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Program of Accelerated Education For At Risk Students PACE.

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Presentation on theme: "Program of Accelerated Education For At Risk Students PACE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Program of Accelerated Education For At Risk Students PACE

2 Classroom Expectations PACE is a school of choice which means that you asked to come here for a reason. In order to achieve your goals, you must agree to follow the expectations outlined in this presentation. I am here to help you reach your goal of graduation. You are here to work toward that goal. That means doing what is asked of you, by cooperating and by having a positive attitude.

3 You are to sign in when you enter the classroom and sign out when leaving. As a matter of common courtesy, please do not leave without saying good-bye to your teacher. If you need to leave the room for any reason, please obtain permission before leaving your seat and let your teacher know where you are headed and when you plan to return. Classroom Expectations

4 Avoid taking too many breaks while you are working in one class. If you leave the room more than 3 times in one day, for any reason, you will not be permitted to return to this class. Classroom Expectations

5 Computers are to be used for school assignments only. Do not visit unapproved websites. You may not use your computer to play music. In addition, nothing is to be plugged into the computer. Please refer to the Responsible Use Policy posted on the computer. All of these expectations will be outlined in the AUP assignment which is the first assignment in all computer classes.

6 Classroom Expectations There will be no horseplay or foul language in any area while at school. There will be no “breaks.” No hanging out in the hallway or the restroom. You need to be in class working on your academics. Do not enter any classroom and cause a disruption for any teacher or students working. If you are not there to work on a specific class, do not even enter any classroom.

7 Classroom Expectations Treat your teachers and classmates with courtesy and respect. Do not touch anything that does not belong to you. You are expected to wear your identification badge at all times. You must also follow the PACE Dress Code. If you are out of dress code, you will be asked to go to the PACE office.

8 Classroom Expectations Students are permitted to bring cell phones to school. However, displaying, turning on, or using a cellular telephone (or any other electronic communication device) on school property during the school day is prohibited. See page DM-14 of the Humble ISD Parent/Student Handbook for district policy that governs cell phone use. Campus staff discovering a student in violation of this policy shall report the infraction to the appropriate school administrator. The device will be confiscated and parents can claim the phone after paying a $15 fee.

9 Classroom Expectations Food and Drinks are not to be in the computer lab. You may eat and drink in the PACE office. (You may have a bottle of water as long as you keep the cap on it. Since you do not carry books to class, back packs or large bags are not permitted.

10 Classroom Expectations Your first priority is learning and growing, not how fast you can finish or what is the easiest way out. Your teachers do not want to hear, “How long is this going to take?” or “Which class is the easiest?” These questions will create the wrong impression to your teachers. Therefore...........

11 Classroom Expectations You are expected to do your assignments properly. Read every module and read every instruction very carefully. Do not rush. Do not guess. If you do not read, you will not learn. If you do not learn, you will do it over again. Do it properly the first time. In other words... “haste makes waste.”

12 Classroom Expectations You MUST take notes while working. Notes will help you to reinforce what you have read. Notes help you to focus on the important material you have just learned. Some teacher may allow you to use your notes when completing your assignments. Many teachers will ask you to turn in notes.

13 Classroom Expectations You may not exempt any section. Exemptions may apply to students taking this course for recovery of lost credits, you are taking this class for original credit, therefore, you must master all material.

14 Classroom Expectations If you are having a bad day and you are unable to work or if you are off task and/or giving the teachers any trouble, you will be asked to go work on your other class or clock out. Remember, I am here to help you succeed. If you are having any problems, please feel free to discuss them with me. If I cannot help you, please talk to your PACE advisor.

15 Questions? If you have any questions, NOW is the time to ask. You are responsible for knowing this information and for following these expectations. There are consequences for failure to follow the rules of this program. Welcome and Good Luck to You!

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