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Welcome!. Welcome to Warren County Extension Value Added Mini- Workshop Putting more money in your pocket! Presented by Sean Scanlon.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome!. Welcome to Warren County Extension Value Added Mini- Workshop Putting more money in your pocket! Presented by Sean Scanlon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome!

2 Welcome to Warren County Extension Value Added Mini- Workshop Putting more money in your pocket! Presented by Sean Scanlon

3 Workshop Objectives  Differentiate value added using examples for beef cattle  Distinguish between value added and commodity based production  Develop two options to add value based upon your resource base

4 Why add value? From producers point of view:  Support a 2 nd generation or new generation on farm  Buffer weather and price risks  Better utilization of people, land, other resources  Income stream diversification From the consumers point of view:  Wholesome perception  Safe food product  Tie to the food and people who produced it!

5 What does more money in my pocket look like?  In 2007 PA ranked #3 for dollar value of direct sales to consumers by USDA NASS Census of Agriculture.  Farmers share of the consumer dollar has been cut in half since 1950! From 40% to 20% or less!  More money in your pocket looks like a bigger slice of the 80% that processors capture.  It looks like $2/.lb instead of a $1 by simply adding value and doubling our share of the consumer dollar!

6 Agriculture Entrepreneurs Adding Value

7 Where do we start exploring value added opportunities?  Penn State Extension Service  Trail blazers  Model operators  Friends/Relatives  Publications, Internet


9 Major market target audiences:

10 Value added consumer driven opportunities – Show me the money!  Sell beef, bison, pork, chicken, lamb, goat, etc. by the quarter, half, or whole carcass.  Beef at $3 a pound sold to neighbors is double the money in stockyard average and total dollars generated!  Where else can you add value that doubles your money?  Hang and dry ageing beef more than doubles the money from direct marketing your beef. That’s $6 or more than what you might get on a good day at the stockyard!  Market as grass-fed beef to appeal to health conscious

11 Community Resource People  Extension specialist  Local producer, chef, farmers market owner, butcher.  Podcast, Skype, Adobe Connect, etc. …Build the network!

12 Did we hit the target? Objectives:  Differentiate value added using examples for beef cattle  Distinguish between value added and commodity based production  Develop two options to add value based upon your resource base

13 Workshop Evaluation  Learner Satisfaction Survey  Preferred follow up via email, snail mail, twitter, fb, face- to-face  Door Prizes! White Elephant!

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