Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini. Setting  Kabul, Afghanistan  Late 1970s-Early 1980s  Fremont, California  1980s-Early 2000s.

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Presentation on theme: "Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini. Setting  Kabul, Afghanistan  Late 1970s-Early 1980s  Fremont, California  1980s-Early 2000s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini

2 Setting  Kabul, Afghanistan  Late 1970s-Early 1980s  Fremont, California  1980s-Early 2000s

3 Historical Background  The nation of Afghanistan emerged in 1747.  Monarchy was established.  Great Britain and Russia vie for power.  A buffer state

4 Hist. Background Cont. The Cold War  Afghanistan attempted to become a more “modern” nation to strengthen its position in the world.  United States vs. Soviet Union  The People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) formed in 1965.

5 Hist. Background Cont. The Taliban  Origins  Political reforms  Social reforms  Opposition  September 11, 2001

6 Regional Conflicts  Political  Ethnic  Religious

7 Islam  Muhammad  Qu’ran (Koran)  Allah  Religions of the book

8 Divisions of Islam

9 Ethnic Diversity Pashtun  Majority  Sunni  Middle Eastern attributes  Upper class Hazara  Minority  Shia  Mongolian attributes  “Serv ant” class

10 The Kite Runner: Title’s Significance Kite FightingKite Running

11 Introduction to the Novel Synopsis  A story of strained family relationships between a father and son as well as two “brothers” and how they weather the political and social transformation of Afghanistan from the 1970s-2001.

12 Characters  Amir, the narrator and protagonist  Baba  Ali  Hassan  Rahim Khan  Assef

13 Style Coming-of-Age Novel  Physical growth  Psychological growth  Moral growth Literary Devices  Flashback  Foreshadowing  Interior Monologue  Imagery  Motifs (Rape & Irony)  Symbolism  Themes

14 Symbolism  Kites  Books  The lamb  The cleft lip

15 Themes  Identity and self-discovery  Guilt and redemption  Father and son relationships  Influence of political events on personal lives  Persistence of the past  Personal honor  Abuse of power  Assimilation and acculturation

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