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Pre-Marriage Relationships This material is freely provided to help you build your own Power Point presentation to meet the needs of your group. 1 Based.

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-Marriage Relationships This material is freely provided to help you build your own Power Point presentation to meet the needs of your group. 1 Based."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-Marriage Relationships This material is freely provided to help you build your own Power Point presentation to meet the needs of your group. 1 Based on eBook: ‘Pre-Marriage Relationships’ by Philip Nunn. Freely available from: About the search for a Christian life partner

2 Introducion The Bible contains godly values and principles which influence and guide all our decisions, including those leading to marriage 2

3 Involve God in your search 3 1. Ownership: Who owns you? 2. Purpose: What does God want with you? 3. Different: How does God see you? 4. Obedience: Can God be trusted? We all know that rules, guidelines and suggestions have a limited effect on our behaviour. It is mainly our heart that controls our actions.

4 Learn to enjoy other people 4 You will miss out on your social development and much joy in life if you are only willing to invest time and energy to befriend potential life partners.

5 Singleness, Marriage and Purity 5 1.Dignity in singleness and in marriage 2. Single but not alone 3. Marriage as a covenant 4. Cohabitation before marriage?

6 The ‘Fishing-Pond’ model 6

7 1. The ‘Right-One’ model 7

8 8

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10 2. The ‘Fishing-Pond’ model 10

11 2. The ‘Fishing-Pond’ model 11

12 2. The ‘Fishing-Pond’ model 12 “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?” 2 Corinthians 6:14-15

13 2. The ‘Fishing-Pond’ model 13

14 2. The ‘Fishing-Pond’ model 14

15 2. The ‘Fishing-Pond’ model 15

16 2. The ‘Fishing-Pond’ model 16

17 2. The ‘Fishing-Pond’ model 17

18 2. The ‘Fishing-Pond’ model “ A woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to marry anyone she wishes, but he must belong to the Lord.” 1 Cor 7:39 9-5-2015 18

19 2. The ‘Fishing-Pond’ model 19

20 2. The ‘Fishing-Pond’ model 20

21 After marriage… the ‘Right-One’ model is identical to the ‘Fishing-Pond’ model. 9-5-2015 21

22 Becoming Romantic and Exclusive 22 1. Preliminary research 2. Sources of information 3. What about the parents? 4. Signs of an unhealthy relationship

23 How to end a romantic relationship 23 1. Don’t blame the other 2. Explain the reason 3. Truly terminate 4. Connect him/her with other Christians

24 Conclusion 24 “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is, his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Rom. 12:2

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