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Across the Wide Dark Sea Jeopardy VocabularyComprehensionGrammarSpellingReview 10 20 30 40.

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Presentation on theme: "Across the Wide Dark Sea Jeopardy VocabularyComprehensionGrammarSpellingReview 10 20 30 40."— Presentation transcript:

1 Across the Wide Dark Sea Jeopardy VocabularyComprehensionGrammarSpellingReview 10 20 30 40

2 What does journey mean? a trip from one place to another.

3 The Pilgrims were weary after their long journey. What does weary mean? tired; needing rest

4 What does cramped mean? What is the base word and what Is the suffix? crowded; not enough room to move. cramp-ed crowded; not enough room to move. cramp-ed

5 Use the word seeping correctly in a sentence.

6 What is the setting in this story? The setting is on a boat and America.

7 How do you think the boy feels when he watches the ship sail back to his old home? ex. He felt scared and sad that he will never return to where he came from.

8 At the end of the story, why do you think the boy’s father tells him to look at the settlement as the ship sails away? To show him all they have here in America and all they have accomplished.

9 How does the sailor know that land is ahead before he sees it? The sailor sees seaweed, a tree branch, and a feather from a land bird float by.

10 What does the word useless mean? without use

11 What does the word stubbornness mean? condition of being stubborn.

12 Use the word priceless in a sentence.

13 Divide the word darkness in to syllables and use it in a sentence. dark-ness

14 Spell the word __________ Look at the spelling ring # 10

15 Spell the word __________ Look at the spelling ring # 8

16 Spell the word and give me a rhyming word. Look at the spelling ring # 12

17 Spell the word and give me a rhyming word. Look at the spelling ring challenge word #2

18 How many syllables does sailor have? 2 2

19 How many syllables does explorer have? 3 3

20 Changed the underlined words to a pronoun. My mother and I are going to Canada this summer. We

21 Changed the underlined words to a pronoun. Canada is a very interesting country. It

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