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Part II. Nikita Khrushchev The “Players” John F Kennedy.

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1 Part II

2 Nikita Khrushchev The “Players”

3 John F Kennedy

4 Fidel Castro

5 Cuban Missile Crisis Planes spot missile sites being erected in Cuba JFK contacts Kruschev – must not bring in missiles and must dismantle the sites JFK places a blockade around Cuba Threatens to board and inspect any ships coming into Cuba TENSE !!!! At the last moment – Soviet ships turn around WHEW!!


7 Vietnam History – French colony History – French colony Occupied by Japan during WWII Occupied by Japan during WWII Ho Chi Minh wants independence (nationalist - pro communist) Ho Chi Minh wants independence (nationalist - pro communist) USA backs France – France loses at Dien Bien Phu USA backs France – France loses at Dien Bien Phu Divided at Geneva Convention – North and South at 17 th parallel Divided at Geneva Convention – North and South at 17 th parallel

8 Ho Chi Minh (1890 - 1969) Political leader of the Viet Minh Leader of North Vietnam after the Geneva Accords (1954). Nationalist - determined to reunify Vietnam. Very popular - called “Uncle Ho.” When U.S. turned their backs on him he cultivated the support of the two major communist powers Russia & China.

9 Ngo Dinh Diem (1901 - 1963) President of Vietnam from 1954-1963. Catholic, anti-Buddhist - Corrupt – nepotism Killed in a coup d’etat. (CIA and Kennedy approved) “what have the Buddhists done…they barbecued a monk”

10 Buddhist monks in Vietnam demonstrate for peace by setting themselves afire

11 John F. Kennedy Advocated counter insurgency – developed special warfare capabilities Vietnam policy - contain communism - the Domino Theory Assassinated soon after the overthrow of Diem in 1963 Increased the funding Increased the number of US advisors

12 U.S. Army Special Forces “Green Berets” JFK increased funding for Special Forces

13 Photo taken 2 minutes before the assassination

14 Lee Harvey Oswaldwithdeputy

15 JackRubyOswald’sAssassin

16 KennedyfamilysaysGoodbye


18 Lyndon Johnson

19 Great Society LBJ’s Domestic Policy Plan LBJ’s Domestic Policy Plan Strengthen the economy Strengthen the economy Expand social welfare programs Expand social welfare programs

20 MedicareMedicaid

21 War on Poverty Johnson’s plan to improve education, employment, housing, and health-care programs. Johnson’s plan to improve education, employment, housing, and health-care programs.


23 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution President’s powers to wage war are drastically increased



26 Athletes give Black Power salute at the Olympics

27 Richard Nixon


29 Sec. of State Henry Kissinger

30 Kent State University




34 Pentagon Papers Government dishonesty about Vietnam War is revealed to the public.

35 Pol Pot

36 War Powers Act President’s ability to wage war greatly diminished

37 SALT Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty

38 Jimmy Carter

39 Sadat Carter Begin

40 Carter Wins Nobel Peace Prize 2002

41 Ronald Reagan

42 Strategic Defense Initiative “Star Wars” Scrapped after Cold War ended

43 Beirut Bombing 241 Marines killed by terrorists in 1983

44 Mikhail Gorbachev glasnost perestroika


46 Berlin Wall Comes Down Nov. 9, 1989

47 Who is tearing down the wall?

48 Souvenir bits of Berlin Wall sold for $1.00 each

49 Tiananmen Square

50 September 11, 2001

51 Ongoing War in Iraq

52 BeforeAfter So long, Saddam

53 Still Hunting for Osama Bin Laden

54 Where will we be tomorrow?

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