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Unit 1 – “The Last Dog”.

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1 Unit 1 – “The Last Dog”

2 Learning Goals Read for comprehension and analysis, with a focus on plot, setting, conflict and vocabulary.

3 Unit 1 Objectives • identify stages of plot • analyze plot development
• identify internal and external conflict • analyze and evaluate setting

4 Review - What drives a story? Review:
Setting Characters Conflict

5 Review - What drives a story? Review:
Setting is the time and place of the action. Characters are the people, animals, or imaginary creatures that take part in a story. • Conflict is a struggle between different forces. A conflict can be external or internal.

6 Stages of Plot Exposition Rising action Climax Falling action

7 Stages of Plot Exposition

8 Stages of Plot Exposition • Introduces the setting and the characters
• Sets up or hints at the conflict

9 Stages of Plot rising action

10 Stages of Plot rising action
• Shows how the conflict unfolds and becomes more complicated • Builds suspense (suspense is a feeling of growing tension and excitement)

11 Stages of Plot Climax

12 Stages of Plot Climax • Is the most exciting moment and the turning point • Often results in a change for the main character

13 Stages of Plot falling action

14 Stages of Plot falling action
• Reveals how the main character begins to resolve the conflict • Eases suspense (What’s suspense?)* (suspense is a feeling of growing tension and excitement)

15 Stages of Plot Resolution

16 Stages of Plot Resolution • Ties up loose ends
• Sometimes offers an unexpected twist before the story ends

17 Stages of Plot Plot diagram

18 Share

19 Literary Terms Setting Flashback Science fiction

20 Literary Terms Setting – time and place of the action
Flashback – a scene from an earlier time Science fiction – combines real scientific information with imagination to create an altered universe.

21 Reading Strategy Identify Sequence – the order of events.

22 Reading Strategy Identify Sequence

23 Read “The Last Dog” Page 42
Remember to “identify sequence.”

24 Avoiding Run-Ons Run-on – Consists of two or more sentences written as if they were one sentence End mark – punctuation that separates one sentence from another by ending a complete thought Comma – shows a slight pause, and avoids confusion, but does not signal the end to one thought and the start of another.

25 Avoiding Run-Ons Fuzed Sentence – is a word group containing two or more sentences that are run together without any punctuation. Comma Splice – consists of two or more sentences separated by a comma instead of a period or semicolon (:).

26 Reading Check 1. Where does Brock live? In a dome. 2. Why is it strange for Brock to leave where he lives to conduct research? Only deviants had been rumored to “go outside” and they never returned. 3. What has the puppy lost that Brock never had? Its mother. . . .continued

27 They leave the dome with no plans to return.
Reading Check 4. Why do the scientists want to clone Brog ? They think he is the last dog, and they want to keep the line going for future generations. 5. What do Brock and Brog do at the end of the story? They leave the dome with no plans to return.

28 Comprehension After Reading
1. RECALL What is the main reason Victor wants to take French? Victor wants to take French because Teresa is taking it. 2. RECALL How does Victor respond when Teresa talks to him after homeroom? Victor can’t look at her and says something awkward. . . .continued

29 Comprehension continued
After Reading Comprehension continued 3. SUMMARIZE Explain the events that happen after Victor tells Mr. Bueller that he speaks French. Victor makes up some words and says them in a French accent. Mr. Bueller knows the truth but doesn’t say anything. After class, Teresa is impressed with Victor and wants to study with him. . . .continued

30 Additional Selection Questions
1. Recall What did Brock do while his podfellows played virtual games? How did this activity affect him? He read ancient fictions, which made him curious about the outside world. . . .continued

31 Additional Selection Questions
2. Identify Setting In what ways is the dome a controlled environment? The atmospheric conditions, food intake, and water usage are regulated. People’s movements in and out of the dome are monitored. Even the process of having and raising children is controlled in a laboratory. In addition, the control seems to extend to emotions. People show little evidence of bonding with each other and rarely display extreme feelings. . . .continued

32 Additional Selection Questions
3. Key Idea: Companionship What does the puppy demand from Brock that he has never had to give to anyone in the dome? The puppy needs to be taken care of, whereas the inhabitants of the dome are self-sufficient. The puppy also seems to need Brock’s companionship and compassion. . . .continued

33 Additional Selection Questions
4. Identify Sequence What did Brock have to do before being allowed to leave the dome? He had to receive permission and undergo an interview with the podmaster and someone from Research. He had to be outfitted with equipment. He had to be taught how to use a scanner. . . .continued

34 Additional Selection Questions
5. Key Idea: Companionship In what way does Brog’s companionship help Brock become a more complete human being? Brock develops a sense of commitment and responsibility, two aspects of his character untapped before he found Brog. He must be resourceful to find a solution to the problem of saving Brog. He acts courageously and unselfishly when he implements his plan, which will force him to live in the outside world. He learns what it is to love another creature and be willing to sacrifice for it. . . .continued

35 Additional Selection Questions
6. Compare and Contrast Setting In what ways will life outside the dome be more challenging than life within the dome? Brock will have to find his own food and make his own shelter. He will have to contend with the elements of weather and terrain. He will have to learn new skills. Inside the dome, everything is provided for him. . . .continued

36 The major conflict has been resolved.
Additional Selection Questions 7. Analyze Plot Why does the story end where it does? The major conflict has been resolved. . . .continued

37 Additional Selection Questions
8. Evaluate Character Is Brock a deviant? Why or why not? Yes. A deviant is someone who deviates, or turns away, from the acceptable behavior of dome dwellers. In other words, anyone who is not content with life inside the dome is a deviant. Brock is not content. He thinks there is more to life and sets out to find it. . . .continued

38 Additional Selection Questions
9. Analyze Setting Does the author portray the future positively or negatively? Support your answer with details from the text? The author portrays the future negatively. Dome life is seen as sterile and barren. Inhabitants eat pills instead of food. There is nothing real or messy about the way the dome dwellers live. Their pets are robots, and most experiences have been reduced to virtual reality. They survive but do not truly live. Efficiency has taken the place of human emotions, as shown when the dome dwellers let Brock go to his apparent death without concern. . . .continued

39 Additional Selection Questions
10. Key Idea: Companionship What theme is conveyed through Brock’s willingness to sacrifice for his canine companion? Without relationships, life is sterile and barren. Relationships make life worth living.

40 Discussion Prompts Connect 1. Lines What are some ways to satisfy your curiosity about unknown places or experiences? Students may say that they ask questions, do research, or investigate for themselves. . . .continued

41 Discussion Prompts Apply 2. Lines Why did reading books such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn make Brock curious about the outside world? Possible answer: Brock says that the characters’ “insides were very loud” (line 66). In other words, the characters seemed to have much more of an emotional life than the people Brock knows in the dome. Brock became curious about the world that produced these vivid characters. . . .continued

42 Discussion Prompts Evaluate 3. Lines Is Brock fulfilled by his life in the dome? How do you know? Possible answer: No, he is not fulfilled. Brock keeps going back to these stories because he longs for something beyond what the dome can offer. He seems to feel there should be more to life. . . .continued

43 Discussion Prompts Connect 4. Lines Have you ever visited a place that is very different from your home? Was the experience more exciting or more fearsome? Students may say that they felt many different emotions, depending on the experience. . . .continued

44 Discussion Prompts Analyze 5. Lines In what way is nature outside the dome different from what Brock has been taught? Possible answer: He has been taught that the world outside cannot support life. However, he has found living trees (line 115) and a flowing brook (line 126) not far from the dome. . . .continued

45 Discussion Prompts Evaluate 6. Lines Why do you think dome scientists and leaders have not updated their information about the outside environment? Possible answer: The dome leaders do not want to lose members of their population to the outside world. The dome dwellers are imprisoned by their fear of what might be outside. They are too comfortable inside the dome. . . .continued

46 Discussion Prompts Connect 7. Lines Think about a time when you had to request permission for something very important to you. How do those thoughts help you understand Brock’s feelings toward the officials during the quarantine inspection? Students might say that although Brock may have been nervous, he needed to be assertive and persuasive for the puppy’s sake. . . .continued

47 Discussion Prompts Analyze 8. Lines How do the inspectors react to Brog? Why do you think they react this way? Possible answer: The inspectors are nervous at first but then become interested in Brog. The puppy is much more alive and interactive than a robopet. The puppy may inspire in them the same warm, protective feelings that Brock has toward it. . . .continued

48 Discussion Prompts Synthesize 9. Lines How does the chief inspector’s decision affect the story? Possible answer: Brog is allowed to stay, so Brock will have more time to study and get to know the puppy. . . .continued

49 Discussion Prompts Connect 10. Lines What do people find rewarding about the process of training a pet? Students may say that training a pet helps people learn more about their animal and how to handle it. They may also say that watching an animal learn a skill is fun. . . .continued

50 Discussion Prompts Analyze 11. Lines Why is Brog better than a robopet in Brock’s mind? Possible answer: Although a robopet is always obedient, it has no personality or feelings. Brog may not always follow commands, but she can show affection and other emotions. . . .continued

51 Discussion Prompts Synthesize 12. Lines How is the growing bond between Brog and Brock unusual in the dome society? How might the dome dwellers respond to this bond? Possible answer: Life within the dome is very controlled. Emotions do not have a place in the society. Therefore, the affection and loyalty growing between Brock and Brog may be perceived as a threat. . . .continued

52 Discussion Prompts Connect 13. Lines Have you ever made a decision that was not popular with your family or a group of friends? How do those thoughts help you understand Brock’s behavior toward the researchers? Possible answer: Students may say that going against group mentality is difficult and feels strange. To do what is right for oneself takes courage and determination. . . .continued

53 Discussion Prompts Analyze 14. Lines How do the scientists act as Brock is leaving the dome? What does this suggest about relationships among people in the dome? Possible answer: No one seems sad or concerned that Brock is leaving. People in the dome probably do not have caring personal relationships with each other. . . .continued

54 Discussion Prompts Synthesize 15. Lines Based on the scientists’ reaction, what has become most important to the people living in the dome? Possible answer: Survival has become most important. It is valued even above knowledge and love.

55 Discussion Prompts Connect 1. Reading For Information Did you know that robotic pets had been invented? What is your opinion of real-life robopets? Students may say that they were unaware of this technological advance. They may not like the idea of robopets but might be able to understand their usefulness in society. After reading this article, some may think that robopets can be cute and even lovable to a certain extent. . . .continued

56 Evaluate Possible answers:
Discussion Prompts Evaluate 3. Reading For Information Do you think the use of robotic pets is the first step toward a society like the one described in “The Last Dog”? Explain. Possible answers: • No. Using robotic pets in a limited way will not erase people’s love for real animal companions. • Yes. Because of cell phones, video conferencing, and automated services at many businesses, our society is already becoming impersonal and sterile. This use of robotic pets could indicate a further disturbing trend.

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