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GOVERNMENT RELATIONS UPDATE Nancy Reder, Esq. Deputy Executive Director NASDSE.

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1 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS UPDATE Nancy Reder, Esq. Deputy Executive Director NASDSE


3 2009 Legislative Agenda – Tier 1  IDEA Implementation  Strengthening/Reauthorizing ESEA  FY 09/10 Appropriations  Economic Recovery (stimulus measures)  Medicaid  Administration/Congressional Collaboration

4 Tier 2 Issues  Autism  Reauthorization of Workforce Investment Act  Voucher legislation  Early childhood issues  SPP/APR revisions  Seclusion/restraint policies

5 IDEA Implementation  Reauthorization is not on the immediate horizon  Implementation issues Data, data, data CEIS Importance of responding to collection notices!!  No Part C regs yet!!

6 IDEA Implementation (cont.)  Full Funding bills: H.R. 3578 S.1652 These bills will be part mandatory/part discretionary funding measures 6-year glide path to full funding  Expert Witness bill – not moving

7 Strengthening/ Reauthorizing ESEA  When will reauthorization happen?  What will it include?  Some of the hot button issues: Accountability Turning around low-performing schools Graduation rates Growth models Appropriate assessments

8 Strengthening/Reauthorizing ESEA (cont.)  Other reauthorization issues: PBS RTI UDL Teacher performance Definition of highly qualified teachers 1%/2%/out-of-level assessments Role of state vs. role of federal government  Common Core Initiative

9 Status of FY 2010 Appropriations  Continuing Resolution (C.R.) through October 30 th  Labor/HHS/Education bill has passed the House  Labor/HHS/Ed has been voted out of Committee in the Senate

10 The American Recovery and Reinvest- ment Act (ARRA) can be difficult to follow.

11 ProgramAllocationStatus Title 110B Phase 2 allocated IDEA11.3B Phase 2 allocated IDEA Section 619400M Phase 2 allocated IDEA Part C500M Phase 2 allocated State Fiscal Stabilization Fund 46B – to governors Phase 1 allocated, waiting on phase 2 applications 39.9B – Pre K – Higher ed Phase 1 allocated, waiting on phase 2 applications 8.8B allocated by governor Phase 1 allocated, waiting on phase 2 applications

12 ProgramAllocationStatus State Incentive grants (Race to the Top) -- $350 M for assessments $4.35 B Application packets expected late fall Innovation grants (i3) $650 B Out for 30 day comment Statewide data system funding $250 M Waiting on applications Title I School Improvement grants $3 B Waiting on applications

13 ProgramAllocationStatus Teacher Incentive Fund $200M Waiting on Applications Teacher Quality Enhancement $100M Waiting on Applications Education Technology State grants $650M Waiting on applications American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)

14 Medicaid  Victory – but hold your breathe….we’re waiting on Lewin Study  Unresolved matter? parental signoffs…

15 Autism  Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee – sets the research agenda for NIH. Committee is authorized under the Combating Autism Act – meets quarterly

16 Workforce Investment Act  Includes reauthorization of Vocational Rehabilitation Act – moving at glacial pace

17 Vouchers  DC voucher legislation  Military choice option study

18 Early Childhood Issues  Early Learning Challenge Fund – contained in the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act

19 Seclusion/Restraint  National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) released report (  House Education and Labor held hearing on May ( /hearings)  GAO released report at hearing ( pdf/testimony/20090519GregKutzTestimon y.pdf) pdf/testimony/20090519GregKutzTestimon y.pdf

20 Seclusion/Restraint (cont.)  Chairman Miller challenged Secretary Duncan to ‘do something’  Duncan called on state chiefs to submit policies  OCR included reporting on seclusion/restraint in OCR reporting (PLEASE COMMENT!!)  Miller and Dodd drafting legislation

21 A Few Final Matters  H1N1  NASDSE’s involvement in UDL task force

22 Collaboration with Administration/Congress

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