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Words for Production 19. sportsman [ `sportsm1n ] n. [C] a person who plays sports 運動員 Michael Jordan is one of the greatest sportsmen in the 20th century.

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Presentation on theme: "Words for Production 19. sportsman [ `sportsm1n ] n. [C] a person who plays sports 運動員 Michael Jordan is one of the greatest sportsmen in the 20th century."— Presentation transcript:


2 Words for Production 19. sportsman [ `sportsm1n ] n. [C] a person who plays sports 運動員 Michael Jordan is one of the greatest sportsmen in the 20th century. 詞類變化

3 sportsmanship [ `sportsm1n&SIp ] n. [U] 運動家精神 He is praised for his excellent skills and sportsmanship.

4 Words for Production 20. appealing [ 1`pilI9 ] adj. attractive; interesting 吸引人的 I find the idea of traveling around the world very appealing. 詞類變化 * appealing = attractive

5 appeal [ 1`pil ] vi. 吸引 n. [U] 吸引 ( 力 ) Harry Potter appeals not only to children all over the world but to adults as well. * not only … but (also) … as well 不但 … 而且 …

6 Words for Production 21. excel [ Ik`sEl ] vi. to be very good 傑出,出類拔萃 My brother has never excelled at sports. In fact, he hates them. 詞類變化 * in fact = as a matter of fact 事實上

7 excellent [ `EksL1nt ] adj. 極好的,卓越的 Because she is pretty, smart, and hardworking, she may become an excellent actress in the future.

8 excellence [ `EksL1ns ] n. [U] 優秀,傑出 Sport is an area in which excellence is treasured.

9 Words for Production 22. enthusiast [ In`TjuzI&8st ] n. [C] a person who enjoys something very much and knows a lot about it 狂熱 者,愛好者 Every April, hundreds of thousands of jazz enthusiasts from all over the world come to the Jazz Festival in New Orleans. 詞類變化 * all over the world 遍及全世界

10 enthusiasm [ In`TjuzI&8z1m ] n. [U] 狂熱,熱中 Sam shows great enthusiasm for basketball. He practices it every day.

11 enthusiastic [ In&TjuzI`8stIk ] adj. 狂熱的,熱心的 Young people are especially enthusiastic about Internet cafés. * Internet café 網咖

12 Words for Production 23. involve [ In`vAlv ] vt. to have as a result or a part 包含,含 有 The work will involve your living apart from your family for some time. * some time = a period of time 一段時間

13 Words for Production 24. globalized [ `GlobL&aIzd ] adj. made worldwide in scope 全球化的 Scientists estimate that by the year 2025, the world will face the crisis of globalized aging. At that time, the number of people aged 65 and over will reach 800 million. 詞類變化 * globalized aging 全球老化 * the number of … … 的數目

14 global [ `GlobL ] adj. 全球的 The greenhouse effect causes changes in global weather. * greenhouse effect 溫室效應

15 Words for Production 25. slightly [ `slaItlI ] adv. to a small degree; a little 些許地,輕 微地 The weather forecast predicted that today’s temperatures would be slightly higher than yesterday’s. 詞類變化 * yesterday’s 為所有格代名詞, 此處為 yesterday’s temperatures 的意思. 所有格代名詞 = 所有格 + 名詞

16 slight [ `slaIt ] adj. 些許的,輕微的 The doctor noted a slight improvement in Grandma’s condition.

17 Words for Production 26. truly [ `trulI ] adv. really 真正地 Brad always gets poor grades. He is not truly stupid; he is just lazy. * truly = really

18 5. windsurf [ `wInd&s3f ] vi. to sail across water by standing on a long board and holding onto a large sail 玩風浪板,進行風浪板運動 Words for Recognition

19 6. cliff [ klIf ] n. [C] a high and very steep face of rock, usually on the side of a mountain 懸崖 , 峭壁 Words for Recognition

20 7. sky surf [ `skaI &s3f ] n. [U] the sport of performing maneuvers or stunts during freefall while riding on a skyboard 空中花式滑板運動 Words for Recognition

21 8. Moscow [ `mAsko ] n. the capital of Russia 莫斯科 Words for Recognition

22 5. all year round all the year 整年,一年到頭 The sun shines all year round in Hawaii. Idioms and Phrases * all year round = all the year

23 6. put one’s mind to to devote one ’ s energy and effort to something 全心投入於 … You could be an excellent basketball player if you put your mind to it. Idioms and Phrases * devote … to… 奉獻

24 7. in the past in the time before 以前 In the past, he was a famous movie star. But now no one has heard of him. Idioms and Phrases * hear of 聽說

25 8. strike a blow for to do something to support a belief, principle or ideal 支持 … Last year, people in this country struck a blow for freedom by overthrowing their government. Idioms and Phrases * overthrow the government 推翻政府

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