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The Lamb is Worthy Revelation 4 – 5 (p 1140-1141)

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2 The Lamb is Worthy Revelation 4 – 5 (p 1140-1141)

3  What did it have to do with the book of Revelation ? EVERYTHING !!!  Revelation – the great Cosmic Battle between Good & Evil, God & Satan GOD’S Side  Devotion to Christ  Faithful Witness  Love, service, perseverance SATAN’S Side  Self Interest, Self Absorption  Committed to Money, Power, Pleasure  Indulgence, Exploitation, Oppression

4  The Throne & the “One” who sat on it (cf. Isa 6:1-3; Ezek 1: 4-28; Dan 7):  Appearance of Jasper & Ruby  Surrounded by a shining rainbow / halo  The 24 Elders  12 Patriachs (OT) and 12 Apostles (NT) – i.e. The whole Covenant people of God  The 4 Living Creatures  Lion (mightiest wild animal)- Ox (mightiest tame animal)  Man (Creature who rules creation – Gen 1:28) - Eagle (mightiest flying animal)  Sea creatures? A sea smooth as glass (v 6; cf. Dan 7:2-3)  “Eyes all around” (v 8; cf. Ezek 10:12) – unceasing vigilance, see/know everything

5 The Worship:  “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty”  Separate and “other” from creation  “You are worthy... created all things... have their being”  God is creator and sustainer of the universe and all its creatures.  24 Elders lay down their crowns before the throne  The crowns belong to God. Given as a gift.

6  The key to the unravelling of history  Writing on both sides  Sealed with 7 seals  No-one worthy to open the scroll  In our day: Character - vs - Competence

7  Lion of Judah (Gen 49:9), Root of David (2 Sam 7:12- 16; Isa 11:10)  The Lion is a Slain Lamb  The victory of God is won by service, faithfulness, sacrifice.  “Worthy” (v 9, 12)  “Because you were slain”  Bought (Redeemed) the people of God from every tribe, language, people.  Shares the praise of the Father (v 13)

8  Ultimate rule belongs to God  He controls the ultimate end of History  The church will triumph and be victorious through sacrifice & faithfulness  The “sevenfold Spirit” is “sent out into all the earth” (5:6)


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