Warren Wilson College Small College Environmental Tournament Champ.

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Presentation on theme: "Warren Wilson College Small College Environmental Tournament Champ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warren Wilson College Small College Environmental Tournament Champ

2 Jeopardy Sustainable Communities Greening the Campus Greening the Brownfields ISO for Dummies EPAing & Loving it $200$200$200$200$200 $400$400$400$400$400 $600$600$600$600$600 $800$800$800$800$800 $1000$1000$1000$1000$1000

3 Who is Warren Wilson College?  Located in Western North Carolina  Swannanoah Valley  Liberal Arts School  800 FTE average  Arts, Outdoor Leadership, Environmental Sciences  1195 SAT Average  Work College

4 Who is Warren Wilson College?  Located in Western North Carolina  Swannanoah Valley  Liberal Arts School  800 FTE average  Arts, Outdoor Leadership, Environmental Sciences  1195 SAT Average  Work College

5 The Triad Learning Service Work

6 The Triad Learning Service Work

7 The Triad Learning Service Work

8 Goals 2004-2005  Leed Certified Building  Utility Monitoring  ISO 14001  Doug Orr is Running for President

9 Reality Check –Admissions College Relations –Household Chemical Reduction of 25% –Campus Greening  Residence Hall Utility Monitoring  Campus Greening Walkabout/Primer –Met 50% of our goals –Campus Greening Committee? –Campus Wide Goals?

10 Warren Wilson College - the Myths  It’s just the way you all do things  You have all those students  Everyone is into the environment

11 Warren Wilson College – the Reality  Many of us do care about the environment  Students –Committed –Not committed  We are extremely busy people  Turf battles  Conflicting Goals  We Work Constantly

12 What Works? What are the Challenges?  Structure  Environment/Culture  Leadership  Capabilities  Processes

13 Who is Warren Wilson College?  Structure  Environment/Culture  Leadership  Capabilities  Processes

14 Warren Wilson College Structure  Warren Wilson College Mission Statement  FMTS Mission Statement  Job Descriptions

15 Warren Wilson College Mission Statement  Triad: –Academics –Work –Service  Plus Two: Emphasis on: –Sustainability –Multicultural Experiences

16 Warren Wilson College Organization Chart President Church Relations Administrative Council Academics Business Office Admissions College Relations WorkService Environmental Leadership Center

17 FMTS Mission Statement   The mission of FMTS is to provide the WWC community with facilities and grounds maintenance and design services. We embrace sustainability and continual improvement. We are committed to the Triad philosophy. We will fulfill our mission through: Work Excellence: Development and Care: Sustainability: Maintenance: Triad:

18 What’s Missing?  No Sustainability Coordinator –Educate –Awareness –Guidance –Teach us to fish!

19 What Works? What are the Challenges?  Structure  Environment/Culture  Leadership  Capabilities  Processes

20 Culture/Environment  Fun  Safe  Communicates well  Believes in Sustainability  Excellence  Pro-Active  Learning Institution  We are all partners!

21 Culture/Environment  Environmental Sciences  Art Department  Natural Resources Crew  Business Office  Farm  Organic Garden  Admissions  College Relations  Students!

22 What Works? What are the Challenges?  Structure  Environment/Culture  Leadership  Capabilities  Processes

23 Leadership  An Individual Responsibility  Teacher  Director  Supervisor  Volunteer  Student

24 Leadership  Attitude  Totally Responsible Person  7 Habits of Highly Effective People

25 Leadership –Proactive: You, me, we –Start with the end in mind (vision success) –Find common ground,  seek wiu/win situation  listen –Facilities (what’s in it for us?):  Will it last longer?  Easier to maintain?  Bragging rights?

26 What Works? What are the Challenges?  Structure  Environment/Culture  Leadership  Capabilities  Processes

27 Capabilities  Training  Technology  Human Resources  Budget  Equipment  Tools (management)

28 Capabilities  Awareness - where are you now? –What do you knw about LEED? Sustaainability? –Do you monitor your utilities –Do you measure storm water runoff? –Do you buy locally where possible? Do you have a goal? –Where do you spend your office supplies? –How aware are your students? Faculty? Staff –Do they practice what they preach?

29 Capabilities  What human resources do you have? –Sustainability Department –Dedicated people

30 What Works? What are the Challenges?  Structure  Environment/Culture  Leadership  Capabilities  Processes

31 Processes  Continual Improvement  Planning  Effective Meetings  Budgets  Evaluation  SOGs

32 Continual Improvement Awareness Planning Execution Measurement Renewal

33 Continual Improvement  ISO 14001  ISO 9001, 9002 –Data Intensive –Complicated –Facilities/Industries –Academics?

34 Campus Sustainability Assessment (Harold Glasser)  Air  Built Environment  Business & Management  Culture & Community  Education  Energy  Food  Hazardous Substances  Land  Purchasing  Research  Solid Waste  Transportation  Water

35 Set Goals PriorityImpact$?Goal

36 How Do You Determine Your Goals?  Follow the $$ –Equipment –Office Supplies/Paper –Utilities –Electric: 33% efficiency –Emissions –Safety (workman’s compensation)  Follow the enthusiasm: –Students –Individuals  Follow the Opportunity

37 S.M.A.R.T. Goals  Specific  Measurable  Action Oriented  Realistic  Time Constrained

38 Goals & Objectives GoalIndicators Of SuccessObjectiveTasksDate WHATVision Success. Start with the end in mind HOWIndividual steps for each objective Why is this goal important?

39 Goals & Objectives GoalIndicators Of SuccessObjectiveTasksDate We reduce electrical consumpti on 20% by 2008 *Students/faculty/staff cut off lights/equipment when not needed *Utilities monitored, largest consumption addressed with projects. *All aware of impact on environment. *Faculty/Staff/Students reduce their electrical impact. *We develop an awareness program *We implement effective electrical efficiency projects Individual steps for each objective Why is this goal important? Fossil fuels are limited, pollutes the atmosphere, very expensive to the college.

40 Final Recommendations  How Do You Eat An Elephant?  Where are Your strengths?  Where is there greatest interest?  Kiss  Awareness, Planning, Execution, Measurement, Renewal

41 Thank You! paul braese, PE warren wilson college director of facilities management pbraese@warren-wilson.edu

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