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Beowulf Ray Winstone as Beowulf in Robert Zemeckis’ Beowulf, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Beowulf Ray Winstone as Beowulf in Robert Zemeckis’ Beowulf, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beowulf Ray Winstone as Beowulf in Robert Zemeckis’ Beowulf, 2007

2 The oldest poem written in English more than 1200 years ago 1. The background Beowulf Anonymous and composed in the first half of the 8th century It deals with a time following the initial invasion of England by Germanic tribes in 449 (5th~6th Cent.)‏ It contains Christian elements; the pagan deities are removed

3 The Geats (Beowulf; his retainer, Wiglaf; the Eorls)‏ 2. The characters A scene of Robert Zemeckis’ Beowulf, 2007 Beowulf The Danes (King Hrothgar)‏ The Swedes Grendel, the monster Grendel’s mother The fire-breathing dragon

4 Loyalty and kinship 3. The values of warrior society in the poem Beowulf The need to take revenge Physical strength and courage The search for glory in this life The importance of fate

5 Beowulf prays the Creator of all things, the ruler of the Heavens 4. Christian elements Beowulf God's will: identical with fate (wyrd) Grendel: descendent of Cain Reference to the Old Testament

6 Kenning “The hoard-guardian” (the guardian of the treasure = the monster)‏ Alliteration 5. Techniques Beowulf “He rippled down the rock, writhing with anger”

7 Elevated language 5. Techniques Beowulf “They extolled (praised) his heroic nature and exploits (deeds) and gave thanks for his greatness” Long lists of leaders and warriors

8 the swan-road the whale-road the bent-necked wood the ringed prow The Ship 6. KENNINGS from the poem Beowulf The Sea

9 The Sword 6. KENNINGS from the poem Beowulf the storm of swords Peter Nicolai Arbo (1831-1892), The last stand of King Harald Hardrada at the Battle of Stamford Bridge in 1066 the leaving of the file battle-lightning The Battle

10 the ring-giver the dispenser of treasure The Dragon Ray Winstone as Beowulf in Robert Zemeckis’ Beowulf, 2007 Beowulf the twilight-spoiler 6. KENNINGS from the poem The Lord/King

11 The Feud = the tragic waste 7. Themes Beowulf A system of revenge is repeated in the poem: feud  peace  feud The eternal conflict between dark and light, good and evil Fate Courage as the quality that can stand against Fate.

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