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LOCKS OF LOVE They say beauty is only skin deep…but emotional trauma from hair loss can last a lifetime.

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Presentation on theme: "LOCKS OF LOVE They say beauty is only skin deep…but emotional trauma from hair loss can last a lifetime."— Presentation transcript:

1 LOCKS OF LOVE They say beauty is only skin deep…but emotional trauma from hair loss can last a lifetime.

2 Why does this program exist? Some say beauty is only skin deep, but in a society such as ours which places tremendous value on appearances, the loss of one’s hair is like losing part of one’s identity.

3 Why do we donate? As donors we know that our hair will grow back. Our change is temporary, while for some of the recipients of the hairpieces, the hair loss which they’ve experienced is permanent. Our change is a bit frightening, but our experience as donors cannot compare to the what the children suffering from permanent hair loss feel.

4 What is Locks of Love? Locks of Love is a not-for-profit organization that provides hairpieces to children 18 years and younger in the US and Canada suffering from any type of medical hair loss. The custom fitted hair prosthetics are provided free of charge or on a sliding scale based on the Board of Directors guidelines.

5 Who benefits? Any child who is suffering from medical hair loss can be referred. Children from families whose annual income is under $100,000 are considered.

6 The Hairpieces Each hairpiece is made from donated human hair. It takes 6-10 ponytails to make one hairpiece Recipients are able to choose skin tone, hair color, and length. All pieces are delivered long, so the recipient may style it to compliment their facial features.

7 The Hairpieces Because of the vacuum seal technology, only the wearer of the hairpiece may remove it. Children can swim, shower, and engage in sports without fear of being stared at or losing their hairpiece. The retail price of each hairpiece is $3500- $6000

8 All of the following salons are offering their services free to today’s donors Creative Hair & Nail Hair Hysteria by Judy Gingerich Holiday Hair 282 Gettysburg Kelli Kuhn Hair Salon Michelangelo’s Hair Salon Old Glory/ Martin Menges PJ’s Hair Salon, Dillsburg PJ’s Hair Works, York Springs

9 Acknowledgements Thank you to the high school administration for allowing Interact club to sponsor this assembly. Thank you to all of the hair stylists for donating their time and talents today. Thank you to the donors who gave a part of themselves to help others.

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