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Vocabulary The navy ship was put on ____ after an ice storm was reported in the area. prey alert predators vibrates.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary The navy ship was put on ____ after an ice storm was reported in the area. prey alert predators vibrates."— Presentation transcript:


2 Vocabulary

3 The navy ship was put on ____ after an ice storm was reported in the area. prey alert predators vibrates

4 alert – noun – a heightened sense of watchfulness for possible danger


6 The pitcher was _____ for a ball when the runner tagged the base. predators vibrates lunging species

7 lunging – verb – making a sudden forward movement.

8 Lions and wolfs are natural ______ who hunt smaller animals for food. predators species surroundings survive

9 predators – plural noun – animals that live by preying on or hunting and eating, other animals

10 Nature films often show lions hunting their ________. survive prey alert predators

11 prey – noun –any animal hunted or killed by another animal for food.

12 German shepherds belong to one _____ and wolves belong to another. vibrates lunging species surroundings

13 species – noun – a group of animals or plants that have many characteristics in common

14 The cabin had beautiful _________ flowers, plants and a nearby lake. surroundings survive prey alert

15 surroundings – plural noun – the objects, influences or conditions of a place

16 One must know how to find food and shelter to _______ in the woods. species surroundings survive prey

17 survive – verb – to live and be active through and after an event

18 The cell phone _____instead of making a loud ring when someone calls. alert predators vibrates lunging

19 vibrates – verb – moves back and forth or up and down very fast

20 Susan Ging Lent Production

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