in astrology.

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Presentation on theme: "T HE M ILLER ’ S T ALE Jenisha Chand. M AIN C HARACTERS Handy Nicholas: A poor scholar who lives with John and who studied arts but has interest in astrology."— Presentation transcript:

1 T HE M ILLER ’ S T ALE Jenisha Chand

2 M AIN C HARACTERS Handy Nicholas: A poor scholar who lives with John and who studied arts but has interest in astrology. Alisoun: Young wife of John, the carpenter and who likes Handy Nicholas. John: A rich old carpenter who runs a boarding house where Handy Nicholas lives. Absolon: A parish clerk who works really hard to win Alisoun’s heart but she doesn’t care about him.

3 LOCATION Oxford G ENRE Fabliau: A medieval verse tale characterized by comic, ribald treatment of themes drawn from life.

4 C ONFLICT Alisoun has a secret lover, Handy Nicholas. Absolon wants to make love with Alisoun but she fools around with him.

5 S UMMARY Since Alisoun and Nicholas want to make love, they convince John by telling him that there will be a great flood and they can prevent it by spending night in a tub tied to the roof. When John was in the tub, Nicholas and Alisoun secretly go to bed.

6 S UMMARY The same night when they are making love, Absolon appears in front of their window asking for Alisoun’s kiss. Absolon thinks he is kissing her lips but she fools him making him kiss her bottom. Absolon comes back the other night with a hot iron to take revenge on her, but he ends up roasting Nicholas's butt.

7 T HEMES Dishonesty Desire is masked as true love.

8 The End

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