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Industrial Hygiene Issues July Shutdown 2002 Lead Handling Heat Stress.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrial Hygiene Issues July Shutdown 2002 Lead Handling Heat Stress."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrial Hygiene Issues July Shutdown 2002 Lead Handling Heat Stress

2 Lead Handling Locations: –Tunnel Exposure –Shop Exposure Risks: –Health Effects –Material Handling risks

3 Lead Handling Controls: JLab Policy EHS Manual Chapter 6680 –lead safety training required for lead handling –No hot work involving lead –consult IH when moving more than 10 lead bricks –lead brick must be coated

4 Lead Handling Controls: Personal Protective Equipment Dispose of unwanted lead and used PPE at the Safety Lab

5 Heat Stress Location: Outdoors or in any area without air conditioning Risks: –heat stroke –heat cramp –heat exhaustion –dehydration

6 Heat Stress Controls: –wear light weight, loose-fitting and light colored clothing –get plenty of sleep at night –take plenty of breaks –eat light meals –drink lots of liquids (No alcohol or caffeine)

7 On really hot days remember we’ll be looking for you in the Water Wagon...

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