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*Lean Operations and the Toyota Production System C&T 10 *aka Just-in-Time or the Toyota Production System.

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Presentation on theme: "*Lean Operations and the Toyota Production System C&T 10 *aka Just-in-Time or the Toyota Production System."— Presentation transcript:

1 *Lean Operations and the Toyota Production System C&T 10 *aka Just-in-Time or the Toyota Production System

2 Just In Time More than just low inventory JIT goals: –Exactly what is needed –Exactly how much is needed –Exactly when it is needed –Exactly where it is needed. Achieved by: –eliminating disruptions –making the system flexible –eliminating waste

3 Batch Sizing $ Q 0

4 7 Wastes 1.Defects 2.Too much product 3.Carrying inventory 4.Waiting 5.Unnecessary processing 6.Unnecessary worker movement 7.Transporting materials

5 The Four Rules 1.How people work 2.How people connect 3.How the production line is constructed 4.How to improve Decoding the DNA of the Toyota Production System, Spear & Bowen, Harvard Business Review, 9/10 1999 pp. 96-106.

6 Cellular Layouts Product vs. process layout –Transportation –Transfer batch –Communication –Feedback

7 5S Seiri 整理 Sort Seiton 整頓 Set in order Seiso 清掃 Shine Seiketsu 清潔 Standardize Shitsuke 躾 Sustain

8 Visual Systems Kanbans Andons Footprinting & shadow boards Color coding

9 Worker Training Teams Cross-training Quality Circles Kaizen Process quality

10 Lot Size Reduction JIT production Less inventory in the system Higher quality finished goods Fewer rework labor hours Heightened awareness of problems and causes Reduced buffer inventories and/or workers Less Material Waste Scrap/quality Control Less indirect costs for inventory Ideas for improving JIT performance Ideas for cutting lot sizes Ideas for controlling defects Less material, labor & indirect = higher productivity Less inventory = faster response, less admin & better forecasting Fast feedback on defects Smoother Output Rates Schonberger’s JIT diagram

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