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The American people are buying into this because they do not recognize Israel’s relationship to history, to the word of God, and to what they mean to.

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Presentation on theme: "The American people are buying into this because they do not recognize Israel’s relationship to history, to the word of God, and to what they mean to."— Presentation transcript:



3 The American people are buying into this because they do not recognize Israel’s relationship to history, to the word of God, and to what they mean to America as a democracy. America should stand by Israel because Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. Israel has been America’s friend who votes with us more in the UN than any other Nation. Israel also has a very unique relationship with a super power that a secular society in America does not recognize, and that would be God Almighty. God has created Israel. God said, “I am the defender of Israel, for he that keepth Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps.” God has said through the prophet Joel that any nation (that would include America) who tries to divide the land of Israel, or the city of Jerusalem will be brought to judgment, therefore, it is very clear to say that the day that America turns its back on Israel God will turn its back on America. – John Hagee Glenn Beck Program April 5 2011.


5 Early on the children of Israel did not obey God, and they paid the consequences, (Judges 2:1-3). Upon the kingdom being divided, “Israel” (North) “Judah” (South) they suffered for unfaithfulness: - Israel (North) was carried away, 722 BC. (Assyrian) - Judah (South) was carried away, 605-587 BC. (Babylonian) But in 70 years a remnant returned. - Jesus taught that Jerusalem and the Temple would be ultimately destroyed. (Romans in 70 AD).


7 The Jews in Jesus’ day looked for a king to set on the throne of David and for Jerusalem to once again take its place in power.



10 The doctrine of Premillennialism teaches that God will unite Israel, and that Jesus will literally return to Jerusalem to sit on the throne of David and reign 1000 years.

11 PREMILLENNIALISM FINAL JUDGMENT HEAVEN HELL “Rapture” (snatching) Jesus will snatch away all the saved.. During this time will be the “tribulation” Jesus will return to Jerusalem and reign for 1000 years... At the end of the 1000 year reign there will be the final judgment...

12 The Jews in Jesus’ day looked for a king to set on the throne of David and for Jerusalem to once again take its place in power. The Jews of Jesus’ day and people today misunderstand and teach error regarding the kingdom of God. The doctrine of Premillennialism teaches that God will unite Israel, and that Jesus will literally return to Jerusalem to sit on the throne of David and reign 1000 years.






18 The Old Testament prophets who spoke of the kingdom did not understand the depth of what they spoke.


20 The message of Jesus was not of a physical kingdom but a spiritual kingdom.





25 The Old Testament prophets who spoke of the kingdom did not understand the depth of what they spoke. The message of Jesus was not of a physical kingdom but a spiritual kingdom. The message of the Apostles was not of a physical kingdom but a spiritual kingdom.









34 As we have seen the Israel of God are the obedient to God through Christ Jesus our Lord, “in every nation,” (Acts 10:34-35). Would you like to become a part of the chosen people of God? (I Peter 2:9-10). Would you obey the gospel? - Believe, (John 8:24). - Repent, (Luke 13:3). - Confess, (Matthew 10:32-33). - Baptized, (Mark 16:15-16).

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