Major structures muscles ------- my/o, myos/o fascia -------- fasci/o tendons ------- ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o.

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2 Major structures muscles ------- my/o, myos/o fascia -------- fasci/o tendons ------- ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o

3 Function of the muscular system 1.Muscles hold the body erect and make movement possible. 2.Muscle movement generates nearly 85% of the heat that keep the body warm. 3.Muscles move food through the digestive system muscle action moves fluids through ducts and tubes.

4 The structures of the muscular system: The body has more than 60 muscle made up of fibers. Covered with 1.fibers muscle The muscle is composed of long, slender cell known as muscle fiber. Each muscle consists of group of fibers held together by connective tissue.



7 2. skeletal muscles Skeletal muscles are attached to the bones of skeleton and are the muscle that makes possible body motion such as walking and smiling. Skeleton muscle is also known as striated muscles. Skeleton muscles are also known as voluntary muscle.

8 3. smooth muscles Smooth muscles are located in the walls of internal organs such as the digestive tract, blood vessels, and ducts leading from glands. Their function is to move and control the flow of fluids through these structures. Smooth muscles are also known as unstriated muscles. Smooth muscle is also known as involuntary muscle.

9 4. cardiac muscle Cardiac muscle also known myocardial muscle: myo mean muscle cardi mean heart al mean pertaining to The muscle is also known as myocardium: myo mean muscle card mean heart ium mean tissue Cardiac muscle is like striated muscle in its appearance, but like smooth muscle in its action.

10 5. fascia Fascia is the sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue that covers, supports, and separates muscles.


12 Medical specialties to the muscular system An orthopedic surgeon treats injuries and disorders involving bones, joint, muscle. A rheumatologist treats disorders that involve the inflammation of connective tissue including muscle. A neurologist treats the cause of paralysis and similar muscular disorders in which there is a loss of function. A specialist in sports medicine treat sports- related injuries of the bones, joints and muscle.

13 Rang of motion


15 Term related to muscle termMeaning FascitisInflammation of fascia TenalgiaPain in tendon tendonitisInflammation of tendons Muscle atrophyWeakness of muscle tissue MyalgiaMuscle tenderness MyolysisInflammation of muscle tissue MyomalaciaAbnormal softening of muscle tissue MyosclerosisAbnormal hardening of muscle A spasmSudden involuntary contraction of muscle Brady kinesisSlow in movement DyskinesiaImpairment of voluntary movement HyperkinesiasAbnormal increase activity ParalysisLoss sensation and voluntary muscle movements paraplegiaParalysis of both legs the lower part of body QuadriplegiaParalysis of all four extremities HemiplgiaTotal paralysis of one side of the body


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