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Memory and Working Memory An introduction. What have you forgotten?

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Presentation on theme: "Memory and Working Memory An introduction. What have you forgotten?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Memory and Working Memory An introduction

2 What have you forgotten?

3 40 What does the number 40 have to do with memory? Forgetting is normal

4 Why We Forget? Inattention -- distracted, poor encoding Suggestion -- we are influenced by other ’ s comments, ads or environment Misattribution -- we assume that something belongs in a group Erosion -- weakened by inactivity Subject Bias -- prejudiced by false beliefs Subsequent recall-- we change our story Wordstruck-- tip of tongue/stressed

5 Relax… It happens to everybody

6 Types of Memory SPEWS Semantic (fact memory) Procedural (skill memory) Episodic (episode memory) Working (thinking memory) Spatial (map memory)

7 But I want my students to remember what I teach

8 40

9 Answer these questions Bananas live in the water: True or False Flowers smell nice: True or False Dogs have four legs: True or False

10 Now What is the last word from each sentence, in order?

11 For memory we must: 3 Stages: EncodeStoreRetrieve

12 Working Memory

13 Holds data in mind temporarily while the brain manipulates it.

14 "The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information" George Miller, 1956

15 Working memory is a system for temporarily storing and managing the information required to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning, reasoning, and comprehension. Working memory is involved in the information- processing functions such as encoding and retrieving data.

16 Working Memory

17 Central Executive The central executive is a flexible system responsible for the control and regulation of cognitive processes. It has the following functions: binding information from a number of sources into coherent episodes coordination of the slave systems (episodic buffer) shifting between tasks or retrieval strategies selective attention and inhibition

18 Phonological Loop The phonological loop (or "articulatory loop") as a whole deals with sound or phonological information. It consists of two parts: a short- term phonological store with auditory memory traces that are subject to rapid decay and an articulatory rehearsal component that can revive the memory traces. auditory Deals with spoken and written material

19 Visio-Spatial Sketchpad The visuospatial sketchpad is assumed to hold information about what we see. It is used in the temporary storage and manipulation of spatial and visual information, such as remembering shapes and colors, or the location or speed of objects in space.

20 Episodic Buffer Links information to form units and time sequencing Links the information to go to long term memory Goal is to get the central executive working with other areas.

21 Math time Use mental math: what is 11x15

22 Math Time Use mental math What is 137 x 624


24 KEYS TO WORKING MEMORY Mental workspace to remember and WORK with information It is limited Once information is gone it is gone forever Many researchers claim it is the #1 predictor of academic success



27 So What? Neurons that fire together, wire together! Classroom goal is to remember information – so we must make stronger connections.

28 Experience your neurons that are wired together While sitting, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles While doing this, draw the number 6 in the air with your right hand

29 What happened to your right foot? 1.It changed direction 2.It slowed down 3.It stopped rotating To change this neural pathway takes a ton of work. That’s how strong we make connections in the brain. To change this neural pathway takes a ton of work. That’s how strong we make connections in the brain.

30 Use it or lose it Point = make learning as strong as those neural pathways What can we do in our classroom to make the same connections

31 Next Week Goal of next week: Pruning of memories Learn strategies to help students remember what you teach What does it look like when a child has a problem with working memory Discuss what might mask a working memory issue

32 I’m taking this class for credit what do I have to do? Non credit people feel free to join in the discussion

33 Next Steps If you want, watch any video links to help understand memory. Post at least 1 question and 1 comment in the forum. Respond to at least one classmate (and no more than 3). Reflect on how this impacts your teaching in 100 words or less

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