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Speed, Flexibility, & Agility
4/15/2017 5:45 AM 21st Century Marine Corps Speed, Flexibility, & Agility …Globally Today’s Marine Corps is well positioned for the current conflict in many respects. Evolutionary developments like maritime prepositioning and the Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) programs, initiated in the mid-1980s, have served the Marine Corps and the nation well in recent and current expeditionary operations. These achievements have been reinforced by significant conceptual development efforts in the 1990s, particularly Operational Maneuver From the Sea. Today’s expeditionary Corps is both ready and relevant to current demands. We can win today’s battles but we must always strive to defeat our Nation’s future foes. Thus, we must continue to ensure that we are responsive to new threats and opportunities. As a result, this is a unique opportunity to ensure that the Corps is prepared to nimbly meet future the operational challenges of an adaptive enemy. The increased demand for speed, flexibility and agility in the present security environment must be provided by tomorrow’s Marine forces. Accordingly, the USMC must develop future capabilities to meet these operational demands. At the center of our efforts is the 21st Century Marine, built on our tradition of excellence, and more capable than ever. Operating on asymmetric battlefields against intelligent and adaptive foes, the 21st Century Marine will be called upon to make decisions more rapidly, across an expanded range of operational environments. Version 7.0
Challenges Concepts Capabilities
4/15/2017 5:45 AM Exploiting Our Edge We are building tomorrow’s Marine Corps upon our enduring ethos: Warfighting excellence Combined Arms MAGTFs Expeditionary culture in tandem with our Navy partners First to Fight While the Marine Corps has a role to play in meeting Catastrophic, and even Disruptive challenges, our most likely and highest payoff area of engagement lies in that gray area encompassing the intersection of Traditional and Irregular operations. The ingrained aggressiveness of Marines leads to an emphasis on speed, encapsulated by the motto “First to Fight” with Marines prepared to be most ready, when the Nation might be least ready. The flexibility of our expeditionary MAGTFs enhances our operational speed while offering a wide array of options on how we might employ forces to meet any number of both expected and unanticipated contingencies. Finally, the agility of our forces are enhanced by the self-confidence of our well trained and educated Marines who are sure of themselves, their leaders and the equipment they rely on for success and survival. Agility also stems from a tradition of fighting “Small Wars”, and the selection and education of small unit leaders who “think on their feet”, and adapt faster than the enemy. The very nature of USMC MAGTFs, and our advanced operational concepts will enable Marine forces to adapt and move seamlessly from one operational domain to another. “Our forces in the next century must be agile, lethal, readily deployable, and require a minimum of logistical support. We must be able to project our power over long distances, in days or weeks, rather than months” President G.W. Bush Challenges Concepts Capabilities
Challenges Concepts Capabilities
4/15/2017 5:45 AM Sharpening the Sword Strategic Challenges inform our Concepts Warfighting Concepts frame our Capabilities Relevant Capabilities define our Contribution to the Nation The concept-based force development process seeks to capitalize on the experience, ingenuity, and intellectual energy of Marines and our partners in Government, Industry, and Academia to observe, analyze, and anticipate change in order to best position the Marine Corps to excel in a fluid environment. Anticipated challenges, as well as perceived opportunities generate thought, which is the first step in concept development. It is our perception and understanding of those challenges and opportunities that guide and inform our concepts which in turn frame our future capabilities. A rigorous program of study, debate, experimentation and analysis leads, over time, to a list of capabilities that will be required to meet the challenges addressed by the concept. It is through the development of those capabilities that we define our contribution to National Defense and ensure we can wrest the initiative away from our enemies. We live in a world of continuous, rapid change so this process never stops. Some of the concepts addressed in the brief have been evolving for well over a decade, while others are of recent origin. Regardless of origin, our concepts must either be conceived as, or in the case of more mature concepts converted through, a capabilities-based assessment of future needs. This means we must focus on defeating a broad array of potential capabilities employed by any number of adversaries, rather than fixating on who those adversaries are, and where they may threaten U.S. interests. Challenges Concepts Capabilities
Complex mix of non-traditional & traditional threats
4/15/2017 5:45 AM Strategic Landscape The Irregular Threats A global radical Islamist insurgency Asymmetric warfare fought by decentralized groups of terrorists Exploitation of failed and failing states—intrastate conflicts The Traditional Threats Regional powers with conventional and (some) nuclear capability Continued instability created by interstate conflicts Our challenge in this new century is a difficult one. It’s really to prepare to defend our nation against the unknown, the uncertain and what we have to understand will be the unexpected. SecDef D. H. Rumsfeld It is impossible to predict the precise nature of future challenges, but it is fair to say that the world has not reached the end of history in which liberal democracy reigns supreme. We have instead entered a period of dynamic and increasingly dangerous instability. Never has the gap between the world’s winners and losers, those states which provide their populations hope for a better future verses those which offer only misery and oppression, been greater. Never have the people of the world been more aware of the reality of that gulf. And never have small groups of non- and trans-state actors been able to produce as much chaos as they can today. The dynamics of a global economy, transnational threats, and internal ethnic strike all place tremendous strains on weak governments without the tools to take effective action. These strains will continue to be exacerbated by the messianic messages of media savvy firebrands preaching any manner of authoritarian creed, whether it be Marxist, Fascist, radical Islamist or a home-grown creed that meets the immediate needs of an emerging despot. Of particular interest today is the phenomena of militant, radical Islam in which extreme, exclusionary interpretations of that religion are used to promote an aggressively intolerant political and social agenda. Today’s global Islamist insurgency seeks to draw upon local grievances and conflicts, infuse them with a radical Islamist ideology, integrate them into a global network of similarly aggrieved peoples, and apply the tactics of terrorism, subversion, and propaganda to overthrow the status quo. As the War on Terror continues to unfold we must also be cognizant of the fact that rivalries, and conflict, between regional powers is still very much a part of the international landscape. So long as the actions of states continue to be driven by the the very human instincts for self preservation, wealth and mastery we cannot rule out inter-state conflict. This complex mix of non-traditional and traditional threats is the backdrop for Marine Corps combat development efforts. Complex mix of non-traditional & traditional threats
Emerging Security Challenges
4/15/2017 5:45 AM Emerging Security Challenges Developing Balanced Capabilities Non-Traditional … Traditional Irregular Disruptive Traditional Catastrophic Marine Corps Operational Domain Though it is inherently difficult to gauge future security challenges with precision, today’s security landscape suggests that it will be perplexing and dynamically unstable. Recent combat operations suggest a shift towards the more complex Contested Zones. These zones include the dense urban jungles and the congested littorals where the majority of the world’s population and economic activity is centered. They also include other forms of complex terrain including mountain sanctuaries. Marines have faced adversaries in these environments in Mogadishu, the Tora Bora, and in Fallujah. Adversaries realize their relative impotence in conventional force-on-force operations, and are making a corresponding effort to draw U.S. forces into an arena where U.S. conventional capability and technological edge are blunted. A part of this dynamic is the presence of increasingly sophisticated opponents, able to employ sometimes crude but often highly effective unconventional tactics and techniques. As seen in Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq, these complex adversaries will adopt tactics and modes of operations in an attempt to offset their conventional disadvantages, and engage U.S. forces in the Contested Zones. Challenges Concepts Capabilities
Challenges Concepts Capabilities
4/15/2017 5:45 AM Sharpening the Sword Strategic Challenges inform our Concepts Warfighting Concepts frame our Capabilities Relevant Capabilities define our Contribution to the Nation Now we can turn to subject of concepts. We employ what is known as a concepts based requirements system to development and refine future warfighting needs. The Marines have a substantial history of innovation, and have experimented and developed some of the Nation’s most noted military breakthoughs. We have accomplished this by scanning future security challenges and applying a prudent mix of technology to exploit the opportunities it offers to increase our flexibility and effectiveness. We have sought to cultivate a spirit or ethos of continuous evolution and discovery in our combat development efforts, always challenging our assumptions and current capabilities against a dynamic and changing security projection. As we continue to forge a future Marine, we develop a constellation of concepts to ensure we remain responsive to future needs and meet the challenges of the next battlefield. Challenges Concepts Capabilities
Warfighting Concepts Challenges Concepts Capabilities
4/15/2017 5:45 AM Warfighting Concepts Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare (EMW) Operational Maneuver From the Sea (OMFTS) Ship-to-Objective Maneuver (STOM) Sustained Operations Ashore (SOA) Seabasing Maritime Prepositioning Force (Future) (MPF(F)) Distributed Operations (DO)(DRAFT) EMW Hierarchy of Concepts Here EMW OMFTS STOM FUNCTIONAL CONCEPTS Enhanced Network Seabasing, MPF (F), Info Ops Expeditionary Fires, Logistics, Intell, Mine Countermeasures Beyond C2 SOA DO Capstone Operational Operating The Marine Corps has a rich history of innovation; in amphibious warfare, counterinsurgency operations, close air support, military use of helicopters and vertical/short take off aviation, and maritime prepositioning to name a few. To continue this process of innovation the Marine Corps has developed a body of concepts which are intended to generate discussion, spearhead experimentation, and drive change to meet future challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities. EMW is the Marine Corps capstone concept. It is unique in that it serves as a link between Marine Corps Strategy 21 and our family of Operating, Functional and Enabling Concepts. Operational Maneuver From the Sea. OMFTS links naval and maneuver warfare, doctrine and technological advances in speed, mobility, fire support, communications and navigation to rapidly identify and exploit enemy weaknesses across the spectrum of conflict. Ship-to-Objective Maneuver. STOM applies maneuver warfare concepts to the littoral battlespace, envisioning seamless maneuver from over the horizon directly to objectives deep inland. Sustained Operations Ashore. SOA envisions the MAGTF as a general purpose Operational Maneuver Element executing a series of precise, focused combat actions. Seabasing, Maritime Prepositioning and Distributed Ops will be discussed in some detail later. While there are over a dozen signed concepts in place, the concepts listed on this slide provide the essence of where the Marine Corps is headed in the early 21st century. Some of these concepts are well known and will be addressed only briefly. Challenges Concepts Capabilities
Challenges Concepts Capabilities
4/15/2017 5:45 AM Seabasing The Marine Corps will exploit the US Navy’s command of the sea to project, protect, and sustain integrated joint warfighting capabilities National capability for global force projection Exploits sea as maneuver space 365 days a year Requires tools developed from Naval Capability Pillars Sea Shield, Sea Strike, Sea Base, FORCEnet Navy and Marines pursuing integrated logistics system Enables capabilities of the Joint Force Maximizes effects of forward presence Reduces dependence on vulnerable bases, “steps lightly” on allies and partners Increased options for the President Operational independence for the Regional Combatant Commander (RCC) Exploits Distributed Operations globally across the full range of military operations Challenges Concepts Capabilities
Maritime Prepositioning Force (Future)
4/15/2017 5:45 AM Maritime Prepositioning Force (Future) Rapid power power projection without a permission slip Joint Operations Area FORCEnet Sea Strike Sea B a s e CONUS ESG OBJ MPG Seabasing integrates a wide variety of naval capabilities, including those that provide offense; defense; mobility and sustainment; and command and control - as developed through the four Naval Capability Pillars. This notional scenario depicts how we will assemble a Carrier Strike Group (CSG), Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG), and Maritime Prepositioning Group (MPG) within the Joint Operations Area. This “sea base” provide a “place” for surge forces to flow both to, and through. A set of future “High Speed” platforms will provide the Nation with an option to rapidly initiate Joint Forcible Entry Operations within10-14 days, with a reduced demand on our strategic airlift. CSG High Speed Sealift High Speed Connector Sea Shield A seabased “system of systems” that enables rapid Joint Forcible Entry Ops (JFEO) within days Rapid Joint Forcible Entry (10-14 Days)
Distributed Operations
4/15/2017 5:45 AM Distributed Operations Strategic Across the: Levels of war Strategic, Operational, & Tactical Range of military operations- Shaping & Engagement to Stabilization & Reconstruction (Phase 0 - Phase 4) Domains of the battlespace- Air, Land, Sea, Space, Cyberspace At the strategic and operational level DO enables Naval forces to establish a world-wide presence while simultaneously conducting Phase Zero operations in selected regions. This global posture allows Naval forces to respond rapidly to emerging crises with powerful and sustainable combined arms teams. At the tactical level, the DO can take several forms, based upon the mission, enemy dispositions and the nature of the terrain. DO is predicated on decentralized command and control. It requires situational awareness, autonomy, and increased freedom of action at lower tactical levels, enabling subordinate commanders to compress decision cycles, seize the initiative, and exploit fleeting opportunities. Improved situational awareness, including real time and high fidelity data from dispersed teams, improves the vertical transmission of information. Shared situational awareness, the product of extensive training as well as a common operating picture, accelerates the horizontal integration and mutually supporting actions of spatially dispersed units. Based on this richer, higher resolution intelligence picture, and guided by commander’s intent, distributed forces could aggregate or remain distributed. They will be able to use simultaneous, overwhelming joint firepower against an increasingly confused and paralyzed adversary, allowing the main force access to the battle space. When pockets of adversaries are found, the distributed units could use swarming attacks to defeat them in detail. By attacking from multiple directions, distributed units will be seemingly everywhere. Using fire and maneuver with the benefits of a networked operational picture and combined arms, commanders will present adversary leaders with a rapidly deteriorating situation. MAGTFs with this additional capability will confront the enemy with more threats, seizing the initiative, and forcing our enemies into a more defensive mindset by limiting his options. Tactical Operational
Distributed Operations
4/15/2017 5:45 AM Distributed Operations The Marine Corps of the future will continue to fight as a combined-arms, integrated force. Enhancing the ability to operate in a distributed, networked manner; dispersing or aggregating capabilities against both non- traditional and traditional threats, will provide future Joint Force Commanders an additional method with which to threaten the enemy. An extension of Maneuver Warfare… an additive capability The design, planning, and execution of actions exploiting networked units or capabilities that are separated in space and time in order to apply continuous pressure on an enemy to hasten his defeat. Distributed Operations describes an approach, applicable at both the operational and tactical levels of war, by which a commander alternately disperses and concentrates networked forces to define and shape the battlespace. This “reconnaissance pull” approach seeks to create an enhanced positional, psychological, and temporal advantage over the adversary. A logical extension of our philosophy of maneuver warfare and the body of concepts stemming from OMFTS, Distributed Operations serves as a bridge to expanded operations with other networked joint forces. We execute Distributed Operations in order to… “…Appear ambiguous and threatening…operate on axes that offer numerous courses of action, keeping the enemy unclear as to which we will choose.” Warfighting (MCDP 1)
Challenges Concepts Capabilities
4/15/2017 5:45 AM Sharpening the Sword Strategic Challenges inform our Concepts Warfighting Concepts frame our Capabilities Relevant Capabilities define our Contribution to the Nation Now we can turn to the topic of Capabilities. Future warfighting success is the product of our combat development system, exploiting innovative concepts, appropriate exploitation of technologies and novel organizational structures. The Marines have a rich legacy of innovation, and have experimented and developed some of the Nation’s most noted military innovations. Our approach ensures the timely development of strategically relevant capabilities which define our history and our contribution to the nation’s security. Challenges Concepts Capabilities
Enhanced National Capabilities
4/15/2017 5:45 AM SPMAGTF / MEU Forward-deployed Forces Persistent: Provide an agile & networked sea-based force for shaping & engagement – Continuous Immediate: Generate and exploit actionable intelligence, employ joint fires, establish JTF C2 – Within Hours Prepositioned & Surged Forces Rapid: Execute Joint Forcible Entry, enabling follow-on Joint Force operations – Within Days Decisive: Achieving operational level objectives with sustainable force; reconstituting and reemploying – Within Weeks MEU MEB This overarching vision describes how future naval forces offer a flexible range of modular and scalable force packages that better provide immediate response and reinforcing capabilities needed by the Combatant Commanders. The vision offers an enhanced capability to support the Combatant Commander through Phase Zero engagement and, in the early stage of a crisis, by enabling the stand up of the JTF command element in theater. In this scenario the MAGTF provides initial intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance and enables the introduction and operations of Joint forces, to include special operations forces. Forward deployed ESG with MEU(SOC)s will provide the capability for Immediate Response, whether in generating or exploiting actionable intelligence, employing organic and/or joint fires, or establishing a command and control capability. The rapid deployment of a MPF(F) MEB will enable the rapid execution of joint forcible entry operations, further enabling and sustaining follow on joint force operations ashore. The MEB will be organized, trained and equipped to prosecute operations across the full range of military activities. The MEF, with much of its administrative and logistics tail afloat in an offshore sea base, will conduct decisive operations. Once operational level objectives are secured the MEF will reconstitute and redeploy, ready for the next contingency. MEF Shaping & Engagement Major Combat Operations Stabilization & Reconstruction Challenges Concepts Capabilities
Exploiting Technology
4/15/2017 5:45 AM Exploiting Technology LHA(R) Conducts flight ops 24 hours per day for 6 days (obj) Can operate with composite RW/TR/FW ACE or JSF alone Either 23 JSF or 28 MV-22 or other aircraft mix 23 JSF = 100% CAS coverage at surge rate to 200NM Enables higher mission capable rate for MV-22 Optimized for aviation operations MPF(F) Enables Rapid employment timeline (10 – 14 days) Sized to preposition & selectively offload 2015 MEB Capable of independent employment or with ESG/CSG Aviation ordnance stowage/handling/arming Survivability enhanced by Sea Shield Capable of Joint Forcible Entry when integrated with ESG / CSG Connectors Inter-and Intra Theater CONUS to Advance Base / Sea Base Fills the Strategic Airlift gap Assault Connectors Land surface assault Bn in one 8-10 hour period of darkness Sea base to objective tactical resupply MV-22 JSF To realize the Marine Aviation operational vision a number of technological enhancements are required. The enhanced capabilities of the LHA (R) and a new generation of Maritime Prepositioning Ships, complemented by a family of high speed connectors, will dramatically increase the capabilities and utility of future sea bases, expanding the range of options for the NCA. Fielding of the MV-22 and JSF will extend the range and flexibility of future MAGTFs while a host of improved communications, navigational, targeting and data processing tools will enhance the capabilities of Marine units from the squad to the MEF level. EFV MERS
Naval Logistics Integration/Modernization
4/15/2017 5:45 AM Naval Logistics Integration/Modernization Navy and Marine Corps moving beyond logistic interoperability to seek integration of Service logistics processes in order to optimize support to daily operations and sea-basing Marine logistics modernization will improve tactical/operational logistics support to MAGTF. Tailor-made to support EMW and Future Joint Operating Concepts. Integrated approach--People, Processes, and Technology People Technology Processes With the signing of a Terms of Reference in July 2003, the two Logistics Chiefs of the Naval Services have embarked on a coordinated program to improve future naval logistics that moves well beyond mere interoperability and seeks Naval Logistics Integration in its fullest sense. The implications from this effort will be both far-reaching and significant. The impact is already visible. We are changing today via logistic processes to optimize support to daily operations aboard the Expeditionary Strike Groups (ESGs) and in our steps to prepare for future Sea-Basing with the introduction of the MPF-F. The Marine Corps has a vision of the future that requires fundamental changes in the way we provide logistics support to our MAGTFs. Our MAGTF’s logistics (ground and aviation) will be part of Naval Logistics and move from being platform-centric to a logistic capability that is process-centric at sea…or on land. Our own logistics modernization program is also crucial to improving our tactical and operational support to our MAGTFs. This modernization program is tailor made to support Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and the emerging Joint Operating Concepts. Logistics Modernization is a three-prong effort that seeks to - modernize our people through logistics chain oriented education and change management, - modernize logistics processes by adopting a logistics chain management approach that integrates supply, maintenance and distribution - modernize technology through acquisition and fielding of Global Combat Support System Marine Corp (GCSS-MC)
Every Marine a Rifleman…and more “Raising the Bar” across the Corps
The 21st Century Marine 4/15/2017 5:45 AM Every Marine a Rifleman…and more Leadership Increased decision-making ability/authority Training & Education Historical & cultural perspectives More complex skill sets Intensive tactical training Equipment Enhancing lethality Marine Expeditionary Rifle Squad System Closing the “Digital Divide” No innovation is relevant if it cannot be fully exploited by our forward deployed combat Marines. To ensure that our Marines have the knowledge, skills and abilities to gain full advantage of the tools at their disposal and prevail against a ruthless, adaptive foe, we will have to make sure that we make Marines who are up to the challenge. Though there are many pieces to this puzzle, three areas of emphasis stand out. Small unit leadership, particularly at the NCO level, will have to be improved. This will require more intense NCO training with an emphasis on weapons, tactics and communications, giving them the tools to be effective on a joint/combined/interagency distributed battlespace. Advanced training in decision making, accompanied by increased authority and responsibility, will also be required. Training & Education will have to expand to meet the challenges outlined in the strategic landscape. One very important piece of this will be language and cultural training for all officers and NCOs. While this will be extremely difficult to implement, the payoff in the “small wars” of the future will be invaluable, both in enhancing the effectiveness of our deployed forces. Another need is that of increased schooling in “small wars” – counter insurgency, counter terror, coalition operations, and interagency issues to name a few. We’ll also need expanded training for urban operations. Training must include the traditional topics of weapons, tactics and communications. As for equipment, we need to close the “digital divide” by providing immediate digital access to relevant information at all levels, from JTF Commander to Squad Leader. Additionally, night vision devices, Position Location Indicators/ Identification Friend-or-Foe, beyond line of sight/on the move communications packages; and light weight, targeting devices are just some of the tools that will give our small units what they need to win on tomorrow’s distributed battlefield. “It is our leaders – from our most junior, especially our non-commissioned officers, …– who have kept the Corps successful and victorious.” General M.W. Hagee “Raising the Bar” across the Corps
Enhanced Marine Corps Capabilities
4/15/2017 5:45 AM Enhanced Marine Corps Capabilities Preserving our unique ethos We will not change what we do… “ Our most effective weapon remains the individual Marine who out-learns, out-thinks, and out-fights any adversary.” General M. W. Hagee … We will change how we do it Though flexible and adaptive, Marines draw a real distinction between faddish change for change’s sake, and change grounded in our core competencies and expeditionary ethos, informed by a thoughtful understanding of evolving circumstances and opportunities. It is this unflinching focus that will allow the Marine Corps to build upon our considerable success and project capabilities that will be required to meet future challenges. Our warfighting concepts will outline the way ahead as we innovate for the future, producing the highly competent 21st Century Marine and exploiting the emerging technologies that will make our future Marines even more competent and capable than they are today. Innovating for the future 21st Century Marine Exploiting Technology Challenges Concepts Capabilities
The 21st Century Marine Corps
4/15/2017 5:45 AM The 21st Century Marine Corps Building on our ethos and ensuring continued warfighting excellence Fulfilling need for: Speed – in execution Flexibility – in organization, logistical support, and employment Agility – in thought and intellect Prepared to: Prevail in the war on terrorism Persistently engage globally and respond immediately Decisively engage both traditional and irregular threats The 21st Century Marine Corps must continue to serve the country as its predecessors have, with a laser like focus on the warfighting excellence of the individual Marine and combined arms MAGTFs. As we transform to this higher level of warfighting excellence, we will carefully preserve our ethos and core values. We will build on these strengths and ensure we remain a responsive and respected national security instrument that is trusted by our allies and partners, interoperable with our Joint partners and Sister Services, and feared by our Nation’s enemies. Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom have ushered in a new era of “Small Wars.” The implications of failed and failing states, the growing power and influence of technologically competent non-state actors, and the high stakes of not “getting it right, quickly” places a heavy burden on U.S. military forces. Our enhanced speed, flexibility and agility will ensure we can meet future challenges. MAGTFs will continue to provide agile, flexible and responsive combined arms forces to Joint Force Commanders. Tomorrow’s MAGTFs will be able to lead at each level, either from CONUS or from an unobtrusive sea base offshore, must contribute to the Joint fight and ensure we are prepared to. Prevail in the war on terrorism Persistently engage globally and respond immediately Decisively engage against both traditional and irregular threats Ultimately, the individual Marine is the core element of our transformation, and the capability in which we place our trust and the future of the Corps. We will produce and equip a 21st Century Marine imbued with a warrior ethos, armed with the skills and modern capabilities to prevail against traditional and irregular foes.
Recommended Reading Naval Transformation Roadmap
4/15/2017 5:45 AM Recommended Reading Naval Transformation Roadmap Naval Operating Concept National Military Strategy Joint Operations Concept Seapower 21 Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare Ship to Objective Maneuver Sustained Operations Ashore Maritime Prepositioning Force (Future) (being updated) Enhanced Networked Seabasing Distributed Operations (in-work) Strategic Planning Guidance (Classified) Major Combat Ops JOC JFEO JIC Urban JOC (forthcoming) Military Operations On Urbanized Terrain Seabasing JIC
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